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sallyhails's Guestbook

twinkletoeJun 7, 2008

\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: Good to have you back\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: Hubby is home and safe and well. I've been working on the quilt. So I haven't have time to play Sims. Plus my son had his preschool graduation last night. I have to try and finish the quilt tomarrow so I can have some freetime to sim. I don't think I will making any more quilts anytime soon. This has been too time consuming. How was your and Martin's time off? What did you do? How are the rains?

twinkletoeJun 6, 2008

Just dropping in to say hi. I hope you are having fun.\:D

qvisnJun 3, 2008

Jane has reached 200,000 downloads\:rah\:

cariadbachJun 3, 2008

\:\) That will be nice for you and Martin to have time to explore your new home. Have fun, shall look forward to hearing about your adventures, take care, see you\:\)

Ame-CJun 2, 2008

Hi Sally, sorry for only getting back to you now, thank you for your kind comment on my contemporary house. It was nice seeing yours too, and so many rooms, I can see you did a great effort with the windows to match them up. Well done. Take care. A.\:rah\: \:rah\:

qvisnJun 2, 2008

I dont live in Wales but i am going there for a week in August, cant wait.\:rah\: I live in England very close to London Luton airport which is useful when we are going abroad. I must make the most of today because i am on a course tommorow all day, i wont know anyone there so im a bit nervous about it,I hope its not too boring and i can stay awake, i often have a nap in the afternoon.\:D

twinkletoeJun 2, 2008

Worked 7 hours on a quilt today and finished the top of it.Now I just need to add the batting and the back and binding and tie it. Truth be told I wish I could have been simming instead. The quilt will be a lovely gift though. Off to bed, it's my son's turn to sleep with me.

cariadbachJun 2, 2008

\:\) They must be bad down South as we have had a lovely week-end in Wales. Even had a BBQ last night. I have been so busy reading your guest book entries I have forgotten what I was going say\:P Thats old age for you, Ill be back later if I remember what it was\:D

qvisnJun 1, 2008

I have just put the heating on, i have been for a walk along the canal to warm me up but im still cold. Where's our summer.\:D

qvisnJun 1, 2008

I hope the horror stories are not true\:eek\: How will you manage to visit Sam in the rains, will it be too hard to do or can you still manage it. I hope today is good for you, im cold.\:P

twinkletoeJun 1, 2008

Off to bed with my daughter. She wants to sleep with mom tonight as dad is gone. Hopefully I'll talk to you tomarrow. Did you have a good day on your own? \:wub\: Twinks

hiedibear75Jun 1, 2008

In the US Disney has 2 locations (don't know about them in any other country \:confused\: ); Disney World is in Orlando Florida (it's the peninsula state on our SE corner), Disney Land is in Los Angeles California (a city in LA Anaheim but I thought you'd MIGHT have heard of Los Angeles \;\) ). Disney Land has been open for just over 50yrs....I don't know about Disney World. Mom took my lil sister on a trip across America to see the sights of our country including several theme parks ans monuments Summer of 89. We live in a city only a few hrs drive from Disney Land so many people who live in Southern California have gone to Disney LAND. One of the places we went was Disney World & Epcot Center(sp?)we found that Disney WORLD was more about the shows and parades and 2x as many shops & LESS rides than OUR Disney Land......oh yeah & the lines were also twice as long. I had to sit in line like everyone else in those days (now I'm disabled so I go in the exit and bypass much of the waiting \:ph34r\: in the US physically disabled people don't generally go through the lines we go in the exits and our party is given priority \:P ). Now Disney Land also has a new next door neighbor........Disney's California Adventure.\:cool\: I told twinkletoes all about it.\;\) Uh hope that sorts out the U.S. Disney confusion.\:D LOL Take care.\:wub\:

qvisnJun 1, 2008

Hi Sally, How are you, i see you have been creating, welcome back to the fun and work.Thanks for commenting on my cheater pic.\:P Hope you are not flooded yet, i bet you will be out paddling after all the heat.\:D

cariadbachMay 31, 2008

\:\) Me again, I see you have completed another challenge\:rah\: \:rah\:

cariadbachMay 31, 2008

\:\) Just popping in to say hello as Martin is away. Have you been able to entertain yourself all day. I quite like to have days on my own but not nights as there is no one to warm my feet on\:P Mind you ,where you are I bet your feet don't get cold. Hope you have had a fun day, see you \:\)

twinkletoeMay 31, 2008

Sorry I got so tired I just checked out without even letting you know. Then I laid in bed and tossed and turned\:eek\: I was overtired. Disneyland in California is the original Disneyland. Some of the rides are from the 1950's. Still no luck on where to stay. Maybe I should ask Heidibear and Karie.\:D

hiedibear75May 31, 2008

I've been to both DisneyLand AND DisneyWorld......DisneyLand is WA-HAY BETTER (& not just cuz it's in my home state). More rides and although there are a few less shows and parades at Land vs. World......if you want to sit in the hot sun sitting on a curb for 3+hrs so you can see a 10 min parade you can do some of that too.\:P

twinkletoeMay 31, 2008

We are looking at Disneyland in California in October. I've never been to Disney World in Florida but it looks fun. It is so confusing to try to figure out where to stay and what the best deals are and how to get transport from the hotel to the airport and so on. I don't mean to make you yawn with the details. It just seems that as soon as I decided where I'm staying I end up changing my mind again. I told Mike I would decided on the hotel while he was gone. What was I thinking. Maybe I'll just tell him that we are going to stay in the most expensive hotel and them watch him choke and figure it out on his own.LOL Yikes It will be interesting to see if I end up with my answer before he comes back. So Martin gets talky, well that can be hard to take sometimes. My hubby and my son are chatty with any alcohol. Thank goodnes Mike doesn't drink and my son is too young\:eek\: What have you planned for today?

twinkletoeMay 31, 2008

LOL That sounds like that has been entertaining. Dang it's maintenace time. I'm up looking at Disneyland hotels. If it's not a long Maintenance time I'll check back in.

twinkletoeMay 31, 2008

I'm still here. I'm going to try to work on the quilt for my daughter's teacher. That is why I need the fabric marker. I've found that you can't really see the kids faces that well unless you fill them in so I have been trying to fill them in. What have you been doing?

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