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sallyhails's Guestbook

twinkletoeMay 12, 2008

Hello\:D I've missed ya I think. I was away from the laptop for a while. My daughter was up and having bad dreams and she had a few things going on with her earlier. I'm so bummed\:\( We need to catch up. I\:\( I'll keep trying the next few days so don't give up on me. What have you been doing? I'll formulate my activities and write tomarrow so you can have it to read when come on here next.\:wub\:

twinkletoeMay 12, 2008

Hello to you! I got home and was very tired.But i am fine now. Send me a note.\:D

qvisnMay 11, 2008

It will be like xmas gone wrong, opening presents and some are empty.\:eek\: Dont worry about your sim getting old, you can always get her to drink the green stuff.\:P Have a great week.\:D

qvisnMay 11, 2008

Are you still having trouble with Hannah and the skunk, do you have your seasons all set on summer, thats when the skunk comes oround, and at night, dont let her sleep all may miss it. keep motives maxed. And you thopught having your PC back would make you happy.\:P

cinderellimouseMay 10, 2008

Ok!!! Ok!!! I've bowed under the pressure!!! \:P I've put a pic up on my page! You'll be sorry when your computer screen breaks!!! \:eek\: It was taken a while ago when we went on a day out! I climbed that big hill you can see in the background to get to a castle!!! I think I was predending to be Audrey Hepburn or something with my scarf and big sunnies! \:cool\: Ha ha! Actually, I didn't have suntan lotion on and I was worried about my scalp burning so I wrapped my scarf around my noggin'. \:o

Gumby_GirlMay 10, 2008

Hi there Sally, how's things over your side of the world? How is the simming going, are you getting through the challenges? lol your comment re: your hubby. One of my friends said if she ever met the creators of World of Warcraft she would strangle them \:eek\: Her boyfriend spends more time playing that then spending time with her. She's not really a games person, I did show her Sims2 but she doesn't have a long attention span when it comes to games. If she isn't winning she won't play anymore \:D \;\) I hope you are well and having a great weekend. Good luck with those challenges \:\) Take care - Louise

cariadbachMay 10, 2008

\:\) Hi Sally good to hear from you. I was hoping when your Sims arrived it would help you with your grief over Sam, its going to take a long time so hang on in there. Our neighbour in Spain has lost her dog . Rosie is a little sausage dog . They went to visit their daughter in Australia left the dog with some other neighbours and she has been lost now for six weeks. We have had search parties but cant find her . As you can imagine they are devastated. Do you think you will have another dog or is it too early yet. Do they have dogs where you are , are they treated like pets or just left to roam. Not so sunny here in Wales , but still warm. I was quite pleased to see some rain yesterday as it gave me a break from the garden. Aled went to his May Ball last night so am waiting for him to send me some drunken photos\:P Have a good day , see you\:\)

twinkletoeMay 9, 2008

Good morning to you. I off to bed early tonight. We have an early morning meeting and need to get kids off to school. I'll be heading to my trip tomarrow\:D I'll be back Sat night or your Sun morning.\:D Chat at ya then.\:wub\: Twinks

cinderellimouseMay 8, 2008

Hiya! Sorry if I got you worried!!! I went to Ireland to visit family and I thought I'd still be able to come on the site using their computer but the internet connection was soooooooooo slow!!! I managed to get on the site, do a poll and say congrats to Illiana for becoming a SA and that was it! No more computee! I'm back now though to join in the fun and games!!! \:D \:D \:D I'm not putting a picture of myself up!!! I like the rumors! \:wub\: \:D No, seriously, I will put a picture up but I need to find a nice one (nice ones are hard to come by, I'm NOT photogenic!) \:D

cariadbachMay 8, 2008

\:\) Morning Sally, just remembered its your week-end so you might not be on your computer. Don't know what we have done to deserve this lovely weather we are having , I hope this week is not our summer\:P I was hoping for some rain this morning so I could have a rest and come and play on here:PI keep checking to see if you have completed another challenge, are you stuck \:\) Enjoy your day-See you\:\)

twinkletoeMay 8, 2008

Yes nt=== oops my hubby didd get the sink in. I've descided to leave the typos for your entertainment\;\) The countre is don and the sink is in the only thing left is sealing the tiel oops tile.\;\)

twinkletoeMay 8, 2008

Not sure what time you were around. It is 11:00 here. I just got back from my young mothers bi'monthly social event. And yes we have drinks there. The theme was Cinco de Mayo, more mexican food for me and margaritas. It is an interesting group of women. I don't always feel comfortable there. It could be like watching the show the bacholar with out the man. Groups of women can be dangerous. sorry fro any typos \:D What are your plans for the day and you never answered me if you were working on creating your house yet. Twinks taps her fingers\;\)

twinkletoeMay 7, 2008

It was just fine. Sorry I missed you\:\( Had an early morning today. You'll be enjoying your weekend when you wake up.\;\) Hope to see ya around\:D I'll be gone on my Friday and Saturday to the Circ du Solie and Seattle. I'm looking forward to it.\:wub\: Twinks

tinkerbell7716May 6, 2008

\:rah\: \:D thanks for signing my guest book.

cariadbachMay 6, 2008

\:\) Have caught up on your news from Twinks page\;\) I sent my Sim on a hike and the skunk came home with her and did the deed\:P Have posted an update from the bird box in my blog. At least six of the eggs have hatched, a busy time in the box for the next few days\:D

twinkletoeMay 6, 2008

I use splenda now too but have been known to have sugar with my daughter. Sounds like we take our coffee and tea the same way. I put splenda in the herbals too. We should meet for coffee and tea \:P Thanks for the water tip I forgot to the tap..thanks for the chat\:D I hope you have a wonderful day\:D I think I'm off to bed now\:wub\: Twinks chat ya tomarrow no simming for me tonight. Icould't be that mean to my sims...I could see the hunger line now(empty)

twinkletoeMay 6, 2008

I like tea and coffee. But my coffee needs lots of creamer or something with it. My mom and I used to drink tea all the time with milk and sugar in it. Even when I was little. I still have it that way unless it is a herbal tea. I never had coffee untill I was in my mid 20's It was always tea for me. How do you take your tea? I'll be heading up to bed now. Have you started building your new house? Heh I using my keyboard better\;\) It must have fixed itself\;\)

twinkletoeMay 6, 2008

Yea me to like the fact I forgot that I was supposed to read at church and forgot and I immediately fessed up. That kind of stuff makes me crazy. What kind of coffee did you have with your friends? Do they have espresso?

twinkletoeMay 6, 2008

That's ok I didn't get the barney saying so that tickled my fancy.I am sorry that she broke something though My son broke a heart ornament that my grandmother gave me as a child and it broke my heart.\:\(

twinkletoeMay 6, 2008

Having a bit of a barney? Was it barney the purple dinosaur statue that broke? tee hee I would have been miffed too.

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