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PenelopeT's Guestbook

topaz27Nov 27, 2010

Hi Pene, I so agree with you about how lovely it is how everything revolves around the post office in 'Lark Rise' I really love how they also come together in times of need and my favourite character is Dorcas, she has such a kind and gentle way about her, can't wait for you see series 2, I really felt that it got better as it went along \:\) we are hoping for a new series of 'Lark Rise' soon, I really want to try and catch up with Downton Abbey now, the series is over on the TV, but we have only watched 3  episode's , I think \:confused\: and the rest are all recorded, but I have been so busy simming latley that all our recordings are mounting up \:rolleyes: our first DVD of 'Lost' is now on it's way, the final series, can't wait to be tormented with loads and loads of questions again \:D it drives us silly, but we just love it :P how is the weather over there, we woke up this morning to about 4 inches of snow \:eek\: I was hoping we would escape \:D but no, it got us too \:D I think almost everywhere here in the UK has got snow now, so your putting up your Christmas decorations tomorrow, Yippy Yo, ours will be going up on Wednesday, 1st of Dec \:\) we are so looking forward to that \:\) last night we went for a walk to see the Christmas lights being turned on in our little town, they had stalls all down the middle of the street and we bought some hot roasted chestnuts and just enjoyed listening the the carols etc, it was really lovely, and today we are just staying in, just as well with all the snow \:\) so I am going to sim again, I'm glad you like my pictures of Trenton and Sierra, they really are very sweet \:\) they are still dating, although they are still in my sim bin \:D as I am still working on my last few new sims in uni, then I'll get them all into their new lots etc, and then 'Yeah' your awesome new wonderful house will be coming into play, but who will be moving in........ \;\) :P well my dear friend I hope you have a really wonderful day \:wub\: I'm off to check out your new pictures \:\) chat more tomorrow \;\) take good care and have fun, lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:     

ioname2youNov 26, 2010

thanks for signing my guessbook\:\)

topaz27Nov 26, 2010

Awww Pene, Thanks for all your very kind and sweet comments on my latest screenshots \:wub\:  see you tomorrow \;\)

topaz27Nov 26, 2010

Hi Pene, Happy Friday to you too \:wub\: how was Thanksgiving day, I did a lot of of thanksgiving here for all the good things I do have, including your wonderful friendship \;\) I'm glad you enjoyed the first series of 'Lark Rise to Candleford' the next series gets even better \:\) I love the old post office so much, to think that post office was one of the first post office's and now we are losing them all one by one, it's so sad \:\(  now 'Toy Story 3' Yes hubby and I got it in the post on Wednesday, so after doing a little Christmas shopping we sat down for the rest of the evening and watched it \:\) it was brilliant, but so sad too, little Bonnie was so cute, and at the end when Andy took all the toys to her and they played in the garden, well it just broke my heart so much, I know it was happy but very 'sad happy', did you see the advert before the movie started for a movie called 'Tangled' it had both my hubby and I laughing so much, I am going to pre-order it :P some kids movies awesome \:D I love your latest screenshots, they are gorgeous, and I can't believe that Aiden and Kim are now elders and little Adam is a young adult, noooooooooooooooooooo they are moving on to fast \:\( but I can't wait to see more screenshots of them, to see how they are doing, I have become very attached to them all \:\) I have uploaded 3 new pictures, they are of Trenton and Sierra, these 2 have changed how I play my game, they moved me into giving them 'Free Will' \:eek\: I was not going to bring them together again as a couple and had Sierra date a new guy at University, and during the date, she brought up a thought bubble showing Trenton and a heart \:\( I was so moved, that I ended the date, and let them meet up again, and as you will see in the pictures 'they are very much in love' Awwww \:\) seems they never forgot each other after dating in their teens, now don't get me wrong Pene, I still am in control of my simmies, but I just take a bit more notice of they want and well kind of help them out \:D Oh gosh I'm taking up way too much of your 'GB' yet again \:o I will leave the rest of my chatter until tomorrow friend \:o wishing you a lovely rest of the day and a great evening too, and I'll drop by tomorrow, as I will simming all day hopefully \;\) lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:     

spladoumNov 26, 2010

Hi again Pene! I just saw that you commented on my latest story \:D I'm very glad that you're enjoying it! Chapter Two will be along shortly ...

spladoumNov 25, 2010

Hi Pene! \:wub\:  It's funny, I don't normally pay much attention to my kids because there's so little they can do in Sims 3 so far **sigh** but little Nathan and Kenneth are just too cute and sweet to ignore \:D  It's too bad they're legacy children, I'd love to keep them young forever! \:D  Happy Thanksgiving! \:wub\:

flody888Nov 25, 2010

Ah! Lucky sims! \:D The rooms are cozy and the views are expansive! Have a great week/end!

Peachybitz1Nov 24, 2010

\:\) thank you for the lovely comments on my screenshots \:wub\:

flody888Nov 23, 2010

P.S. Really cool banner! Kind of urban and wintry! Your new avatar is so chic too! \:\)

flody888Nov 23, 2010

Hi Penelope! \:\) Thanks for all the wcif answers! \:D And glad you can fit everything into Barnacle Bay! Too bad Twinbrook wasn't bigger. \:\( (It really is so tiny!) I wasn't going to get Fast Lane but I think I definitely will now thanks to many of your screens actually! LOL Hope you have a lovely week ahead! \:D 

WeekyNov 23, 2010

thanks for congrats \:\) \:wub\: have a nice day

Jennifer_RNov 23, 2010

Oh gosh please excuse my typo's. lol \:D

Jennifer_RNov 23, 2010

Hi ya Pene! Just thought I'd stop by to say hi! and hope your having a great week. We are having some really wonderful weather atm. Just got back from the beach. I haven't been for ages and it was great to get some of that salt water in my hair! Haha! Your are doing such a fabulous job on all the apartment buildings from LN. I think you should really have the gold FA badge on your minisite now. \;\) I'm still unable to load up Bridgeport. Totally baffled as to why but I've managed to place a couple of clubs in SV for the time being. Although every time my sim/s go there it is so quite there aren't many sims clubbing. \:P Maybe cause SV is more of a family town? lol I actually thinking of resigning SV or Riverview maybe to make it easier for my story telling. Anyhoo, hope you are well and hope to chat soon. ~ Jen \:wub\:

spitzmagicNov 23, 2010

(((Pene))) hahahaha thanks so thing I know about those girls is that they love thier FRUIT juice hahahahah they are such funny sims...Have a wonderful week...Keep up the good work Pene your new lot are fabulous I love them \:wub\:

spladoumNov 22, 2010

LOL Pene ... lil' Nathan definitely lost that challenge!  Oh well, he can try again when he wakes up from his nap. \:wub\:

sammiracicot373Nov 22, 2010

Hi, I just wanted to know if you are doing any other bridgeport apartments because I really love the work you have done on the others. Really admire your work! Take care

lisa9999Nov 22, 2010

Hey Pene! Sorry you haven't written in a while. With doing things in my house and trying to get my computer working right I have fallen way behind on writting not to mention other things! LOL Hope school is being good to you and life too. Are you ready for the holidays? Not me. They came too quick this year. Hope you had a good week end! Hugs,Lisa\:wub\:

topaz27Nov 21, 2010

Hi Pene, Thank you so much for all your sweet comments on my last 4 'Teen Screen' pictures \:\) I love Romeo's hair too, it looks really cute, it's by Peggy, and I got some new recolours of it over at 'Selzisims' they have a fantastic blond recolour, so I can now have another one of my sim guys have this style too \;\) Oh and grandma really is an elder, but with a new skintone, which makes her look much nicer, I have never created elders before, so I thought to give it a try, and I was surprised how fond I got of them, they are so sweet \:\) your 'GB' entry yesterday had me laughing so much \:D so you saw 'Afterlife' \:D so you understand exactly what I'm saying then \:D believe it or not, but hubby and I really thought that she was dead for most the movie \:eek\: then we began to wonder about the locked doors and injections etc \:o hehe, I'm glad your going to give 'up stairs down stairs' ago, I do think you will enjoy it, I forgot to tell that it covers the real events of the time as it goes along, even the sinking of the ' Titanic' it was made away back in the 70's I think, but was made really well, and I have watched the whole series a few times now, as it is so watchable, even still  \:\) so don't let when it was made be a put off \;\) trust Topaz \:D I really want to go and check out your new screenshots now, I seen a little shot of a sweet little toddler, Yeah I'm already so happy \:\) but before I go, I must wish you and your hubby and all your family a wonderful and happy 'Thanksgiving Day' for Thursday \:\) yes I googled the date \;\) I will be thinking of you all \:wub\: hope you have a fun day today and a great week ahead too friend \:wub\: lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:  

denizzo_istNov 20, 2010

Hi \:wub\: Thank you very much for your lovely comment on the 'Rock Hill'. I'm glad you like it \:wub\: Have a nice weekend \:rah\:

topaz27Nov 20, 2010

Hi Pene, A very happy Saturday to you friend \:rah\: what's your plans for today, could it be simming, mine is \:D I must tell you about the movie 'Afterlife' yes we at last sat down and watched it last weekend, and Wow, what a depressing movie \:D have you seen it \:confused\: we could not believe it, after 'Shutter Island' we thought 'Oh no not all over again' \:D it was grim, but what was really funny, is that as the movie ended, hubby and I just looked at each other and then fell about laughing, yes it was so depressing that you had to either laugh or cry, and we decided laughing would be the best choice \:D Oh my what a movie, but I must say that both 'Shutter Island' and Afterlife' do get high points from me, because both these movies did something right in the fact that you tended to watch them right to the end, that's rare, when a movie is awful, which you tend to make this decision in about the first 10 minutes, and then stop watching it, at least hubby and I do, but both these movies, kept us watching out of curiosity, and I guess that's rather clever, or perhaps we are just rather stupid \:o \:D anyhow I am glad we watched it, because it still really makes us laugh, everytime we think about \:D maybe it was quite a good movie \:confused\: about the old style drama's, have you ever watched the old 'Up Stairs Down Stairs' series, it's very old, but it's wonderful in showing how it would have been in the old days, I love how they show both sides, the rich family and the servants who worked for them, the new drama we have now 'Downton Abbey' is like this, the series just ended, but we have a few recorded to watch yet, and I do hope they do another series of this, do watch out for it over there, you'll really enjoy it Pene \:\) Well I guess I'd better be off \:\) wishing you a lovely and fun day friend, lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

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