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PenelopeT's Guestbook

topaz27Oct 31, 2010

Haha, so I'm not the only one who done things like that, and there was me feeling so bad \:D hope you enjoy 'The Walking Dead' tonight, sounds brillant \:\) hubby and I will be at last watching 'Shuttered Island' Yeah at long last \;\) have a great night Pene \:wub\:  

Peachybitz1Oct 31, 2010

Hey Penelope \:\) Thank you for your lovely comments on my screenshots \:wub\:

macgirlffxOct 30, 2010

\:P So glad you liked my blog post. I'm having a blast with Late Night and am very happy with this EP! I love your stuff by the way. I'm such a pattern junkie. \:o

fredbrennyOct 30, 2010

I am relly happy the Hanky's make you smile \:D \:D  That is the whole intention for me having created that family... LOL... Thanks for the wonderful comment my dear!!! \:wub\:

topaz27Oct 30, 2010

Hi Pene, How are things today, I hope whatever your plans are for today that you have a very nice and relaxing day, and hopefully get to enjoy some sim playing time with the new EP, I really love your screenshot, with the lift door opening and all the crowd in it, looking tired etc after a great night out, it's really different, and such a great idea for a shot, and Aiden and Kim are doing so well, they really are living a very cool life now, and such an interesting one \:\) well for me it's back to more work with my simmies, sorry to say \:o  but through the week I, well I how do I say this, guess there is only one way, and it's this - Yes I went on yet another download spree \:rolleyes: I know, I know, but I could not help it, really I did try not too, but you see I had cleared all my files that I had stored, at last I had no more downloads to sort out, Yeah I thought, but then I just felt the need to find more \:P my simmies need stuff, they are very demanding Pene, and I really like to keep them happy \:D anyhow I'm really glad I did, because I found some new sites and got the most awesome new mens clothes, beautiful white suits etc, and some brillant stuff for Chad, as I need clothes that work for him, being like Elvis  \;\) I really can't wait to do screenshots of my simmies now when they finish uni, they are going to look so good, and I am really looking forward to you seeing all my new goodies \:\) you know Pene that's what happens when EA don't make any new EP's for your game anymore, you just have to go and fill your game up with lots of new stuff form wherever you can find it , hehe, that's my excuse anyway, it's all EA's fault, blame them, not me \:D well Pene I'll go and check out your new pictures and then get into my game \;\) do take good care friend, sending you lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:  

QuengelOct 30, 2010

Hello!! \:\) Yes, I love the game! It's a must-have ep! And yepp, my sim got immediately a food poisoning. But no problem, she got just a bad mood for it. THANK YOU for your many kind comments to my screenshot \:\) ! Have a beautiful, relaxing & simlish (party) weekend \;\) \:\)

flody888Oct 30, 2010

Hi Penelope! I just went through all the patterns I missed and downloaded them! I patched my game and hope everything works! It's actually a good thing that there was something wrong the first time. As I went through your patterns to find all the ones I had/missed, I found a couple more that I don't remember seeing the first time around (the two Ikea patterns). And I'm glad Kim and Aiden are taking their time and having fun. They're young and have plenty of time! (Esp. if your game is set on Epic! \:D) Have a good weekend to you too!

topaz27Oct 29, 2010

Good evening Pene, it's just gone after 10pm over here, I am so glad your really enjoying 'Late Night' going by the screenshots, it does look awesome, and I really love your new ones, they look amazing, and so real \:\) by the way, no need to thank me, that's what friends are for \;\) and I really do enjoy checking out all your new creations and screenshots \:\) so it's I who thank you \:wub\: lovely to chat to you a little more tonight, wishing you and your hubby a lovely evening, and sending you both lots of hugs \:\) Topaz \:wub\:   

topaz27Oct 29, 2010

Dear Pene \:wub\: I have just sent you a PM, and just wanted to call here to say that your new screenshots are absolulety awesome, the new EP 'Late Night' looks fantastic \:\) wishing you a good weekend friend, hope you get plenty of much needed rest, do take good care \:\) sending you lots and lots of hugs \:wub\: Topaz 

FlovvOct 28, 2010

Thank you for the comment on my screenshot! \:\) I had fun taking it. ^^ Have a nice week! \:\)

spitzmagicOct 27, 2010

(((Pene))) oh my goodnes thanks for more of your awesome comments on my screens. I have never been to New York I bet that is a fantastic site. The only place I have been to of the hustle and bustle kind is Las Vegas talk about a light there is some lights of all colors..busy place never sleeps...have a great day \:wub\:

spitzmagicOct 27, 2010

oooh Pene thanks so much for your far it's a really neat of my favs well two of them actually made a comeback..woooohoooo. The Vamps and a certain instrument...wooohooooo...and so much more...\:D

murfeelOct 26, 2010

Thanks for congradulating me! \:D I never though I WOULD reach that milestone, to say nothing of this Incentives Points whatever-ness I've been hearing about. I think they said you need to earn 50,000 points or 5000 Subscribers dl-ing your stuff to reach that quota. \:confused\: PFFT!!! \:D \:D I said: I can't even get ppl to Bookmark me, let alone get 5 THOUSAND subscribers to dl my ridiculosness!!! How many people my age and older like faeries that much!? \:P lol So I was shocked when I saw that number just riiiiise like that \:eek\: Anywho, guess whose pattern I used on my latest lot uplooooooad ?! \:D \:D \:D \:D And guess which one it wa-aaaaasssss ! \:D \:D \:D  Yup yup! Your Ceramic pattern worked like a DREAM!!!! \:wub\: HAD to tell you. I've been dying to get my hands on that kind of tiled stained glass looking sort of pattern \:wub\: I put it in a place of honor, too, so the colors could really POP. Go have a looksie if you want, in the Castle Dracula lot \:\)

fabrizioammolloOct 25, 2010

Hi Penelope! Your screenshot are really lovely! Thanks for sharing! Have a great week, F.

Jennifer_ROct 25, 2010

Hi again Pene! Thanks so much for your lovely lovely comments on the recent chapters of The Drifter. Really appreciate it and it makes my day to see you over there. Over the dark! So it sounds like you and your hubby have some plans for the very near future. \;\) It's a shame that our bio clocks are ticking and we have to decide. I've given myself a cut off of 35 so that still gives me a few more years yet. We also have some plans before we start a family, like finally getting our rural property and my bf wants to start his own business. Not sure what I want to do though. lol We have decided that we are leaving for our 'road trip' holiday on Weds. Early Weds morning. lol It should be interesting but I'm looking forward to seeing more of our homeland, Oz! I've only ever been interstate once. lol That's pretty sad isn't it. \:P TC Pene and will chat again soon. ~ Jen \:wub\:

Jennifer_ROct 25, 2010

Hey Pene! Forgive me for not reply to you. I have been a tad busy. But soon I may have all the time in the world to chat. \;\) My bf and I are going on a holiday and will be away for almost a week. I think we will be taking our laptops with us though, but I'll be leaving the sims behind. I'd like to have a break for a while before Late Night comes out. I may log in while we are away I'm not sure at this stage though. Might just be all fun in the sun. lol How are you anyway? Hope things are good. Have a great week and I hope to chat to you soon. Oh and I love love love you new patterns! TC ~ Jen \:wub\:

topaz27Oct 24, 2010

Hi Pene, Just a quick drop by before TSR strikes yet again and I either can't get back in or get logged out \:rolleyes: I only want to say that your new patterns are so cute and sweet \:wub\: hope your having a good time Pene and I'll see you next week friend \;\) lots of hugs Topaz \:wub\:

cumryOct 24, 2010

Your new pictures are so nice \:wub\:

mutskeOct 24, 2010

Hi Thanks for the nice comment, I'm glad you like my Kitchen clutter. Have fun decorating \:wub\:

topaz27Oct 23, 2010

Hi Pene, Thank you so much for all your lovely comments on my new screenshots \:wub\: I was not sure if I was going to upload them or not, I just took them while I was getting them through their teens \:P they are now in college, or rather they are in the college 'bin' waiting for me to release them so as they can get on with their lives \:D but I'm now busy getting a few more simmies ready for college, so they will have to wait a ittle longer \:D that was also so sweet of you to look through some of my older pictures, and leave comments too \:wub\: I hope you will see the difference of the 'then' and 'now', when they are through university, as in all my old screenshots I used maxis skintones etc, so they should look alot better this time round, I did use the same hair for Kyla and the same eyes too, I thought to keep some things the same, but she will be getting her new hairstyle at college \:\) but it's the skintones etc that will make the bigger difference, Oh dear I am so fond of them \:D well friend I do hope you are having a wonderful day simming and I look forward to chatting more tomorrow \;\) lots of hugs Topaz \:wub\:

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