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PenelopeT's Guestbook

topaz27Oct 23, 2010

Good morning Pene, Well it's Saturday and time to sim, hopefully all day \:\) bet your so excited about getting the new EP on Tuesday, I would be \;\) nothing beats installing a new EP and checking it all out, I sure do miss that \:\( I hope to see lots of screenshots of it as soon as you get settled with it, it is great seeing all the new stuff, so far nothing beats Egypt for me, I think it is one of the most wonderful things they added into the TS3, although I must say they have added some amazing things like the laundry and time machine and so on \:\) anyhow I really look forward to hearing all about it \;\) do hope you had a great evening last night, and wishing you a really lovely day today \:\) have fun, lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:   

topaz27Oct 22, 2010

Hi Pene, Your new screenshot of Egypt is very beautiful \:\) I am a bit late in getting in today, yet again, but I just wanted to call by to wish you and your hubby a lovely evening out with your family \:\) hope yo all have a wonderful time \:wub\: my plans for the weekend are hopefully simming alot \:D and I too look forward to chatting more tomorrow \;\) lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:

paramitiOct 21, 2010

Hey Penelope \:wub\: Thanx for writing in my guestbook \:wub\: well i got slowed down in life by getting some allergic reaction..i ended up in the hospital with oxygen..but they never gave me an antidote..this was almost 2 weeks ago..i havent felt quite right since..then i got behind on my uploads for halloween..and writing to ppl and all that..i feel better each day..but that episode set me are things for you? the weather is changing to fall on the island and i enjoy should stay this way and not get too much colder all winter..i look forward to halloween night..paramiti~

spitzmagicOct 20, 2010

((((Pene)))) oh thank you soooo much for your wonderful comment on It's only the Wind...I had a lot a fun with that one...Yeah, I think maybe there should be a follow up....LOL I am delighted that you enjoyed it Pene....Have a wonderful day too \:wub\:Barb

maxi kingOct 20, 2010

\:wub\:Hi there!Thank you for your lovely comment on my new picture!Have a nice day!\:wub\:

fredbrennyOct 20, 2010

And what a cool banner you have !!! \:D

fredbrennyOct 20, 2010

Hi Penelope! Thanks for the Birthday Wishes! And Big thanks for the wonderful comment on my new story intro! \:wub\:  Have a super day my friend!!! Hugggs, Fred

deeiutzaOct 20, 2010

Thanks for your congrats!\:wub\:

martoeleOct 20, 2010

Thank you, Penelope for commenthing on my screenie 'Happy Birthday Fred' and thanks as well for congratulating Fred on her birthday! \:D

simmothyOct 19, 2010

Hi! Thank you Penelope, for the congrats. I really appreciate it\:\)

DT456Oct 19, 2010

Thank you so much Penelope! \:wub\:

flody888Oct 19, 2010

Ooooh! I didn't even think of babies yet for Aiden and Kim! I still think of them as the high school kids in the cemetary! LOL But simlives age faster. \;\) They will definitely have such cute toddies! \:D Yes, with Billy's good looks in the family, the boys will be just darling! \:wub\: Oooh, you could even have a vampire in the family! \:D I guess that last statement depends on how much fun the kids have in Bridgeport! \:cool\:

spladoumOct 18, 2010

I think I'm the only one who didn't like Sims 2: Seasons for reason alone--I just want to play!  Sure, weather looks great in screenshots, but I don't want to be concerned about outerwear or people getting too warm in the hot tub and all that nonsense.  Alas, I'm sure it's on its way back to us thanks to the fog emitters already in place.  But hopefully no hurricanes! \:D

Jennifer_ROct 18, 2010

Hey Pene, just checked out your new little photo album of Aiden, Kim, Billy and Amelia. Aww, lovely! I look forward to seeing more of them. You could have done a legacy story. lol I guess that takes time though. \;\) Well there is a a couple of new chapters of The Drifter when you've got time to stop by. \:\) Part two is finally coming to a close, I'm working on the finale as week speak. It's not qutie ready though so probably won't be till early next week. Sooo, Late Night comes out soon. Man oh man am I excited! \:D I've actually been having a little trouble with my game lately, 'Error 12', you heard of it? I still haven't added Fastlane Pk and I haven't patched either so I haven't a clue why I would be getting this error. I guess thats the way of the sims though, eh? Looks as though you have been busy too. I'm taking some holidays soon, just a week. But I really look forward to relaxing and not doing the 9 to 5 grind. Gee it can get very tiring. Well hope are well and have a great week! ~ Jen \:wub\:

topaz27Oct 17, 2010

Hi Pene, I'm rather late today, I did get a good start this morning to re-creating my sims etc, got the main 4  characters made and they are now in private school, Angel and Albert have just met, awww, always makes me smile seeing these 4 meet for the first time \:\) and I also have so many other new characters that you must meet too, along with Chad, rememeber him, the Elvis look alike, and of course a few other older characters \:\) anyhow, I'm getting side tracked again \:rolleyes: well just as I was really making good head way, a few friends dropped by, and so my poor little simmies had to take a back seat \:\(  and now it's 6. 20PM so I'm off to make some tea for hubby and I and watch a little TV, then I am going to do some more work in sim land \:D by the way love your screenshot \;\) and what a great idea to use your gallery for their story \:\) I think it's wonderful and really enjoyed it \:wub\: I am the same as you Pene, I get rather caught up in my simmies lives and feel so attached to them, it's like they are real some of the time \:P I hope you have a lovely rest of the day and evening, and wishing you a really good week ahead too dear friend \:wub\: Oh by the way, I only downloaded a few little things today, how about that, scary or what \:D lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:  

spladoumOct 17, 2010

Hi Penelope!  Thanks for your funny comment.  \:D  You'd think a girl dating a cop would know better, wouldn't you? \:rolleyes:  Maybe once she loses her license and has to take the bus everywhere, she'll slow down! \:D 

IllianaOct 17, 2010

Hello again lovely Penelope! I was quite pleasantly surprised to see your sweet comment on the Cilan home. \:o I know modern isn't really your style of choice, so I consider it a true compliment coming from you. \:wub\: Thank you very much for your kind words! (((Hugs!))) - Tammy

fabrizioammolloOct 16, 2010

Hi Penelope! That landscapes, that views... How could we don't wish to be there? Cheers, F.

topaz27Oct 16, 2010

Hi Pene, More PM's, this time perhaps you should read the 'Duh again' one first \:D I can't type anymore, I just go away ahead of myself all the time and then I see all these words, letters mising \:rolleyes: I don''t reckon I make sense half the time anyway \:P well now friend it's saturday, and I hope you have a fantastic day, and I promise to sort my game out once and for all and then get on with some screenshots, having your awesome house 'Pen Lane' in my game is pushing me forward as I really can't wait to do the screenshot of the happy couple moving in, and yes I have decided on which couple that will be, but I'm not saying \:P all will be revealed in time \;\) your new screenshots are so beautiful \:wub\: chat again soon, have fun \:\) lots of hugs Topaz \:wub\:  

spitzmagicOct 16, 2010

oh and I love your new banner too \:rah\:

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