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hiedibear75Sep 18, 2008

I know you didn't sign up for Matt & Jenny's fan club......but I figured since THIS one introduces YOUR'd like to know; #29 "Magic" is posted. \:rah\: Oh & I gave you credit in 2 different places. \:cool\: Thanks again. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Sep 17, 2008

Matt & Jenny #29 "Magic" is uploaded and will probably post either 18th or 19th. \;\) I've already given you thanks right after windkeeper. \:\) He doesn't even have to wait for another chapter to have it's not a customized fit so it could be shipped right away. \;\) I really hope you like the next story. I've been starting to make Sims with all my TSR friends' names as nurses and hospital personnel. Don't know if the Sims will resemble the actual people or not......but I'm sure they'll recognize their own name being mentioned. \:D I've already got 2 Sims I made as sisters.......and guess what their names are? Tiffany & Heather. \:wub\: Well as usual I've been up all night writing. \:ph34r\: So I'm off to bed. \:cool\: TC & type with you soon I hope. \:wub\:

Jaws3Sep 17, 2008

That's okay, there's no rush!\:\) I was just testing my geography. God knows I need it.\:D I'm not good at maths either... but that's another story!\:\) My teacher gave me a 'D'!!! A 'D'!!!! Seriousy! Anyways... Hope you guys get power soon. If I were you, I'd be having some serious sims withdrawls!

hiedibear75Sep 17, 2008

Well if she'd rather stay on "the down low" we can just leave as is. \;\) I already made 2 Sims......Tiffany & Heather. \:\) Anywho I'll go write it in tonight and it MIGHT even be uploaded before TSR changes days again.. \:cool\: I think I need to stop off @ MTS2 & grab the scrubs from fanseelamb. \;\) I'M gonna get tired really fast with the same colors of scrubs. \:rolleyes: Anyway TC. \:wub\:

tambriahSep 16, 2008

thanks im glad you are ok i hope the repairs aren't to bad we are praying for you and yours

Jaws3Sep 16, 2008

Ouch! \:\) 6 weeks?! That's a long time... About the bin, that is pretty much what I had in mind. I guess you could have the sims pull the trash back out of the hole... Would that work? \:\) I hope you guys get back on your feet up there, how bad was it? Are you guys O.K? Down here in Oz, we don't get many cyclones... unless you live in the northern states. I live on the central-eastern coast. We got a MASSIVE storm last year, it was the same strength as a cyclone, but they wouldn't classify it because it went too far south.\:\) But you guys in America get all the bad stuff, hey! You got the cyclones, the tornadoes (We had one of those last year, too. It was pretty horible. And we've never had them before) and do you guys have a volcano? I know there's Yellow-Stone, but that's dormant, isn't it?\:D

hiedibear75Sep 16, 2008

I don't know but I'm going to go tell her. \;\) I'm actually glad it came out for another reason.....I wasn't sure what to do for #29. Now I do. I'm just minimized right now but I'll make #29 on the way home and it'll be delivered in #30. \:D Hey aside from Heather BlackGarden who else was it? \:confused\: Ya know not that they'd look like you guys BUT......I'm sure I could always use a few more nurses.......Tiffany, Heather, & whom ever else. \:\) She's not preggers yet but I made an OB\GYN for when it comes up so she'll be seen from time to time in the background. Never know who'll show up. \;\) I named her Dr. OB\GYN Kimberly Clark, the maker of Huggies is Kimberly Clark. \:P LOL TC & I hope you have a speedy clean-up. \:rah\: \:wub\: \:cool\:

hiedibear75Sep 16, 2008

I'm so sorry about the damage. \:\( Schools all over the place have had to close for the roads to be cleared. \:wacko\: I'm in CA so I'm far enough away from it to not get any of thing to major from Ike. \;\) I hope you will have power and everything back in order soon. \:rah\: \:wub\: Thank you for making the baht chair for me. \:wub\: I will be writing in your bath chair! \:wub\: \:rah\: \:cool\: So how should the credit for the bath chair go? \:confused\: I'll write it in that a delivery will be coming. \;\) Again thank you so much. \:wub\:

eviSep 15, 2008

Hi Tif! Your creations are getting more WOW everyday! Your site looks so cozy and I have seen your creations at the Barn too\:\)\:rah\: \:rah\: Thank you very much for your comments on my grannies... \:wub\: See you around\;\)

Jaws3Sep 14, 2008

This link isn't a too bad pic, except you'd just have it standing on top of the bench... \:\) How are you going with the Andretti's? I'm looking forward to the next part!

hiedibear75Sep 14, 2008

So um.....when did TSR say they were publishing the shower-chair? \;\) Thank you for all your hard work on it. \:wub\: When I use it in my story I'll be giving you full credit and maybe even another delivery story. \:cool\: Well hope your weekend is as wonderful as you are. \:wub\: TTFN Tiffany. \:wub\:

Jaws3Sep 13, 2008

Where they put rubbish... You wouldn't have to change the animation, would you? I dunno, that's why I'm asking. There's a whole stack of things that would be great in the sims. They should have a clarinet. I want my sims to be just like me\;\) And I've seen some of your meshes, they're really good. And the bath-chair thing you made for Heidibear is cool.

Jaws3Sep 13, 2008

\:\) Hi... You're a good mesh-er, so I wanted to ask you a question. Um, is it possible to have a bench-top bin for the sims 2? Just wondering... How are you going after that cyclone?

Vanilla SimSep 13, 2008

Hi again, I hope you fared ok. \:\) My daughter lives in Texas but up near Waco so she is doing fine last time I talked to her. Anyway, I wanted to thank you for the comment you left for me on my Morning Meadow 'Arizona' set. I love those meshes..I haven't tried the 'Pheonix' yet. Maybe I'll pull out the TC100 textures again like you said and try them. I like them to and didn't really feel like I had finished with them. So let us know how you are. I'll be thinking about you. Thanks again, Robin \:wub\:

Vanilla SimSep 7, 2008

\:o I know I know \:o I feel so bad I've never read it. But, I promise I will. I don't think (56) seemed rushed at all. You write very well, your screenshots are just perfect, and your characters are lovely. I can't wait to get started. \;\) \:wub\:

Jaws3Sep 7, 2008

It was a bit short, but it was still great!!!\:D I'm glad to hear that the next part will be out soon!

Jaws3Sep 6, 2008

The last part of the Andretti legacy was exceptional! \:D It was great, and I'm practically sitting on my edge of my seat waiting for the next one. Please tell me it's coming out soon...\;\)

skyblue7377Sep 5, 2008

I adore your stories...Keep them comin=)

hiedibear75Sep 4, 2008

What you said and what you're doing are both VERY sweet. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Sep 4, 2008

Oh yeah. \;\) I use the boolprops all the time. \:cool\: moveobjects and snapobjectstogrid is another one I couldn't live with out and still make my story. \:eek\: I use the cheat codes and move the Sims around is if they were objects. \:\) I've had them start off cuddling on the couch and then make it look as though Matt was in his wheelchair the whole time and stick Jenny on his lap. \:D Thank you so much again. \:rah\: Oh I can't promise that they'll want it.......but I know there are quite a few other players who have physical ailments of one type or another IRL and they portray their Sims in the same-ish (no 2 players ever do the same exact thing) way that I do. \;\) Well TC & I'm sure the shower chair will look great. \:D BTW......R we going 2 C U more often in the OT game room? \:confused\: Miss ya. \:cool\: \:wub\:

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