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tdyannd's Guestbook

hiedibear75Sep 4, 2008

OMG R U serious? \:D Yes I'd love to have you try. \:cool\: I've been doing this story about a disabled guy named Matt. Well I've got wheelchairs and a few other things for Matt (to pull off a "disabled Sim") to make it look as though it were "real". \;\) Anyway.....I just wanted essentially a chair (that's what the wheelchairs are technically) with holes in the bottom and shaped like a shower chair or shower bench. Matt always has to be shown taking a bath. \:rolleyes: I can't guarantee it's going to be a popular vote.......but I do know of at least one other TSRian who would also like to have it for her Sims. \:rah\: I know some people (I've seen a few comments in forums) think myself and anyone else WANTING to disable a Sim is sadistic. \:P Nah that's just making it a "life simulation" game. \:P Sadistic is having a Sim get in the pool then taking all the ladders THAT'S sadistic. \:eek\: \:ph34r\: Anyway in my game I've got 3 full time chair users; Matt (my story's main character), Corwin (the real life boy of another member who just like in life.....) has CP, and then I made a "me Sim". Gave her a red wheelchair like mine. \:D I can't thank you enough for taking on this project. If you need more images of shower chairs just let me know. I'm pretty sure that for ALL showers (maxis anyway) that when facing the shower head their left side is towards the curtain, so for benches the extender piece should be on the left......but if it goes too far over it'll show up THROUGH the curtains. \:wacko\: Thank you thank you thank you. \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:'ve noticed I haven't seen much of you in the forums. \:confused\: Hope to see you with ya later. \:cool\: TC \:wub\:

sosliliomSep 4, 2008

Hi!\:\) Thank You for Your kind comment on my 'Boxer Shorts - For Adults & YA & Elders'!\:wub\: ~ Your creations are very beautiful!\:rah\: Keep creating!\:\) ~Lili~

C-Deuce152Sep 3, 2008

Its simple Tiff. By changing the main door to the suite (or room) to the 'Unique Separator' and furnishing the kitchen and bathrooms.\:cool\:

Elena.Sep 2, 2008

Hello! Thank you very much for your congrats! I am so excited and happy! \:D Have a nice day!

HenwenSep 2, 2008

Howdy Tiffany! My apartment still doesn't work right. lol. Hats & I can't figure out why, there is no reason for it to show just one apartment available. I think it's a glitch and not my architecture. \:P Have fun with the game. \:wub\: Nancy

altannaSep 2, 2008

\:rah\: Hi there. I'm always here. Just don't post anymore. I'm so glad you like those textures. I love them. I love everything that all the talented people here did with them. I'm glad you like them, and love what you've done. I can't wait to see what you do next.

simal10Aug 27, 2008

Hey Tiffany! Thank you so much for commenting on my creation! It's always great to get lovely comments \:wub\: Have a great day! Hugs, Simal\:wub\:

lirunchikAug 26, 2008

Hello, Tiffany \:rah\: Thank you very much for taking time to leave a comment on my The Motion Set. I'm so excited that you love the set! Thanks! Hope you're having fun \:D ~Marina

olcia_olivineaAug 25, 2008

Hi Tiffany\:\) thank you for commenting 'Lullaby', hope that you will enjoy those pj's in your game\:wub\: And about the socks - I love them too, so that's why every pj have them\;\) Wosh you a great week! Hugs, Ola

hatshepsutAug 24, 2008

Hi Tiffany and thanks for all the lovely comments on my creations.\:D I'm so glad you're having fun with them. Looking forward to seeing your 1st roof recolours too!\;\) ttfn!

undefinedmuseAug 19, 2008

Thanks for commenting on my Tortured Love set! I'm glad you like it. I've been trying to put a good deal of thought into making a wide variety of more modern art. As cute as kittens are, not even half of my sims like them. :-)

miffyAug 19, 2008

Thank you for leaving your comment on my wall and floor set. I hope you enjoy it \:D

PollyPlummerAug 18, 2008

I'm just dropping by to say hi. I'm sorry that you're so sick. I hope you do get better soon!

annasims2Aug 18, 2008

Thank you so much for taking time and leaving so nice comment! Hugs from Anna!\:wub\:

IllianaAug 18, 2008

Well, first I have to figure out what all these shiny red buttons do. (They do say NOT to push the shiny red buttons, but they are SO shiny and red! \:P Maybe just one...) Then I have to actually have something to show people when I open the, and although I have started several projects I am having a little bitty problem with "FA Fear" feels like nothing is quite up to snuff now. I'm sure I'll get over it, but for now it's REALLY annoying. (That's why it's SO awesome that you sent me such a happy note. \:D) I will probably put up a board either today or tomorrow. That'll kick me in the tushie. LOL! Thanks TD! (((Hugs!))) - Illiana

IllianaAug 18, 2008

Hiya Tdyannd! I have to say that considering you are having such a rough time of it right now, the fact that you took special (and very precious) time to congratulate me in my guestbook means the absolute world to me! \:wub\: Thank you SO much!!! (((Hugs!))) Now, I just have to figure out how to build something that won't make people say, "She's a WHAT?! Why?" LOL! Hope things get better for you soon! \:\) - Illiana

irokyoursoksAug 17, 2008

I was just wondering when the next Andretti Legacy is coming out..... I don't want to be pushy or anything but I was just wondering

sandrinhaAug 16, 2008

\:wub\: You're welcome, Tdyannd! Your feedback is very important to me! \:\) You're a very talented creator! Keep on the good work! Sandra

zvaellaAug 16, 2008

Hi! Thank you so much for your comments on my sets Arcadia and Slide! I was glad to know you liked these! \:\) Happy simming!\:cool\:

ekinegeAug 16, 2008

Hi! Thank you for your nice comment on the EKNSet-08.\:\)

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