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magicmorgieOct 8, 2018

omg I saw your post about ladybug straddling chat and I hadn't realized it lasted that long omfg hahaha she's becoming just as bad as him \:D I wish we'd gotten a close up of that lol. oh and one thing I'm kind of annoyed about, people are basically saying Gabriel is just as bad to Adrien as he is to Nooroo, like Ozai to Zuko if you've seen avatar, and I think while he is neglectful and overprotective to an obsessive level it was never like that, that's not to say he shouldn't fix his s*** but I mean :// oh did you see the sims 4 news btw? stylist/influencer career \:D just what we needed \:D we just need a big fashion pack with modeling and sewing now and it'll be perfect for the babies \:D

magicmorgieOct 7, 2018

omg omg omg omg I found the english dub on the subreddit somebody sent a link, go seeeee!! oh my god I'm dying all over again for a second time

magicmorgieOct 6, 2018

hello!! awwwww, I hope you get your energy back!! the first days are always the hardest but you can do this!! \:wub\: and shhh I will insult everything related to the lizardman \:P knives are great \:o we have some daggers from my grandfather and they're in the living room as deco \:D it's fun *-* oh my god I saw the episodes!! I agree there has to be an order because the episodes aren't self centered anymore like in season one, the plot is thickening omg. oh my god Gabriel I agree so much with you, I think he just went mad when he lost Emilie and it's getting worse day by day D: I don't think he meant to hurt Adrien at all, I think he's just worried he'll lose him like he lost his wife D: and the shock when style queen attacked him made me think he probably didn't know sandboy got to Adrien tbh. oh my goooooooood Nathalie fffffffff, now I'm sure she's in love with Gabriel oh man this is gonna be a mess, I thiiiiiiiiiiiink she's gonna get terribly heartbroken and feel betrayed and it has to be something related to Gabriel.. I was mostly half and half between her and Emilie for Mayura but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be Nathalie now D: oh I agree, whats the point of getting the cat/bug miraculous if Emilie is fine, unless she does get brought back but brought back messed up but I don't think thats gonna be the case tbh. lol I'm already crying and dying now tbh, and I'm a sap for happy things so even more tears lol I feel your pain there. ahhh D: maybe just stick to miraculousintl? they don't seem to have fake news, I really dislike those too they make me panic a little bit x_x I think my action figures cost like maybe 20 euro each maximum? unlike comic books action figures those seem to cost an arm and a leg D: shame your parents don't like it \:\( I think cartoons are for everybody tbh, I'm 22 and 'past the cartoon age' but no lol neveeer \:D ooh and I made my mom and aunt watch miraculous with me and they love it, they're both 60+ so you're definitely not too old \:P oooh the kinder eggs \:o I didn't see those around here \:o are they like the big eggs with the big toys inside or the tiny ones?? ohhh did you see the polish book on miraculousintl? it looks like it has some nail stickers and omg imagine those as cc \:o I hope the news is right and the italian dub comes out soon \:D ohhh noooo!! try to take care of yourself D: don't worry about the late replies!! I'm okay thanks \:D except my mom left for ten days to my aunts place so I'm gonna stay alone bleh D: ah well lol I'll live \:P oh omg though I can't wait for the episodes to come out in french/english cause I understood nothing in that dialogue even if the episodes were amazing *-* and plagg was amazing as usual :p

magicmorgieOct 1, 2018

I write so much omg I'm sorry \:o

magicmorgieOct 1, 2018

hey \:D I just watched sandboy in french and there's something nice about it, I saw people cringing over the fact that the kwami call them their owners but in french they actually call them holders \:D and plagg calls tikki sucrette :'D nightmare Adrien is just as bad lol and I think Gabriel might be even creepier here :x I just realized I prefer him transformed because it's more villain mode than f******* creepy mode even if he's actually just as bad lol. I saw your tweet about uni btw, best of luck!! \:wub\:

magicmorgieSep 30, 2018

okay no what am i saying lol, production order \:D and the ship is endgame \:D everything will be fine *huffs* do you have any headcanons? \:D \:wub\:

magicmorgieSep 30, 2018

oh btw who do you think mayura is gonna be? new person? Emilie (I hope not oh my god what if he gets his wish and the consequence is that she turns awful? I know some people say it can't only be Gabriel that's awful so she has to be too, but honestly Adrien seems so happy in the pictures with her and didn't he say everything was good before she disappeared? the only thing was that even back then he was homeschooled but they might just have been overprotective... maybe cause they had the miraculous before and knew the dangers? x_x) or Natalie? Audrey maybe? gah the idea that frozer might be set just before the finale is freaking me out so bad I really hope not omg ://////// my brain is going on full worst scenarios possible right now D:

magicmorgieSep 30, 2018

oh and I actually have ladybug and chat noir action figures like Adrien does hahaha, I got them a lego architecture eiffel tower to go with that because the toy versions were too ew for my liking :p

magicmorgieSep 30, 2018

ohhh it's alright!! I don't mind the repetition \:P I think you're oblivious hahaha it sounds a little flirty to me \:D omg ikr he instantly loses the battle against Adrien, I looooove the so sweet and nice and downright angelic to the leather cat suit flirty kinda bad boy thing Adrien has going on, it's like he has a switch on for that, oh my god imagine Marinette if he starts flirting with her unmasked the way he does as chat, I don't think she'll survive lol and honestly I would probably squee and die too cause that would be amazing \:D like the end of troublemaker *-* oh I accidentally ended up on a page with captain trashrock gifs and I cringed but then I remembered 1. Tikki got her out of the chains as quickly as possible 2. chat saying she's chained to him forever (this kid and his puns lol) 3. he used his cataclysm on the ship!! is it symbolism I wonder? does this mean Adrien won't ever let that trash sail? I sure hope so, what do you think??? and I have no idea how they managed that but maybe they were rushed to they botched it up? I still think punk child makeup is funny lol. ohhhh akuma Mari fighting for justice I love it! either way I want Adrien to fight with a sword \:D I looooove his fencing skills \:D might be cause I've always liked swords though \:P ugh I saw that trailer and ikr I bet Chloe could be a good person if she stops following her awful mother :/ she's so awful omfg D: oh my god don't scare me lol, having a reveal midseason means there's an order outside the queens battle trilogy and I don't think Thomas wants to give us the order if there is one at all, and none of the episodes have had anything related to ladybug knowing who he is, unless frozer is set directly pre-finale like volpina which I hope not.. D: volpina was a painful episode lol x_x omg I'm already terrified and you are soooooo not helping right now hahaha, I hope it ends well oh my god or I'm gonna cry all week after it D: the battery thing I saw it in a fanfic and thought it was hilarious lol, honestly seems like the kind of thing Alya would point out \:P oooooh yes I saw your progress on your twitter!! it's looking gooooooooood \:D you should feed him fruitcake \:P unless he's one of those rare sims that actually like it D: oh man, I think this show might be going the avatar route and if it is some crap is gonna happen for sure :/// I think Marinette is gonna be the next guardian too, not Nino at all, wayzz or no wayzz, but I really want Adrien to be too because it would make so much sense post-reveal and I don't think she can do it on her own tbh. oooh I'm glad you like seeing them \:D do you want to see how Marinette and Adrien look like in game with me too? I can take pics \:D will you make anything else mermaid related if you have your inspiration back? *-* I wonder why the : o is an embarrassed face here it makes no sense lol. ughhhhhhhh, ikr, I'm positive this is all Zag's fault tbh, it can't be Thomas -.- I agree so much with you, if it's cgi/animated leave it be we don't need live action trash, honestly even if the actors are good I don't think they can capture the essence of the characters because unlike the books like you said we've seen them move and evolve and they're unique, and good luck finding actors that look like them too ickkkkk. they should have waited until the end of the series if they're really that desperate to make live action either way. I agree s2 is way too soon, and it's gonna suck either way D: honestly I would prefer it if it came out in ten years so then I don't even have to see news about it lol. but I don't like the brand stuff going on either, I mean ok toys extra mini animated series, okay a musical fine, but then they went and got clothing with some random brands and then live action movie live action show and god knows that else, just stop please it's too much -.- I wonder if most people do care about this or not, I know they're not getting anything from me for that -.-

magicmorgieSep 29, 2018

did you see the stupid news about the live action? I really don't like live action so I hope it fails before it even happens lol, animation is just so much better D: I bet it's gonna be like the avatar movie :x maybe I should've gone to the comiccon cause I live in istanbul but I think the annoyance would have doubled lol x_x honestly I think releasing the soundtrack and toys and maybe mini series like the chibi/that other animated one with the same voices and stuff would be enough ://// \:\( I'm a little iffed about this lol

IzzieMcFireSep 27, 2018

Thank you for your lovely comments! \:wub\:

magicmorgieSep 26, 2018

ahhh I just realized the :ö face I send keeps being turned into an embarrassed face my bad lol. mermaid tails I love both but I think I prefer these \:D they look more like those giant mermaid fins \:D so cooooool \:wub\:

magicmorgieSep 26, 2018

okay I managed to cut the scene with some software I just downloaded but it's a little wonky lol I've been looking for a good video editor forever but it's hard D: anyway here you can hear her tone \:D you can read mkv files right \:o

magicmorgieSep 26, 2018

oooh, it's probably the tone then, it sounded very flirty in french, I wonder if I can send you a video? I'll try that \:D ugh ikr it feels like way too long in school, that's one of the reasons it makes it creepier, I'm assuming he's 2 years older and it's weird. he definitely needs to change but honestly I just want him gone, I don't understand how people like him that much :///// no they didn't mention his name I wonder why, lol the dark eyeshadow amused me, he looks like a little punk child \:D I expected an innocent look from the akumatized version and then he just looks like a baby rockstar lol. maybe it's cause the second studio isn't as good as the first one D: either they influenced them or plagg and tikki are a lot more like Adrien/Marinette than we think \:P ughhh I need an akumatized version of them too, I just kinda hope it won't be love related cause that would hurt a lot D: what would you like to see them as?? I think evil fairytale prince/princess would look so good with them \:o civilian versions that it \:o lol Chloe getting akumatized twice D: that girl needs to chill D: I wonder if it'll happen a third time lol. staying spoiler free is impossible lol zag just likes to spoil everything \:P ugh ugh ugh no I hope it's fake it can't be real it would be so painful D: plus she wouldn't reject Adrien there's no way D: I'm gonna panic x_x orrrrr maybe half of it was real and then he thought what if I told her right there? but I mean in broad daylight???? ladynoir's intense moments tend to happen at night, he wouldn't be so reckless to detransform in the middle of the day where anybody could see him would he. ughhhh gaaaaaaahhhhh I don't need this it's making me sick why do I care so much D: okay the sandboy trailer had no proof that the locking up wasn't a dream, and zombiezou was different from the trailer, actually generally the episodes tend to be a little different from the trailers don't they D: I hope that's gonna be the case here too oh my god I'm scared D: the first ep with lizardman made me sick and mad and sad and now here we go again, just when that started calming down -.- they don't need to shake the fandom like thiiiiiiiiiis D: we will survive the hiatus though, with sims and fanfic and playlists and fanart \:D reminds me I read some fic where Marinette called him by his middle name and it was Alexander for some reason and it was funny because AAA like a battery \:P he already has the two AAs \:D that's why he has so much energy \:P and huh that's odd, why do many messages not count as spam and the walls of text do? who made this lol. ohhh your insipration is moody \:D how's hawkmoth going?? \:o are you screaming at your screen that he's a piece of s_ yet cause I would lol (is sweaing allowed in here I'm avoiding it just in case lol). that kwami was sooooo cool \:D I want to know more too!! I really love that they said Adrien and Mari are the best ones *-* they're their favorites *-* imagine they become the guardians after master fu omg.. that would mean drama though, what if he dies???? D: especially since hawkmoth found the area where they're hiding oh my god noooooooooooooo

magicmorgieSep 25, 2018

oh I forgot to reply about the kwami, the snake one is the gray one right?? he was awesome \:D makes me think of wayzz a little, so wise and chill \:D pollen was adorable too *-* I can't believe they actually believed plagg and his I fed a cat story omfg it seems tikki knows him best :p

magicmorgieSep 25, 2018

ohhhhhhh new mermaid tails \:o I'm gonna test these tooooo *-* they look great *-*

magicmorgieSep 25, 2018

seems I can send more than one though hmmm maybe the 24h thing last time was just a bug???

magicmorgieSep 25, 2018

oh my god okay THAT was massive wall of text lol

magicmorgieSep 25, 2018

oh yes she did stop him most of the time but she definitely did flirt back too, you should rewatch season 1 in french/english dub \:D the reflekta scenes make me laugh so much, in french they go like 'hold on tight to your blowdry(ied hair)' - 'thats not funny' 'you didnt only lose your style/look (that word sounded positive in this context) you lost your sense of humor too \:D' // 'and she will fall between my claws' - 'you mean between your nails' look at her stupid adorable flirty face in the second scene and the tone is so flirty lol. he's my least favorite too, he's definitely creepy and I hate his attitude, the fact that he's supposed to be older than her doesn't help, I think age difference in teenagers is just ehhh and it just makes it worse with him D: I thought maybe the jewelry/general idea would mean Kagami and the lizard will end up together, I hope they won't drag this on for too long though it's painful D: I'm really scared for frozer D: ohhh we use gateau for cake I wonder if the pronounciation is close lol \:D cake kitty \:D ahh noo the rhymes I hope they can do them well \:\( ooooh thats amazing!! congrats *-* I think I had won outdoor retreat on simsvip \:D ugh yes yes the episode was soooooo good, I thought sandboy was gonna be Nino's brother but it seems that's not the case.. well unless he shows up again and they confirm that but I doubt it now. oh my god Gabriel, I used to think he was mad and probably very heartbroken but now he's delving right into monster territory :///// I don't even hate him somehow but my god what is wrong with that man D: I want to keep Adrien as far away from him as possible ow. it was a little disturbing but omg the Adrien/Chloe getting a hamster named after her was just so funny, poor baby Mari lol. oh oh and Plagg being like I mean he's a sap but he's not that bad lol that was so funny, I want to see more of swooning from Adrien and more ew why you do this from Plagg, even though he totally secretly likes it \:P and him and Tikki make me think of ladynoir sometimes lol so cuuute *-* ugh same Adrien just hurts me so bad I want to make him cakes and hug him and push him into Marinette's arms I just want him to be happy it hurts D: omg angry evil ladybug was amazing, it almost makes me want to see them akumatized, I wonder how terrifying those two would be as akumas \:o alsoooo, the miss fortune/chat blanc thing is cool but what would they be like if it were their civilian sides that were akumatized I wonder.. zombizou didn't help with that lol. ughhhhhhhhhh ladynoir oh my god the carrying the touching the flirting the falling-on-top-of-her yet again gah ugh they are indeed getting a lot closer it's soooo ugh, she cares more and more what he thinks and last scene before he left made me think of the last one in anansi too, you dont think of me like that do you/you're not replacing me are you, ow ow it's like they're slowly fully opening up to each other aaaaaahhhhhhh I loooooooove theeeeeeeeeeeeeeem I'm gonna diiiiiiieeeeeeeeee help meeeeeeeee D: ugh yes I saw the trailer, nothing in it surprised me, we kinda knew Emilie was kept hidden in that weird temple room of his but I wonder what happened to her.. D: she's clearly not dead otherwise I don't think he'd keep her there.. well I don't know actually he's insane lol but still D: but ugh the flower scene made me a little more scared for frozer, I mean I knoooooow it's most likely his imagination since 1. I'm 100% sure the reveal won't happen midseason 2. the production order, weren't anansi and sandboy and stuff set after it? 3. the rose disappeared and plagg wasn't there when he detransformed 4. he gave the rose to Kagami so he couldn't have given it to ladybug unless he somehow has an infinite supply of roses with him 5. I remember Nathaniel having his dream with Marinette in s1 and the dream definitely wasn't differently colored or anything so that adds to it. but my god I'm still scared, don't hurt them pleaaaaaase and keep the lizard away ugh ugh u gh why did they have to release that trailer so early, there are like three weeks left and besides, we didn't have anything all summer why are they throwing everything at us all at once D: also just get rid of the lizard already please and thank you I'm too emotionally fragile to deal with this lol

magicmorgieSep 25, 2018

oh my god did you see the episode \:o tikki and plagg are so cute I love them and they love Marinette and Adrien and I just \:\((((((( imagine them all together cuddling and being soft and lovely *-* those nightmares were a little creepy lol, Marinette's made me laugh though, it was so weird lol but ow she loves him so much D: and he loves her so much D: like some of their worst nightmares are losing each other and it hurts oh my god D: and Adrien's first nightmare hurt even more owwwwww D: but the ladynoir in here my poor heart they're intense lol I love them so much \:\(((((( \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

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