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magicmorgieSep 24, 2018

ooooooh and yes do all the marichat poses *-* you got season?? awesome it's lovely *-*

WistfulCastleSep 24, 2018

Wow, thank you, ALExIA for that great comment!\:\)

magicmorgieSep 24, 2018

au contraire I'm pretty sure people would be interested in poses \:o especially ladybug themed ones \:D oh the production order, that might be true I have no idea, I wonder why he refuses to say lol. was she ever really that annoyed with his flirting though \:P do you remember reflekta when he kissed her hand and she was just flirting back with him lol and the animan puns and she was all it's your jokes that drive me crazy but she's always smiling when he's being flirty \:P actually I think one of the only times she was like \:o was the stormy weather episode when she was all omg he kissed my hand wtf this boy hahaha \:P but ahhh glaciator I think he broke her a little that day, it went from oh hes my overly flirty partner to oh my god he really loves me, ughhhh I felt their emotions there they were sooo vulnerable and ugh my god her eyes when he kissed her my heaaaaaaaaaart help D: \:wub\: I noticed that too, she doesn't seem that happy, it's just like oh hes lifting me??? okay..... ugh he's way too forward I don't like it, you're right, if there's development the ship might work but for now she comes off as a good person and he comes off as well a creepy lizardman, I'm really struggling not to hate him right now from that trailer alone, and I really don't like that he made fun of Marinette's stutter in like the 5 first seconds, Adrien never ever did something like that, he's always so sweet with her D: did you notice Kagami's ring and lizardman's earrings though? I wonder if that means anythimg hmmm. I feel cat puns are easier in english lol, are puns hard in italian? \:o I hope frightningale will be fine! I saw the french and english dub and they were both really fun, the optimism/cataclysm joke was the same \:D idk if they'll lose their public apparently there are shows that are so much worse and theyre doing fine \:o thank youuuu *-* I hope I can get him even prettier \:D some maxis makeup is good but I think the good ones are from stuff packs? cc make up is great though there are so many nice looks *-* omg your save you basically got marichat directly hahaha \:D ohhhh sandboy is tonight I'm nervous and excited omg \:o

magicmorgieSep 23, 2018

they're not even together there btw I just put them in a new save as roommates to see the mermaid tails and they're already making heart eyes at each other I love them \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:those moronssssss \:D

magicmorgieSep 23, 2018 \:D the tails are awesome *-* I wanted to give him sparkly green make up with a smokey black cateye cause I like my mermaids with sparkly pretty colors but there's no multilayering \:\( and excuse the bad editing lol I just pasted everything together :S

magicmorgieSep 23, 2018

I saw somebody call him that and I thought it was very fitting so that's what I'm calling him now \:P I've never played sims freeplay, it looks ehhhh lol. oooh I've only tried gimp like one time \:o I had photofiltre at first, it was very basic lol. oh yeah photoshop seems so complicated at first then you get used to it \:D I don't know how to do everything on it though \:P ooooooh mermadi tails \:D *-* *runs to download* I'll try to make a merman Adrien then I'll send you a pic \:D ohhh you used to make the poses too?? that's amazing \:o the eternal inspiration problem \:\( and okay I should try to make recolors sometime \:D I know nothing about 3d stuff though lol, I usually stop at edits or gifs so that would be new \:D I'm okay with it too now, I agree with you on everything, there's no way the reveal would happen midseason especially with Thomas saying there's no real order, it has to be either a season premiere or finale, so he's definitely imagining it. and the scene with Kagami seems platonic, like oh I'm sorry about this - thanks for listening to me you can keep the flower. and ughhhhhhh yes lizardman needs to back off, I hate that ship so much it makes me nauseated, he's overdoing it and they don't go well together at all, I really hope she tells him to gtfo soon I don't wanna see him anymore unless he's with Kagami cause my god that would be a good ship lol. hahaha froze you \:P is chat noir rubbing off on you? my mom was trying to make a cat pun yesterday and I fixed it for her and she was like oh thats better and I was like it's the chat noir effect \;\)))) it froze me for like the entire day and I'm only getting over the rage now lol, still pissed over lizardman though :x oh my god the real reveal/them getting together will destroy everybody omg, nobody will surive at all lol whooops

Birba32Sep 23, 2018

Hi!! Thank you so much for your kind comment \:\) Have a good sunday \:wub\:

KatVerseCCSep 22, 2018

Thank you for kind comment \:wub\:

magicmorgieSep 21, 2018

I was actually in the middle of practising piano and thinking about those morons being cute and now Im just O.O no brain function omg

magicmorgieSep 21, 2018

ugh how are we supposed to survive now I need this episode now even if I'll probably puke watching it and I actually don't even want this ow ow ow so much for being excited for the ice powers but I did think it would be better for them to resolve this luka kagami mess before s3 but ughugh it hurts and I need Marinette to tell him off uhghhh D: I'm pretty sure Adrien stops at she's nice and a good fencer and reminds me of ladybug a little in regards to Kagami though. ughhhhhhhh how are we supposed to survive this

magicmorgieSep 21, 2018

okay lets try to be coherent enough :/ I hope they'll all be friends in the far future \:o she better accept it and ship it but having her be mad at the beginning would be pretty funny lol. omg same, finding out and screaming at Marinette for marichat or just like w h y my shipssssss if she sees ladrien lol. omg the first sims mobile D: wtf D: did you ever play sims social?? it was my first sims game, I think they shut it down now though \:\( huh there are rumors about university? thats less exciting lol I hope it's an occult too D: ohhh I understand D: I see why they did that but better be happy doing what you love \:D do you use photoshop at all or just blender? \:o I hope you can attend *-* I like learning by myself \:D I can take my time and meddle with stuff \:D I'm doing that with the piano right now too \:o all arms moving at the same time would work pretty well! ohhh thats fine I'm sure it will still look amazing! *-* makes me want to get a mermaid au save \:D ohhhh hahahaha I imagined them completely naked oops my bad \:P your ladynoir screenshots are so lovely!! *-* the marichat ones too *-* will you take more *-* yup Chloes mother is awful lol, I feel a little for Chloe since I bet she wouldn't have been like that if it werent for Audrey D: ohhh thank youuuu *-* I'm pretty satisfied with her face \:D it took me ages lol, they're not even aged up though they're teenagers whoops. I need to get his face to look as perfect as he is though \:P oh no I havent is it hard?? \:o

magicmorgieSep 21, 2018

i cant function??????????? anymore??? okay let me try and read and reply to your message now

magicmorgieSep 21, 2018

oh mym god what the ffffffffffffffffffffff did i just watch whats happening that cant be real wtffffffff OKAY the reveal is probably a dream but wtf luka stay a w a y lizardman

WistfulCastleSep 21, 2018

Hi! Thank you for your comment. Yes, they should be allowed for random \:\)

soloriyaSep 21, 2018

Thank you for your comment! ♥ Happy simming \:\)

magicmorgieSep 20, 2018

I'm not done with their outfits either thats gonna take a while lol, I want a chat inspired outfit for her and a ladybug inspired one for him but relevant cc is hard to find lol. I did find a cat ears cap and cat themed socks and a sweater though \:P

magicmorgieSep 20, 2018 cas close up \:D your cc are soooo prettyyyyy \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: I don't feel like I'm quite done with Adrien's face though, I'm not that good at making male sims \:\(

magicmorgieSep 20, 2018

that's okay take your time \:D omg yes they all ship it *-* except chloe of course \:P I wonder how she'll react when she sees Adrien and Marinette being flirty and cute \:o but imagine their reactions if they saw marichat/ladrien having moments haha, Alya would freak out so much omg \:P lol if he gets to kiss her he'll make sure it lasts \:D but then again he did get shy in riposte hmmmm who knows \:P I do love their blushing though *-* so sweet *-* ugh I want a marichat kiss too!! I want every version actually \:P I do the same for sims mobile even if I started it like two weeks ago lol. I saw the news!! I hope we get something good \:o I want more gamepacks tbh those are really good \:o ohhh that sounds interesting!! 3d modeling too *-* did sims help with that? I get you though, I wanted to do something science-y or business related for a long time then I got burned out and I was like what am I doing with my life I'll just do my photography, which I haven't even started properly actually lol. ohh about anansi, you could add extra non functional arms as an accessory like chat's tail? would that work? I hope your build mode inspo comes back cause I'm definitely excited for anything you can make for them \:D ohhh thank you!! \:wub\: \:wub\: I'll send you close ups of them \:D hmmm I'll try again with the screenshots \:P oh I didn't think about the bodymorph :s okay though! I'll get them when you do it *-* you didn't make any mess though you can just update your post with the male version included afterwards \:D paris save? \:o what are you doing in that \:o omg it's a nudist camp lol \:P ohhhh awesome!! if they don't do it I'll get that *-* I really want my mermaids in their ocean lol. it's a shame too cause the cats and dogs world is full of water and looks so swimmable D: the witch items are too pretty not to get them \:P oh I have!! we definitely know where chloe gets her attitude from :s

magicmorgieSep 19, 2018

have you seen soloriya's new sabrina sets?? they look so good they make me want witches even more

magicmorgieSep 17, 2018 I need to learn how to take pretty screenshots in this game lol but here \:D the tail looks super nice in water *-* and the walk shuffle on land is so funny \:D is it not supposed to work with boys btw cause I found the no feet but the tail wasn't there \:o ohh and I'm not done with Adrien's face yet \:P or all their outfits actually I have work to do there lol. we really need swimmable oceans though D: a mermaid in a pool is just weird :p

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