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AleNikSimmer's Guestbook

magicmorgieAug 24, 2018

ohh btw your new dress looks great!! especially in white *-* it could be a lovely wedding dress \:wub\:

magicmorgieAug 24, 2018

english is always the best default option \:D huh in korean??? why?? how?? oh my god how would we understand anything?? are there even people who sub korean?? we're gonna die lol I'm crossing my fingers the english dub comes out at the same time \:o (or french because they're french and I'm weak and I want them to dance to la vie en rose \:wacko\: ) the english dub seems to come out pretty quickly once there another one has aired though so maybe we'll be lucky??? \:confused\: oh what happened to your hard drive? \:\( omg there's no loading screen on forgotten hollow?? I need the vampire pack now D: it seems lovely for halloween parties too \:o oh my god yes not vacation worlds those aren't that fun, real usable fantasy worlds *-* imagine a fairy world with tiny houses in the trees or tiny sparkly fairies everywhere *-* and so much pastel and glitter \:P I want everything!! D: ea give us everything already \:\( ohh have fun!! tell me what you think later \:D right now I'm reading I want that can't-sleep love by fragileizy, it's more on the fluff side so I don't know if you'd like it but it's really funny \:D it's a wip but she updates and I'm pretty sure it's almost finished (unfortunately lol)

magicmorgieAug 22, 2018

oh my god you don't like them?? I'm not alone anymore *-* omg I kinda ship them together too, that way there's a new ship and yes they can stay far far away from our lovely in love babies \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: I completely ignore spanish for that same reason lol do the subs for those come out really fast? or do you just watch without \:P ohhh those!! I prefer maxismatch hair generally but those aren't bad \:D we do really need those to come to the game soon!! I wonder if they'll have worlds like forgotten hollow \:o imagine a fairy world \:o would that look like the elven worlds from lotr *-* I need to stop lol. ohh I know one fic! something familiar by freedom_shamrock I really liked the beginning but then it went into drama mode which I don't like as much because I live off fluff but it's good \:D I'll try to look for more \:P

magicmorgieAug 20, 2018

ugh not those two, they're the last thing I want to think about much less see lol. oooh I've never seen the italian dub \:o I usually watch in french (first language, good for me it goes with the show lol) or english too if it's the only one out, english dub is okay lol. ohh great I love maxis match \:D whats alpha hair? \:o I need a dictionary for this stuff lol \:wacko\: are those mods any good? \:o I think there are cat-only versions but I've also heard about the shapeshifter version and another one that's like he's cursed into being a cat and then kiss a la frog prince turns him back \:D *-* \:wub\: I think the last one is my favorite *-* it's true that it can't work well in sims but hey some screenshots can do the trick \:P \:D

magicmorgieAug 20, 2018

ohhh, the kids can fish?? everyone is on work duty lol. ohhh me too! especially the frozor one, I reaaaaaaaally wanna see the ice powers *-* have you seen the show in french? you can do that if you haven't already, I think it's so much better than in english *-* Adrien's voice is lovely\:D \:wub\: ohh that sounds great!! are they maxis match? *-* I'm gonna ignore those people and pretend it's a hint for tropical stuff lol. ahhhhh even witches or fairies would be amazing *-* the witch!marinette/chat noir au could be a thing in sims too \:o ugh this is getting me excited too soon lol :P

magicmorgieAug 19, 2018

noooo D: internet why D: thanks *-* I'm glad it's fixed too \:D it's gonna be a teenage rose hunt \:P ohhhh D: I can't blame you though, their airing schedule is wonky at best. I hope they fix it and you get your cc interest back though \:wub\: and of course!! I'm sure I'm not the only one excited for your miraculous cc either ;D what are these cc you're gonna publish? \:D btw I downloaded your cat eyes pupils they're awesome *-* did you see the new patch?? caribbean theme hmmmm tropical pack soon maybe? \:D I want my mermaids okay \:P \:D

magicmorgieAug 18, 2018

hello \:D my internet died again but they fixed it pretty quickly this time phew. ohh, maybe you can find roses in the wild? or in some garden? the camping is pretty fun but they end up missing their house after a while \:D oh my god is it gonna be a daycare mansion haha. oooh you should upload those blouseless shirts *-* and the pet shirts too if you like them enough \:D I would download everything lol. oh yeah too many new big projects would just be confusing thats true D: oooh aqua and ice versions \:D *-* so lovely *-* the aqua one could work as some diving suit *-* I still want the tropical pack lol. omfg I'm scared of the animal aspiration now haha \:eek\: ohhh D: your poor computer \:\( send it some love from me would you \:P \:wub\:

matheus,usa2007Aug 16, 2018

When will we see the next Miraculous Set?

magicmorgieAug 10, 2018

oh that was one giant message lol I'm sorry :p

magicmorgieAug 10, 2018

me too you have no idea lol. I loooove the adrien set *-* it's awesome :'D the dragonfruit are great for money!! have you tried roses? those are pretty good for that too \:D is the house good enough for Gabriel's son now? \:P I can't blame you his outfit isn't fun at all lol, except for the butterfly sign thingy \:P ooh animal cc *-* I know the feeling with the block/inspiration D: I have that lately with photography, I feel like taking pictures and when I go outside I'm like ???????? what was I gonna do?? it's annoying :s ohh, maybe if I throw ideas at you it'll help? \:P have you thought about doing chloe, alya and nino's clothes? or Marinette and Adrien's shirts without the blouses? fan shirts? \:o the paw underwear \;\) hahaha. ladybug themed dress? \:o cheese and cookies graphic tshirts? \:P ohh!! Adrien's clothes from the modeling magazines/posters? \:o the feather hat Marinette made? \:P is that helping at all \:P I'm too scared to even own a pet in game to continue the animal aspiration omg it probably gets worse doesnt it D: you can start with a really simple clinic with only an exam table/crafting machine, that shouldnt lag too much \:D my older laptop would barely load sims at all though so I feel you \:\( and it got worse the more packs I got lol. current computer is a laptop too though and it works pretty well \:o

magicmorgieAug 5, 2018

hello \:D my internet had died completely D: they changed the router/modem today though and it works now \:D I downloaded the Adrien set and it's so lovelyyyyy \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: I love it \:D omg do they have the budget to fix all the furniture dear chloe destroys \:P okay, if you ever make them to upload them I'll download them for sure \:D imagine a plagg and a tikki dressed with ladynoir merch omfg haha. omg that aspiration seems like a pain D: I made a random vet sim with the animal aspiration but I ended up more interested in the clinic itself oops :s

MissMoonshadowAug 4, 2018

Hello, dear. I love your Miraculous sets. Will you ever make Alya/Rena Rouge someday?

KerlesslyJul 27, 2018

Thank you for the comment! \:wub\: So happy you liked it.

JJDA89Jul 26, 2018

Hi i love your outfits for miraculous can you do a Adrian one please.\:\)

magicmorgieJul 22, 2018

whoops forgot about that :c lol oh my god chloe, is the cat mean? does she keep taking care of her fur too \:P \:P omg the poor furniture, chloe this isnt your father's palace, they're broke we dont need this hahaha. omg a cat tshirt?? cuuute!! if you ever decide to upload it I'll download it for sure *-* I havent tried any of those aspirations actually! I've done curator and the one with the gardening and bodybuilders \:P they seem easier than the ones you've done! oh my god lol what are all those challenges \:o I dont know anything I'm gonna google them all \:eek\: don't worry about the long posts they're fun! and sorry for the late replies I have a massive problem with my internet and the call center isn't answeing D: answer already so I can go back to searching for cc to finish Adrien's room \:mad\: \:confused\: \:eek\:

magicmorgieJul 21, 2018

I hope so!! *-* \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: that sounds like a lot of fun!! you should get them a plagg and a tikki too \:P whats their cat called?? I usually make my otps and give them a nice life with lots of romance but maybe I should spice it up a little bit \:P have you done any other challenges \:o

magicmorgieJul 19, 2018

I can imagine omg. have you done it before? \:o omg you're right lol how many clothes does he have in that case \:P probably enough to dress all of Paris *-* Gabriel does seem to have a lot of pictures of Adrien from photoshoots though \:o but yup she probably still has more hahaha. ohh I saw your update on tumblr!! the set looks beautiful *-*

magicmorgieJul 15, 2018

only 6?? how are you gonna get the 100 done oh my god lol. ooh I can't wait!! maybe I should start planning outfits for him \:o and maybe make him a dressing room lol, I have a headcanon that he has more clothes than chloe \:P even if he always wears the same stuff \:P for the posters I noticed four, one thats a recolor and two others, it's not that much compared to the mass of Adrien pictures Marinette has lol (I made her so many of those haha)

philoJul 14, 2018

Thank you very much for your kind words on my creation. \:D

magicmorgieJul 14, 2018

okay, I hope you manage to make it work!! and lol oh my god how many babies did you make so far \:P I saw your new update on Adrien's cc, it looks great!! \:wub\: meanwhile I'm making Marinette so many outfits and I found a basketball poster in his room so gotta make cc of that \:o

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