Member Blogs


Hey everyone!

If you've seen my sims and you liked them, I am now taking requests. Please send me a message in my guestbook stating the name of the person you want me to simify, and/or a picture you would like me to base the sim off of to my email [email protected]. Thanks, and sorry if your sim might take awhile, since I have school, I might not get to all of them as quick.

Love, Raina

Who says mirrors cannot be broken?

Tutorial done and foisted upon hapless beginners to try it out and point out the error of my ways, so back to the Sims 3 drawing board!

One set I am very keen to complete now is the bathroom set (well, the word 'bathroom' might be playing a fine edge to the real set I am making).  You've seen the toilets and the sinks now, so how about some mirrors?  The rust is in two recolourable shades.  I was going to make that non-recolourable but the mirrors can be made to look very different depending on the colour of that rust.  Four different designs (including a cracked, broken mirror) will ensure you'll have no 'repeat' effect when using more than one...

If anyone asks me nicely, I might even make a 100% boringly clean and rust-free mirror to complete the set, but we'll all know who you are!  Anyway, I'm sorry I was timed-out on creating.  Now that tutorials and other nonsense is out of the way, I can throw myself back into ruining your game - my favourite pastime!

Postscript: time for MY moment of shame.  Everything is this set will (unfortunately) clean up into pristine items too.  I've simply chosen the worst possible colour variations to show you.  Even the sinks will shine like mother came along and cleaned them in disgust!

new updates!

Yes, I'm still alive...

in a few days there will be a new update here @ TSR, @ my site I updated today new outerwear...

what do you think about this outfit?

No ice-creams...

I really just have to share this story with you all.

Last night, my fiancee and I went to the cinemas to see the new movie, Shutter Island. While the trailers were playing, Chris went to get us a couple of mint choc chip ice-creams. He came back with a mint choc chip choc top for him and a vanilla for me for some strange reason. Even he doesn't know why he got a vanilla for me but I think it was because we were talking about them before he went and therefore he had vanilla on his mind. So anyway, that was fine and I said I would just go get myself a mint choc chip one.

By the time I came back in, the movie was just starting and a couple were now sitting next to Chris, pushing us down one seat. As I sat down, he explained that while trying to move for the couple who came in late, he had dropped his ice-cream and it now lay splattered on the floor in front of us. So, I was willing to share mine but while he was showing me where his dropped ice-cream was so I wouldn't step in it, my ice-cream fell off my lap and splattered on the ground, too!!

We were just speechless. Three ice-creams later and neither of us got to eat one! Obviously we weren't meant to have an ice-cream last night. After the initial annoyance disappeared, we couldn't stop laughing about it. Luckily the movie was great - it has a surprising twist! - and it was still a great night. But, what are the odds?? :-D


Available on Sunday Feb 21st. To get it just the way I wanted it to look I needed to use FA items therefore it will be a subscriber only download. To get a sneak peek check out my mini site's upcoming pod. All comments welcome and appreciated!

Bits N Bobs

A few projects under way right now, lights and blinds. Still experimenting with things, seeing what can and cannot be done at this point. My favorite lights I made for TS2 are the ones below, just couldn't live without them *lol*



In the background of the preview below you can see the blinds I am working on that fit with the Panorama windows. Not 100% happy with them yet, but getting close ;-)


Next Five Lots Comming Soon...

I Think the next five house I make are going to be studio style starter homes for the bachelor/bachelorette sims. So working on Modern and Traditional versions of these. Hopefully Ill have all out and waiting to be published by Monday...




UPCOMING MAKE-UP - UM Volume Shocking Mascara - LOreal

Full of energy and with a new creation with me! Just finished this mascara. It started like an experiment that lately turned out well, so I decided to upload it. This mascara will add volume + length to you sim lashes.

Hope you like it! UM

New Poll to go with New Bedroom

In addition to my new bedroom, I have a new poll for you. Have a great time!


Hey People!

Remember me?? It's been a long time since I last posted,well anything, and I'm sorry :(

TSR kinda took the back seat as real life took over. I'm back (yay), I can't promise that I will be a massively active member of the TSR community, but I will try when I can :)

I'm thinking about starting story writing again, I'l just have to see how school and RL goes

Thanks for reading this far

Paul / simboy161

Recolors of Items from other sites

I am sorry for any inconvenience that may be caused by my recoloring of items from closed sites. I cannot edit my files here at TSR and I am sure they do not want to edit ALL the files necessary. So, PLEASE, if it is a recolor of an item from an outside Sims2 site, recolored by myself or ANYONE, make sure it is available before you download to alleviate any frustrations you may incur.

You can PM me for more information if you like.

New Patterns Coming

Hi Everybody, sorry it's been awhile, but I was having problems getting items installed in the game with the Sims 3 Launcher not working with the updated patches, but now I have just uploaded a new pattern for you, it will be published on Feb 21, I hope you Like it.

I'm back! Wheeee!

I'm back, and I bring some new creations for Sims 2 and 3 (I deleted my sims 3, so I had a week rest;)

Zoey Redbird's Skin&Flashing Lights Dress

at work

At the moment i'm working on a new lot.This will be a huge shoppingmall included all u need.

Some elements are finished:

- boutique

- jewelery

- grocery

- bookstore

- spashop

- gallery

- gym

- diner

- cinema


I used a lot of downloads from TSR-Artists.


In my screenshot folder u can see some impressions of the finished elements.


Ctr- Alt- Delete and start life over



I cant beleve how great this site is.

I looked around the net but so for this site blows every other site out off the water.

Going to start making stuff to put on here but it will probaly take a while.

I want every thing to be just right.

What to do now...

So I now officially have 9 lots built I'm thinking about what to do for number ten... I gonna do this one from my imagination :) Sooo lets see what I come up with if worse comes to worse I can build one of the houses I had saved for later and give my imagination a rest


Veronika Storm: the next chapter

Hello simmers!

As some of you may already know, after some soul-searching I have made the decision to move my Veronika Storm story series off-site and it now has its own blog at

I'm very grateful for the opportunity that TSR has given me to share this series with all of you; but it seems to have taken on a life of its own! I felt it needed a dedicated home.

All previous chapters will stay here on TSR where they were first published, but all new chapters will be published on the Veronika Storm blog.

In fact, Chapter 2 is available now!

If you get the chance to visit Veronika and me at our new home, we'd love to hear from you!


Illandrya's Sim Stories:

Veronika Storm:


My creations and my sites


Joyride, my webcomic -- Custom content has been posted there in the past

My deviantArt -- Better quality screens have been posted there from time to time.

My Twitter



On various sites, I tend to get asked a lot about where I got the custom content on my sims, and the answer is "I make most of it myself." 

See, I run a webcomic called Joyride. Most of the Sims I play with are Sim versions of Joyride characters, and most of the custom content used on them was created by myself. I don't usually release creations publically, but when I do, you'll find them at Joyride.

Joyride is a site for my webcomic, NOT a Sims site, but since most of my creations for Sims revolve around my Joyride characters, sometimes I release relevant creations on the Joyride site.

Creations that were posted on Joyride in the past, but are no longer posted there, WILL eventually be reposted. I just have to get things reorganized since I don't even have Sims 2 installed on this new computer yet.

That explains the confusion, I hope? :U




A New Bedroom Set for You Tomorrow

After a lengthy wait, I finally have a new bedroom set for you tomorrow. I hope you enjoy it! If you do anything interesting with it, I hope you'll send me a link to a screenshot. Have fun!



I'm new to TSR and im not sure on how to mesh so im better at patterns ok?

any way see ya for now!

Bad News >.

Hey Guys.


Something terrible happened.

I deinstalled the Sims 2 and have no Safety Copy of the dates, downloads, products etc.

So I can't play next time.


I'll take a creator timeout and make some products at IMVU [] .


I hope I 'll have installed the game soon and I can make some creations :D



we see us :3


xxx physia


Hello. Well, i know i'm doing a legacy at the moment but when i finish that (i do have a finishing point) i will need ideas for a story.

So if you have any ideas, or a story you would like to read, just say and i will get it done as soon as my Legacy has finished (:

Thank you xx
- Katie

UPCOMING MAKE-UP - UM Juicy Jelly Lip Gloss - Lancome

Lancome really inspirated me, so I made this shiny gloss today. Three recolorable parts to change. Available from teen to elder. You can find this lip gloss under costume make-up,  but just because I like it this way.

Hope you like it! Let me know.

Release date: 20. feb

Enjoy! UM


more realism

i'm getting to the point where i need more realism in my game. i want a range of jobs and hobbies. i'm dying without pets & weather lol even though there is word that a new EP will have weather && supposively hobbies/professions but we know that this could get changed. gosh i really hope it doesn't

Summer 2010

Today I got a call from the Company I applied for a Job. and got HIRED yeah.

So this is my last month in The Netherlands.

I'll  be of for 8 months to Mallorca Spain for work.

In this time you won't see any uploads from me I think. The hours that I'll be making are very long but it's so nice to do LOL

I will be on the internet and cheking in from time to time.

I'll be back in Holland in november then I'll be starting to upload again.

Untill I leave I will be uploading some lots. (that I'm working on right now)

Thank you for all the support you all gave me in the last  months and I hope you'll be supporting me after I come back from spain.

Thank you all

Guess what I got....       World Adventures!! I´m so happy now! See you!



Forget the Flintstones, here come the Neanderthals! My new creations :)

Hi, All,

Up for release tommorow is my new Sim family, the Neanderthals. I love all kinds of History, so I thought it would be fun to do a Cave man type family. I have tried to make them as realistic as I could, based on how Neanderthals would have looked.

I think they have turned out quite well. You can check them out by looking at my profile at the "Upcoming" section of my page. I have nearly finished the lot that I have created for them too, so expect to see that in a few days. So remember to check back or book mark me.

The Neanderthal lot is below ground level, made to look like a underground cave. Unfortunately, I have had to add some things that they wouldn't have had at that time. Things like a refrigerator, sink, shower etc. It would have been pretty hard to play the lot otherwise. All the items have been camouflaged in a stone type effect, so hopefully it shouldn't be too obvious.

I hope you all like it, here is a sneaky peep :) If you look carefully, you can see the underground entrance.


It's my B-day today! :) 20 years ...

Another year  ... just hope'll be happy, healthy, optimistic and continue creating fot TSR of course! :)

Please read the lot description

Just recently since making the abandoned elf dwelling I had 2 comments that they could not find the 64x64 lot size. I always put at the end of the description where best placement of lot goes and which is where it was built. All of my lots are built in Sunset Valley unless I mention Riverview. So please read the description of the lot before there is unnecessary worry. Thanks :)

Another Update

Ok, so long time no see! I've been having problems with the uploader, so I haven't been able to upload anything I've been doing lately. I've also been working on a rather big house project, so I haven't had much time to make sims. But I still have, a few of which will be submitted tonight, a few more tomorrow (right now it's 7:00 my time, for reference for you all). So, submitted tonight or tomorrow will be:

Eddie Vedder (lead singer of Pearl Jam, finally found hair for him!)

Andy Hurley (drummer for FOB)

Billie Joe Armstrong (lead singer of Green Day)

Tre Cool (drummer for Green Day)

Joe Trohman (guitarist for FOB)


I also have a Soulja Boy Tell 'Em sim that I made for someone on the forums ready to upload, but there seems to be something wrong with it, cause every time I've tried to upload him it gives me errors. I have a support issue opened, so hopefully it'll be fixed soon and I'll be able to upload him too.

So that's what's up in my simming world! Expect more soon!




Fixing Lots

Im fixing all my lots now so there all going to be base game compatiable. My newest one coming out tomorrow is good so working on past ones pusblished :)

Think when you can't sleep

So it's one in the morning and I just submitted house number 6. I have class at 9:30 in the morning so I should really get to bed. So I turn off my computer and just lay there in silence. The room is dark and I try closing my eyes but I cant sleep. All I can think about is how I'm going to make my design for the next house work. This house is a modern house with a big courtyard area.  I have decided from now on I will only be putting kitchens and bathroom in the houses. It will it easier for them to load and keep me from accidentally putting requirement in my downloads. So as I lay there and thought about how to properly build the house, my test in PY205 or what I'm going to put in the houses I began to dose off. Only the next morning to start another day


Trying to find my 'own label'

Like I said in my former post I need to find my own label, a way to showcase my work so it is somewhat easily recognisable.  As I just said to Sinastra in her blog, I also want to create a pattern library.  One, to keep track of all the gorgeous stuff I keep nabbing here and two, to keep track of the stuff I create myself in the meantime. Also to be able to check for unwanted (or unwillingly made) duplicates.

Suddenly I had a brainwave! Most probably I'm not the first to think of it, but still, it's a wave for me :D  I'm going to build me a museum cum gallery, where my Sims can go and admire all the art I gathered. Otherwise their houses get cluttered - and there's always an annoying chimney, door frame or wall shoving into the picture most of the time :P

*note to self* Ask Angela if I can use her Latis furniture to dress the gallery - and use it for my window dressing - should be just the ticket!


Compromising Ground Connection

What is love?

Hey Guyz.I'm back and I've got with me a story... Hope you'll like this... is short... but maybe you'll like that. It's called What Is Love? . So... wait the story to be accepted and then posted.:)

1000 downloads on Contemporary Resort Living 1012 :O

I am just glad to say that the last lot of the series has reached 1000 downloads ! thanks guys :)

First lot in the pipeline...

Ha!  It is always satisfying when you see the tab 'pending' change into 'approved' :D  Two packages will arrive soon - one lot and one picture. 

The farm was also submitted to the 'official' S3 exchange, before I discovered TSR (didn't look back after that :D), so as far as I know there won't be any custom content in it.  If, by any chance you do notice CC though (can't remember anymore if I tweaked the farm in game after submitting it) please give a shout and I will gladly amend!  The picture is hanging in most of my Sims houses, it was one I made some time ago of youngest and our cat.  I really should make one of eldest daughter too :D

Now I have to work on my patterns - the packages are done, but they weren't approved before because of poor showcasing - can't blame TSR for that, I just have to get better at photographing in game and finding a kind of 'own label' - and getting inspriation from all the beautiful window dressing of you guys :D


The Burb Family - Addendum

Just an update on what's happened with the Burb family.

It's a struggle, what with trying to juggle Tiffany's fashion career with the odd hours, especially when it comes to building up skills to the highest degree:  it takes forever, and there's only so much time in each day for Tiffany to work on her Charisma.  True, she could skip work once or twice--and has--but given that even at not quite where she wants to be, she still brings in a sizeable paycheck, she can't miss work too often...the family needs the funds.

Of course, now that Ian has made it up to being an Exorcist, bringing in 1000 Simoleons a day, the pressure's off Tiffany.  On the other hand, the pressure was on everyone for a time, because while all this was going on, Ian and his wife Willow...well, they decided they were ready to expand the family, and had a baby boy.  The whold family was in an uprorar as they tried to juggle sleep with missing work, not missing work, and maintaining the relationships needed to get everyone to where they need to be.  Long story short, the newest Burb--Ash--wound up being sort of Neat, very Outgoing, not especially Active, exceptionally Playful, and very Nice as well.  He's bonded quite well with Dottie, the Dalmatian the Burbs adopted.

Willow decided to go the Business route.  Really, her starting skills were high enough that she could go into any number of professions, but since she was a little greedy, she went for the money--950 Simoleons a day.  Now, if Tiffany could just get up to being a Fashion Columnist, the family would bring in 3000 Simoleons total each day, more than enough to build up the family coffers, especially since they haven't gone out of their way to buy a whole lot.  On the other hand, they all really need to update their wardrobes a bit.  They went shopping in Old Town the same day they adopted Dottie, and Johnny had a new swimsuit and new PJs, but everyone else is still in their same old clothes.  Well, not really...Ash, after getting comfortable in a stained gray shirt and blue jeans, decided to drop that in favor of a green long-sleeved shirt and blue jeans (courtesy of the TSR Archive).

In order to accommodate all the new additions, the Burbs had to expand their original house.  They enlarged the foyer so that there were fewer traffic jams going in and out--especially with Tucker and Dottie always racing to meet people at the door and getting underfoot.  They put in another bathroom upstairs, and expanded the rooms upstairs as well.  Downstairs, they relocated the washroom and installed a shower.  They also built a separate room just for the dogs--Tucker's old doghouse got moved inside (though it's now usually Dottie in there), and the dogs' bath is also located inside.  The garden shrank--as mentioned before--so Brad could do it all on his own--but the stress is wearing on him--between working in the getting up early to make breakfast for everyone, working in the garden, and trying to keep up his relationships, it's no wonder the poor man hits the espresso machine fix or six times a day.

The Burbs are thinking of taking a vacation sometime soon...maybe after Tiffany gets promoted again...but they may forget that entirely, since their Creativity skills are thus far only as high as they need them to be.  Besides, they just planted a hedge wall all around the inside of their fence, and planted hawthorne and juniper bushes on the outside of the fence.  It cost a bit, so the vacation may have to wait until they're more safely solvent again.  Of course, they need a few more items in the home too, and a pool in the backyard would also be welcome.

Latest Headlines

Requests! Who says mirrors cannot be broken? new updates! No ice-creams... Morningside Bits N Bobs Next Five Lots Comming Soon... Hello UPCOMING MAKE-UP - UM Volume... New Poll to go with New Bedroom Well... Recolors of Items from other sites New Patterns Coming I'm back! Wheeee! at work Alt WOW What to do now... Veronika Storm: the next chapter My creations and my sites A New Bedroom Set for You Tomorrow Hello! Bad News >. Stories UPCOMING MAKE-UP - UM Juicy... more realism Summer 2010 Guess what I got.... Forget the Flintstones, here... It's my B-day today! :) 20 years... Please read the lot description Another Update Fixing Lots Think when you can't sleep Trying to find my 'own label' Ground What is love? 1000 downloads on Contemporary... First lot in the pipeline... The Burb Family - Addendum
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