Member Blogs

So Sorry!

Hi everyone, after a long time.

                 First of all,  thank you very much for your comments on my creations and your messages in my GB. I know this can't excuse but I was a little busy. I've read all comments and messages from you and I will answer them all as soon as possible.

                 In later days, there will be good surprises. I hope you will forgive me.

Yours, Melinda!



Having a mouse problem isn't what it use to be is it 

Screenshot is featured on front page!

Wow!  I am so overjoyed!  I can't beleive that one of my screenshots is being featured on the front page!  This is so cool!  I would never have imagined that this would happen!  While playing the game one night, China was loading and I was just messing around waitnig for my sim to load on the screen and decided to see if the camara would work while it was loading.  To my surprise, it worked.  So being featured on something that was random while playing the game and wanting to share with everyone that this was possible to do (camara shot while waiting for sim to load) is just awesome!  So go check it really is a good screenshot!  :-)  !!

China Vacation Home Finally Submitted

I finally submitted my China vacaction home (100 Dragon Hills) tonight.  I've tested it with two different sims and have enjoyed it.  Hope others do too.  :) 

I watched the video for the new stuff pack tonight and decided I've got to go buy it tomorrow.  I'm a big fan of the modern furnishings so I decided it looked interesting.  Thought I needed to submit my house before adding another pack to my game.

I have still been enjoying playing WA with the sim I named after myself (Kathy), but have lately got a little sidetracked by Texas Holdem on Facebook and have been very lucky.  :) 

Last night Kathy went on another vacation to China.  I remembered a sim she knew dying the last time she visited China but didn't think much about it.  When she arrived in China this time I got a message that she had witnessed a death.  Okay, fine but then she cried for 2 days over an elderly sim named Chen, with the same last name as mine (and my adventurer).  I created this sim and she has no relatives, but it's like the game made this guy her father.  I know none of the sims in China had my last name before he died, it's not an oriental name.  Strange, but it's little things like that that keep me playing.

Hey, it's February.

Hey, everyone, I haven't written a blog in a while, so here it goes (Don't all blogs seem to start off this way?).

I'm really loving creating at the moment.  I've make some of my favorite outfits by far just recently.  And, I'm looking forward to what I'll come up with next!  

Oh, and I hit 3 MILLION downloads.  *applause*  Why, thank you.  Haha, yeah...

And, i found a new obsession!  Grey's Anatomy.  I have no clue why I didn't ever watch it before, but it's really great.  I'm almost through watching season 3, and that's taken me like 2 months.  I also can't wait till Glee comes on again.  Yes, I love Glee.  It's true.  Tell the world.

My astounding skills in Gimp can in handy a couple days ago.  I was bored, so I started making logos for this guy's band.  So, I gave him the link, and he actually used one on his Facebook and Myspace.  Score one for Claire!

In school, I'm getting more and more stressed about scholarships!  Oh my goodness, people, please give me money!  I am also amazed by my sudden lack of homework and my also very sudden case of Senioritis.  Can't wait till the weather warms up, then there'll be nothing to keep me focused!  It's so freakishly cold here all of the sudden.  We'll have one week of 60s weather, then the next week we'll get ice and snow.  I hate snow (and ice, and cold wind).  If it wasn't so freaking windy, it wouldn't be that bad.

Oh, and I really appreciate everyone's comments and entries in my guestbook!  I haven't had as much time to reply to everyone, but hopefully i'll get to it soon!  Also, if you ask a really stupid question (yes, there are such a thing as stupid questions, you know who you are), I probably won't answer you.  Take the freaking time to look up a tutorial by yourself, it's not hard.  There's this new thing called Google.  It makes searching really easy.  Can you believe that?

Also, I put the link to the mesh FOR A REASON!  The reason: it is necessary for you to download it for the outfit to work in your game.  It isn't necessary to comment 14 times telling me that it didn't work for you (this happened. complete with exquisitely improper grammar).  Don't get me wrong, if there is a problem with the mesh, or I put the wrong link, tell me.  Tell me that you think the link is wrong or something, don't just say that it doesn't work for you.  That's not helpful, because I'll just tell you to download the mesh.

Enough ranting for today.


The Green Family

The Greens are not original residents of Old Town, nor are they one of the older families.  They would have been one of the wealthiest, except that they had moved out of their old house and into the Old District, where land was more valuable.  Building a new home from scratch drained their financial resources, but with everyone working hard, they are steadily replenishing their bank account.

Davis and Angelica Green moved to Old Town shortly after their marriage.  Davis, who had always been good at knowing where things were located--even after they had been deliberately hidden--had learned more about his paranormal gifts and had found employment in the neighborhood as an Exorcist.  He still gets a lot of calls to find missing things, though.

Angelica Green (who happens to be Hector Miller's older sister, and who had encouraged him to move to Old Town after his divorce from Misty Talbot) met Davis in college, where she was studying the theater arts.  After their marriage she took a job as a waitress to help make ends meet, but she was soon "discovered" and worked her way into bit parts and supporting roles, and finally made into musicals as a Broadway Star.

They have one daughter, Bethany.

Shortly thereafter, Davis' twin sister Collette married into the Rutherford family.  This was a plus because not only were the twins--who had always been close--living near to one another, their children would always have playmates nearby.

Later, Davis' older brother Theo, his wife Alicia, and their son Isaac came to town.  Returned from living abroad and needing a place to stay, the younger brother invited the older to move in with them.  Accepting the offer, Theo and Alicia make their contribution to the household finances, though neither make as much as Davis and Angelica.

Theo, who had been an executive in another company, now used his severance pay (wishing to return stateside, he'd had no choice but to quit his job) to start his own company.  Now he is a CEO, making more than he was making at his old job.

Alicia, who had also been working with her husband at that other comany, used her severance pay to go back to school and study to her heart's content.  Now, having received her degrees in science, she works as a Theorist.

A few months after Theo and his family moved in, Davis and Theo's parents arrived.  Having been forced to vacate their old home (to make way for a new residential community of tract housing), they moved in with their sons--thus forcing the move into a bigger home.

Susan has always been a housewife, and she always will be.  She loves being near her grandchildren and is more than happy to take over the household duties of meal preparation, etc.  That is, after all, what she knows.  Nathaniel, on the other hand, became restless in his retirement.  He first thought to go back to school and teach--he had been a science teacher before his retirement--but changed his career after being frustrated at the lack of fashions for older people.  Now working in the fashion industry, he's determined to change the way of the promoting his idea of "Gorgeous Gray, Sexy Silver" to the everyone.  He has aspirations to become a Fashion Columnist, thus gaining a wider audience, and plans to start his own clothing line.

Bad computer

Due to problems with my laptop the decision has come for me to buy a better laptop so it will be awhile before I start creating or making stories again.

What improvements should i make on my lots?

Post any improvements you might have in mind regarding my lots, and be sure i will take them into consideration on my upcoming creations!

What do you like most in my lots?

 Post here the things you like on my lots and if they are unique why you think so.

I've requested once but I'll request again.

I'm so desperate for some lovely kind person out there to make me an Alice Cooper Sim, that I'll even put some little pictures up of him in this blog so people have something to work from. I think I've tried two or three times in the past to make a believable looking Alice Sim, and to be honest, I don't get anywhere near as close to realism as I would like too. So please, if you are a kind person and want to help a fellow Simmer in need, make me an Alice Sim!!! ^_^

Here are pix for help on his features and all that below...

Some people make me laugh...

Seriously, if someone from your distant past came back and messaged you about how sorry they were for bullying you mercilessly for at least two and a half years of your school career, would you forgive them?

Or, put it like this. Would you forgive someone who bullied you mercilessly for at least two and a half years of your school career, affected your studies to the point where you couldn't concentrate any more, made you so sensitive to criticism and social situations that even now, you find it hard to trust people until you really, really know them, turned some of your friends and classmates against you, made you too scared to attend your favourite lessons so you just used to spend the whole hour hanging around in the school toilets nearly crying with fear and nearly made you slash your wrists at the age of 14???

Got this message from one of my old 'classmates' this morning...

hello adele. i think you know who i am. if not, then basically i'm the idiot who did some not very nice things at school. I want to apologise for being such a jackass. I look back at how i was then and it saddens me to see how much of a dick i was. I am sincerely sorry and i have grown up a lot and learnt a lot of life lessons during and since school. Whether it was a big deal to you or not, i still believe i was wrong to act the way i did. I hope you can find it within you to forgive me but if not i understand. I do really wish you all the best adele. yours truthfully stuart eades

Just feel like telling him to screw off...nice to see that being in the top group in English has impacted so well on his grammar and punctuation.

Makes me feel sick just reading it. If he messages me again, I'm going to email the admins on Facebook and ask them to block him from contacting me.

Back to studying...

Well, I just thought I would let everyone know (who I haven't already) that I am back to my studies after having a great holiday break. Unfortunately we all have to get back into it some time! So, due to this, there may be slightly longer periods between the chapters of my stories but I will try my utmost to keep them coming out regularly. The next six weeks will probably be the busiest for me because I am in the midst of planning quite a crucial event as part of my course (I'm in Events Management) and obviously there's lots to organise and not a lot of time to do it in....fingers crossed!

I'm experiencing Sims 3 withdrawl

My Geography exam is tomorrow morning, which means all day studying and no Sims! If I'd started studying a few days ago, maybe I'd be able to play a bit today, but seeing as I am the Queen of Procrastination and haven't even glanced at my notes, let alone sit down and read them again and again, I've not time at all. Instead I'm watching Friends and recopying my Canada a La Carte notes.

Luckily this is my last exam. Unluckily, next semester (which beings on Thursday) I have Science, Math, Spanish, Gym (ugh) and Web Design, so basically all the hard courses.

I miss English. 8[

The English exam actually went pretty well. We had done all our questions prior to the actual exam day, so the actual exam day consisted of re-reading my short story, editing it and then recoyping it. And then answering two more questions.

The good news is that I have no school on Friday, so that means SIMS ALL DAY LONG!

Well, here's hoping I get at least 75% on my exam so that I can keep my computer!



2.000.000 downloads! Woow! Thanks, all of you! It's good to see you like my works this much. I'm really appreciate it. I'll try to come back soon.

500 000 downloads!

Yapee! This is really important for me, so THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR COMMENTS, BOOKMARKS AND DOWNLOADS!

Sims 2? Yes!

I think, I'll stop to create items for sims 3 for some time because of my illness. Maybe I will create for Sims 2-it's more easy for me now, and many people continue to play sims 2 (me too). I create clothing and make-up, and I hope I'll publish it soon.


 Blucky IS a word!

Dedicated to FA CycloneSue

The Sims 2 Fever

These contact "RANGES" never let me stop! Since I was in the 3rd Grade, my brother let me borrow his The Sims 2 installer. I never knew that there was now The Sims 2 installer available!


Let's see I played:



Celebration Stuff

Open for Business

Family Fun Stuff


These are the only Expansion and Stuff packs I have!

Some new walls for TS2

I've been working at making some walls & whenever I think I'm done & go & make more colors of this set.  There is a MAXIS wall that has some wood accents & has a white top 1/2 with a beige lower 1/2.  Well I liked using that wall quite a bit but kept wishing it was offered in more went & started making a bunch of colors that I like & I hope everyone else likes as well. :)  So far I've made dozens of colors & I'm working on getting them ready for upload. ;) 

Sims 3 High-End Loft Stuff Pack

Okay so it's a slow day at work today and I was just surfing the net... on sims stuff of course! And apprantly there is a stuff pack coming out in the 4th! That's if you live in Aust and 5th Feb if you live in Europe. I haven't heard anything about this, have you?                                                                                                                                                               The theme of this new stuff pack is Modern. It includes lots of new & modern clothing, modern art paintings and new modern technology. As a 10th anniversery gift it will include an Aquarium from Sims 2 (about time!), a vibrating heart shaped bed from Sims 1 (this is hilarious) and an electric guitar, if my memory serves me correctly, from Sims 2. Now all we need is the spa!

You can check out more info on the Sims 3 website but here is the front cover.


Hey :D

I got some news, first just got a brand new awesome computer. I'm really happy with it, but i still need to install all of the sims games so its going to take some time.

But in other news, i got some ideas for projects. Some guys for a change: James Franco and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. And girls for sure a Autumn Reeser sim, and still not sure because i don't know if i will have time Megan Fox and Rose Mcgowan.

The michael jackson sim is out of question I saw the Vera Marina sims at MTS and i just don't think i can do better, they are really great. The other sims that i talked about in my other post may still be done but i just started my second semester in college so i don't have much time.

But the James Franco, Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Autumn Reeser sims I really want to create so they will probably be out this february.

So if you like them or have any other suggestion let me know.

Happy simming!!

Last part of His Father's Son

Hi everybody! Just wanted to let you know that I just submitted the last part of my story 'His Father's Son'. I hope, you will enjoy it.


Blogging is sooo~ yesterday.  I had it on my list of things to do, but I lost the list back in 2002  

Ten Million? You are Kidding Me!

Many thanks to all who have downloaded. I never in my wildest thought I'd reach 10 million downloads. That is 10,000,000! That is just crazy! I'm so thrilled that some of you have found my things useful. I will try to get something new to you before too long. I would rather give you something I am proud of rather than something I just rush out.

You can't believe how thrilled I am to achieve this goal. I will keep on working at it and look forward to your continued support. All your kind comments and encouragement mean the world to me.

Those who have been helping me learn know who you are and know how special you are. TSR rocks!

The Cooper Family

Once upon a time a man met a woman.  They fell in love, got married, and celebrated a new addition to the family...eight times.  Then, one day after the oldest child left home to serve in the military, the man and the woman died in a tragic accident.  While returning home from visiting friends, they were caught in a thunderstorm.  The rain weakened a hillside, and the resultant landslide knocked their car from the road, tumbling it down into a ravine where they were buried under the muddy earth.  By the time anyone realized anything was wrong, it was too late.

Their firstborn child, a son, could do nothing, stationed as he was overseas and on a top-secret mission for military intelligence.  So, care for her younger siblings fell to the oldest daughter, Louisa Cooper.  Having recently graduated from high school, she gave up her scholarship to university to enter the workforce and support her family.  One by one, as each Cooper kid graduated from high school, they also entered the workforce.  However, because of Louisa's sacrifice, they were also able to attend university.

Around the time that the third child, Paul, graduated from high school, the oldest son finally learned what had happened and tried to send his pay home to help support the family.  Louisa, however, sent the money back, insisting that they were fine.  Besides, she told him, he was living alone and would need to support himself as well, while all of them were contributing to their bank account.  Though this initially caused bad feelings between the two oldest, they both finally agreed to disagree about the money and left it at that.

After the youngest sibling graduated from high school, Louisa made the decision to sell the house and relocate the family to Old Town, where the money from the house sale along with all their savings was enough to buy a new house and make the renovations needed to comfortable fit them all.  With the little money left over, Louisa was able to return to school part time.  Eventually, she put the skills she had developed raising her siblings to practical use and went into the culinary industry.  Even though she opened her own restaurant and now has a nice income as a Celebrity Chef, she never did get her college diploma.

About the time she opened her restaurant, her next younger sister went on a trip to Europe, fell in love, and never returned.

A strange gift had long run through the family, though it was stronger in some than in others.  Paul, the next brother Werner, and the third sister Tabitha, were strongest of all, and they put their paranormal abilities to good use.  All three rose quickly to become Exorcists, and their daily salary was a welcome influx to their dwindling savings.

The youngest daughter, Jasmine, though she shared her siblings' abilities, was more interested in finding out how they worked than in actually using them.  In order to do so, she went into the sciences, eventually becoming a Theorist.  She still hasn't quite figured out how their powers work, but it hasn't been from lack of trying--the older three are tired of being her guinea pigs.

The youngest of the family, Kurt, had done some modeling while in high school and decided to pursue a career in fashion full-time.  Capitalizing on his handsome good looks and his youthful innocence, he was the spokesmodel for numerous advertising campaigns.  Knowing, however, that the his youth wouldn't last forever, he began looking beyond just being a pretty face.  In short order he became a Fashion Columnist, though he does do a bit of modeling on the side now and again.

Just before Kurt's career took off, the family received word that their oldest brother had fallen in love with a nurse at a military hospital...a nurse who just happened to have family in Old Town.  Then they found out that their brother had married the nurse and now had a son.  Then, shortly after Kurt became a Fashion Columnist, they received word that their brother, his wife, and his mother-in-law had died in a car accident.  After the funeral, they learned that their previously unknown nephew, Hayden, would be moving in with his mother's family, the Rutherfords, in Old Town.  Happy that this last connection to their brother would be nearby, the Coopers met with the Rutherfords--previously unknown to them--and became good friends.

Shortly thereafter, their missing sister, Kimberly, showed up on their doorstep with her son Ethan in tow.  She said only that they needed a place to live.  Louisa accepted her back into the household, though it did require a bit of shuffling to manage the sleeping arrangements.  Kimberly said nothing about her sudden reappearance, and no one asked.  However, Paul and Werner were able to divine out a few things from what little Kimberly did say about Ethan's father--that he was a violent, possessive, obsessive drunkard who had been nice at first but showed his true nature shortly after Ethan's birth.  She had fled upon learning that their marriage was invalid since he had apparently been married to another woman--a woman who had left him and whom he was always trying to track down, which was why Kimberly had been able to slip away before Ethan's first birthday.  They had been running ever since.  As to the name of her husband, Kimberly muttered something like "shameful" and "nasty," but her brothers were able to determine that his real name was Shamus Nast.

Although Kimberly feared being discovered by Nast--she had learned that now he was searching for her as well as his wife--she was determined to make a living for herself.  Supported by family and friends--some of whom belonged to the wealthiest and most powerful of families in Old Town--she has begun pursuing a career in Medicine, with hopes of becoming a Medical Researcher some time in the near future.

Ethan doesn't remember anything about his father except that he didn't like him at all.  He much prefers having three uncles who treat him nicely like a human being, not an insect to be stepped on.

Friendship :-) Always my friend forever. Another email from mom. She is so sweet. I love her dearly.

I had an X-ray done today, and they found you in my heart. The Doctor said if they took you out, I would die, because I could not live without you as a friend. So you will have to stay in my heart forever. 


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Some more funny comics that mom sent............

To help lighten your day or night and make you all smile and or laugh!  :-)


Picture 4Picture 005Picture 006Picture 007Picture 008Picture 009


Which one is your favorite or made you laugh/smile the most?


After a long wait my new PC is up and running and the sims 3 has been installed.  i cannot wait to finally play it!! :D

What would you like?

I hope you had a good start into the new year!

I am thinking about creating new clothes, I have a few ideas because of what I need in my game (more medieval or roman sleeping attires... more outdoor clothes for "normal" and medieval Sims... maybe something for my futuristic Sims...) but I'm not sure what YOU want. Lots of people have bookmarked me - I just don't know why ;-)

So, I have a few questions: would you prefer "normal" clothes or medieval ones? Do you prefer Maxis meshes or custom ones - or don't care? Any age you need most? (Like - there are tons of clothes for adult Sims but less so for elder ones, toddlers etc...)

Please leave a comment and let me know :-)

Some funny stuff mom sent me again. :-)

Some cute (funny) comics that mom sent to me.  Wanted to share the smiles.


Picture 001Picture 002Picture 003

Updated Nautical Boy's Bedroom Armchair Mesh

Hi y'all!

I received 2 comments that the Nautical Boy's Bedroom Loveseat Mesh was "flashing blue" ingame or not appearing at all. I made a few tweaks to the Nautical Boy's Bedroom Armchair Mesh, which is the loveseat's master file, re-tested the object, and it passed with "flying colors!" Oops! Maybe, I should say, it should no longer flash blue!

If you are having problems with the Nautical Boy's Bedroom Loveseat Mesh, please download the updated file Nautical Boy's Bedroom Armchair Mesh, a note in the catalog description states the file was update Jan. 25, 2010. If anyone continues to experience problems with the loveseat after downloading and installing the updated armchair mesh, please PM me.

Thanks for your patience and Happy Simming!


First junk set uploaded!

But I bet you didn't expect this one! 

Yes, to launch my part in this week's upcoming Yard and Gardens theme, I really did upload a pile of trash!  I know I say that anyway, but this really IS trash!  The showpiece of the set is a fully working trashcan fire (a big thanks to riccinumbers for helping with bashing the default chimney into oblivion).

Also included in the set is an all-new terrain paint for litter.  When painted around the tipped-over trashcan, it matches the litter in the bin perfectly so you can spread the litter as far as you like!.

Unfortunately, the default trashcan cannot be changed (yet), so the remaining bins in the set are decorative and won't replace your in-game bin.  However, they are proportioned similarly so you can build quite a collection of bins around your in-game bin, match up the colours etc.  Another 'unfortunately' is that I felt obliged to ensure these bins could all be shiny-new too.  The propped lid in the piccie demonstrates this shudder-worthy example.

Also added to the litter is a faint smell.  Lean close to your screen and breathe in deeply, and you should catch a nice whiff of rotted fish....

And you ALMOST did that, didn't you?!  You nearly fell for it!


Really illl...

I'm very ill so I can't create new items-it's too difficult for me now. I hope that I'll recover soon and start to create again.

New Mini Site Design!


What do you think about my new minisite design?





More creations! Aliens and Spys!

Hi all,

I have a new lot up for grabs at the moment, "Redwood hide away lodge". It is a lovely 2 storey log cabin complete with 2 large rock pools, barbeque area and decking. This is ready for downlaod on the site now, so check out my page.

I also have a new Sim called "Millie Holiday". She loves sports and going on Holiday. This is also availlable for download too.

Pending in submissions at the moment I have another Sim. It's name is "Segreta Agent". She is a International super spy and is pretty hot, as are all Bond type girls! Check back in a few days to download it.

Also in storage in submissions are my 2 Alien Sims that I have created. They are across between the green woman from the original Star Trek series mixed with a bit of Harry Potter's Voldemort. Well that is what inspired me as I was creating them. I am sure they will be availlable to download in a few days too :)

I am also in the process of near completeing a Space lot for the Aliens to live in, plus a large Castle lot inspired by Twilight.

So plenty more to come! Watch this space.....

Simonetta. x



Rose Cottage

Just yesterday I was offered another old cottage surrounded by a charming little garden. It belongs to an old lady, who yearned for living next to her daughter’s family. She already gave a lot of furniture to her daughter, but the two rooms she used – the kitchen and her bedroom – are still fully furnished. Maybe some things need to be bolstered up, but they are still very comfortable – be it the bed or the chairs.

As the name suggests lots of roses are growing in the little garden round the charming house – and on the fabrics used in her bedroom, coming from the famous fabric maker society of Cyclonesue.

The entry is leading to a hall, from where you reach the kitchen followed by a small bathroom and stairs leading to the basement, currently used as a utility room. Could be a nice place for a workout or just a guestroom. At the attic you find the main bedroom with an adjoining bathroom and a small second bedroom.

This cottage is not really spacious (do you know any that is?) and I would strongly suggest not to move the bed! The way Mrs Rose had arranged her belongings makes sure that everything is easily accessible. If you love an unhurried way of life, reading at the fireplace (there are three of them!) or writing a novel at an old desk with a lovely view or gardening (if you chose to replant the old roses in the enclosed garden you will stumble across old beds of a vegetable garden) I’m pretty sure you will fall in love with this little lot. 

Rose Cottage


I phoned my dear friend Penelope to visit Rose Cottage and take some pictures. If you're interested You’ll find them here: And she has to do a little cleaning and sorting and sending some beloved memorabilia to Mrs Rose.




Hi i am back,

I have had some medical problems and hope now it wil be ok. I am working on a new house i hope to soon have it up loaded. but sad to say my psp went down and redoing the house i misplaced my disc so until i can find it i will have to do mostly recolors of the sims3 things and do houses in fact i hope so get photoshop my nephew is in computer school so he going to get is at student price that helps.

Family updates

I'm having trouble deciding which family to talk about next, so I'll wait a little before picking one.  In the meantime, here is some new data about the families previously introduced:

1. The Verde family actually has a daughter, born between Pierre and Jean-Claude (the one who married Gertrude Silver).  Her name is Sophie, and she's married into a family that has been mentioned but not formally introduced--the Steele family, the same one Grant Silver married into after divorcing Gertrude.  Sophie intends to be a Rock Star, but whether or not she does depends on whether or not Fashion calls her first.

2. As mentioned previously, Monty Farmer has a sister--specifically a half-sister--living in town.  She is currently changing professions, so her family may not be introduced soon.  Although...

3. Rachel Generic's brother is part of the same family as Monty Farmer's half-sister, and...

4. Kyle Jones has a younger sister who is also in that particular family.

5. I've decided to give a name (at least a family name) to the young father who was killed in an accident with his Rutherford wife and mother-in-law, leaving Samuel Rutherford a widower and Hayden an orphan.  I'll mention him when I introduce his family, but that family has also undergone a sort of change, so it might take a little while.

6. Melissa, Chris Generic's (nee Roomies) step-sister, might be the next family I introduce.  It should have dead-ended nicely, with no other outside connections to other families, but in doing research prior to beginning The Sims 2, I found out that it will have a connection to the Goth family.  Actually, I don't need to go along with that particular connection if I don't want to, but I'm fine with it.  It just means a little more thinking before I follow the connections from the Generics to that other family, because it will lead me into the Goths.  I will, though, eventually.

Stay tuned!


For those of you who might have noticed, I've been MIA from TRS for a couple of months. A worm ate it's way through my hard drive before it was caught. So, I've had major computer issues.

Also my personal life has gotten more insane. I started back to college to finish my culinary degree so I can teach. Two years ago I ruptured my achilles tendon and the repair left me with nerve damage so I had to find another career. Also my youngest daughter was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. She's been in treatments and has survived to see the new year, which is longer than the doctors originally gave her. My husband's cancer also escalated into another form of cancer so needless to say I've been hopping.

I hope to be uploading again as soon as I get the final stuff replaced/fixed on my computer.



Just thought about my gallery, and jeezzz, its to small to have all my collection there. So, what to do, well, i think that all you simmers out there can see what i have anyways with out using my gallery for that. I just dont know what to use it for now, but i guess i figure that one out at any time. So i want be oploading any new picture of my collections. I think i would just use names to put the houses in the right collection. Like i do with Petit (name) ^^

As i have written before, i am not that good in english, so i have to google some words to describe the collection better. I have seen manny use the word suburbain, tudor, estate and contemporary. Dont quite know the meaning of thoose words hehe. And its not easy to discribe things when the english is bad. Have been thinking about to take classes to learn more, its more like the spelling part i need to improve, but to learn more words is not bad ^^

Now i will look at what others use there gallery for, could give me a hint what i should use mine for xD


I know this have nothing to do with the sims, but it made me laugh and it just happend. My son have a toy gun that shoots thoose orange arrows if i can call it that, and we still have father cristmas standing by our tv. Now he ames at him and shoots, i the ask him - Do you think he will give you a gift next year when you are shooting him. He answers - I dont know if i will get one from him, but i know i get gifts from you and grandmom.

LOL xD Why get one from him when he gets gifts anyway xD

Well on with what the blog is about ;P

I have a youtube account, thinking about making vid of my houses. But, windows moviemaker dont want to accept the file from the sims when i make a vid, only screenshots. So i have to figure out how to make them first, thinking of asking my brother next time he is here, cuse he knows a lot about computers and what to do with files and stuff. But i am making vid with my screenshots (just started) The only thing is i cant put music on, cuse dont know the rules about this. Have notised others who had the music removed from there vids, cuse it was not allowed.

I am depressed right now, so i forget thing right away, it seems like i cant manege things in my head. So i think it would take me some time to learn about the vid, and how its done. The same with items to this site, i wanted to make my own things/items. Some things that i mis in this game, that is around us all the time in real life.

But if any one is interested in my youtube account, my name is flexina in there to ^^

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