Member Blogs

just realized something...

I just realized that i left some of the story for chpt. 3 out. it was suppose to be longer. dang....oh well now. I've already got it submitted and i don't want to keep waiting lol and idk where i should fit it in now. oh just thinking about it i think i messed my story up...dang i just don't think when i'm writing lol well as long as you still enjoy it. I guess it's okay and for my next to stories i'll try and not mess up. For the two stories it'll be awhile i havent gotten the story just write yet. I'm still debating on them both. I also need your help choosing a name so check out my last blog and give me your thoughts. I will be most greatly!! =]



Hey Guys!

Hey there guys! I'm new to TSR and this is my first blog post lol!!!!

Sometimes I wished our sims lived in a world of no roofs.

So... currently I'm working on #6 and the roof is really not working for me grr... no matter what I do or what cheats I put in its just looks awful.  I know I will eventually get something that works I always do.

Not even the mention to get the foundation up took me all day. I knew I wanted to build a house in a cliff but never realize how tricky it can be. My hat (if I was wearing one) goes off to all you cliff builders.

I sounds like I'm building a real house when I'm not. Well it was nice to vent :) Time to get back to finishing up on this house so you can download it :)



This is Smossie's new account for quality houses! I will periodically put up walls and floors and maybe even roof colors. I have a nice modern house coming soon.


I do not get it. I have upload a file but no one can download it. I did what I needed to do but still it is not working correctly. What did I do wrong??



Excuse me??

Umm...  I hope the person whose banner is pasted above my site is a bit understanding...  I 'bought' a banner space via the Kudos Shop, diy'ed something together for the time being, uploaded it and lo and behold!  Someone else's banner plops down instead! Very weird! :S

Now I have to go and comb the forums again to see where I can report this :P  *sigh*

Work in progress


I am working on some houses in the sims 3. I am am not jet happy with the results, but when I am, I will try to upload them on to this site.



Hey everyone!

Well, it seems that new story might not  be out for a while. I just realised how much work I have to do so I won't have much time to post up the first chapter of the story. I did manage to get a few images. I'll load up a sneek preview for oyu! ;)

Keep creating and siming!!



Mardi Gras Parade

I just got back from preforming at a Mardi Gras Parade. My feet hurt a lil and I'm tired, but overall I had a great time.

Haha, yeah sorry for this entry being totally non-sim related. :P


Well the last 2 house i put up are gone. I had to reformat my pc the other night so i am working on getting all my stuff back but did do house today so i will tonight or tomorrow will submit it.

Trucos Para Los Sims 2

Pulsa CTRL + SHIFT + C durante el juego para ir a la consola. Escribe alli uno de los siguientes codigos:

Crecimiento de los Sims.


Auto-detecta parches para el juego.


Borra a todos los sims vecinos.


Cierra la consola.

Expande o contrae consola.

Modo a pantalla completa.

Lista todos los trucos.

1.000 Simoleones.

moveobjects on:

Mueve cualquier objeto.

50.000 Simoleones.

Sin sonido.


Sale de la consola.

Tu cuenta aumenta en 10.000 simoleones.

slowMotion #:
Modifica la velocidad de The Sims 2. (# = 0 to 8, 0 es normal).

StretchSkeleton (numero):
Aumenta o disminuye el tamaño de tus Sims.

TerrainType desert/temperate:
Cambia entre esos 2 tipos de terreno.

vsync (on/off):

Aumenta la velocidad del juego pero con peores graficos.

Modo ventana.

Para usar estos cheats debes tener Postprocessing activado:
bloom rgb #: Efecto de flashback y blur (# = 0.0 a 1.0).

boolProp enablePostProcessing false:

Desacativa Postprocessing.

boolProp enablePostProcessing true:
Activa Postprocessing.

filmGrain #:
Granula la pantalla. (# = 0.0 a 1.0)

letterBox #:

Añade a la vista un buzon de correo. (# = 0.0 a 0.4)

vignette # # #:
Blur en las esquinas de la pantalla. (# = 0.0 a 1.0)

Activa todos los objetos del modo recompensa del sim seleccionado.

sethour (0 a 23):
Cambia el horario por el que escribas al lado de sethour. Por ejemplo: sethour 17 y directamente el horario se cambiara hasta las 17:00. (Nota: no cambia minutos).

Completa todas las necesidades de tus sims.Primero tienes que abrir la cajita de los s (control + shift + c).
Después metes el : boolprop testingcheatsenabled true
Una vez que lo hayas metido, presionando la tecla shift derecha le das clik al sim que esté en ese momento interactuando. Allí te salen muchas cosas en inglés, le tienes que dar a "setaspiration" y luego buscas "max".
Luego si quieres subir, vegija, energía,... lo que debes hacer es arrastar la flechita del ratón por las barras para ponerlas verdes.Sólo funciona cuando se pone en el barrio, si lo metes en la casa no va.

Pon música en tus videos:
Este truco funciona con cualquier archivo MP3 que tengas disponible. Abre la carpeta MisDocuemtos/EAGames/LosSims2/Music, y selecciona la emisora de radio en la que quieres que suene tu musica, y mete en su carpeta los archivos MP3 que quieres que suenen.
Entonces inicia un juego, vete al menu de opciones, luego al de musica y al de las emisoras de radio. Dentro, elige las canciones que quieres que suenen en el juego.

Para los videos, haz lo mismo, pero mira las emisoras de television, y los videos que puedes introducir deben ser archivos en formato .avi y no mayores de 128x128 pixeles, y con no mas de 15 imagenes por segundo.


motherlode: 50000 simoleones

Modern Houses

Hey everyone,


In the next time I will build some modern houses.

The first one is my modern house 'Russo', its released.

The second one is my house 'Elia, will be released tomorrow!

An there will be three new modern houses in this or the next week!

Please leave some feedback at the houses what is good looking or what not. I'm happy about every comment.

When you like my creations, please heart them! Thank you / xoxo Gus

Cinema Set_Part 1 (Home Theater)

Hi everyone!

Cinema project created a fairly large set. That's why I decided to split it into two parts. The first part is Home Theater. I've completed it this evening. I will submit it soon. I hope you'll love using. Have fun.


This set contains; medium size screen, DVD player and sound system, projection, column speaker, wall speaker, center speaker, woofer, TV-DVD remote control, TV chair, side table, DVD boxes, magazines, end table, popcorn plate, soft drink glass.

Hillside Bedroom

Hi everyone,

Update with my newest set that I'm working on; Hillside Bedroom. A simple, modern bedroom. Not a lot of color in the set itself, which makes for more possibilities when decorating as it will match almost anything. The white parts are not recolorable (the wood and metal hardware is, though) however there is a black variation for each item as well.


Hello fellow TSR's :)

I'm on a custom content creation day, and i'll be making some stuff and hopefully when I find out how, I will add it on here. If not it's to the exchange I go, again.

SimPE seems to not respond every so often, and that sucks but I guess it just doesn't like me. I haven't used it in like over a year, so it's all brand-new stuff again.

I feel the need to create some 'celebrity sims', never tried it before, might post some screenshots if they turn out good, if not then I probably still will if you guys wanna see it, haha.

What a creative day, today will be.


Trouble with my patterns?

Apparently, there are some issues with the older patterns. If you are having trouble installing ANY of my patterns, please let me know via a comment here or a PM or by signing my guestbook. I went through and downloaded all of my patterns and installed them without issue, but that doesn't mean it'll work for everyone. So, please, let me know which one's aren't working for you so I can update them and get them into your game.


The Burb Family

It's been hard deciding which family to write about, mostly because I would prefer to wait until the family is more or less complete--that is, eight members, all established or nearly established in their careers.  However, I've decided to just go ahead and introduce them and provide updates here and there as new things come up.  So, without further ado, the next family:  the Burbs!

It's been a while since I started/played one of the pre-made families, but the Burbs are an okay kind of family.  In keeping with the family's details, here's what I came up with so far.

Brad Burb, tired of the hustle and bustle--and never-ending noise--of the city, quit his job and moved his family into Old Town.  The house they bought with his severance pay came with twelve plots of ready-to-plant crop-growing land.  He had in mind the idea of becoming a sort of gentleman farmer, but realizing that he wasn't really cut out for it, decided to cut the twelve back to six...a much more manageable number.  The condition for their moving out of the city, however, was that he would take care of the household while Tiffany worked, so Brad is currently working on building up his cooking skills so they can all enjoy healthy meals.

Tiffany, a little disgruntled at having left the city behind, is adjusting well.  The commute's a pain, but the fresh air and the open space has been doing wonders for her health.  She's not the trendy ideal of beautiful, but she has the classic (and classy) beauty of one born to it and possessed of a certain kind of self-love--the kind that focuses on maintaining one's health and well-being through eating right and exercising regularly.  She's determined to make it to the top of the fashion world...or at least close to it.

Johnny was a little upset about leaving behind his friends in the city.  However, he's making the adjustment.  He's met a lot of kids his own age, and now that they have a house with a real yard, he and his dog Tucker can run around and play freely.  His mother has bought him a turtle that he plays with each morning and feeds each night, and he's getting used to the quiet.  His father's cooking, on the other hand...that's going to take some time and much more skill on Brad's part.

Shortly after moving out of the city and into Old Town, the Burbs ran into Tiffany's nephew, Ian, in the Downtown area.  Estranged from his parents (Tiffany's sister and brother-in-law), Ian left home and was surviving as a Paparazzi, living at the newspaper he took pictures for.  Tiffany promptly took him by the ear, dragged him into a cab, and brought him home.  Now eating regularly and with a much more comfortable place to sleep, Ian has now decided to follow in his father's footsteps--estranged they may be, but Ian inherited a certain set of skills that he can't deny--into the Paranormal field.

Although there are a lot of cats and dogs in the neighborhood, Tucker gets lonely during the day while Johnny's at school, so a couple of months after Ian moved in, the Burbs headed into Old Town, where Tiffany bought a female Dalmatian.  She promptly named her Dottie (Tiffany, for all her imagination with colors and fabrics, couldn't think of a better name).  Now Tucker and Dottie can entertain each other while Johnny's at school...although their wrestling matches seem less play and more like struggles for dominance.

Ian, though happy to have a place to call home, was a little lonely.  However, he was fortunate enough to meet a young woman named Willow while visiting the park in the Downtown area.  After a whirlwind courtship--she was sort of aggressive, and he was definitely interested--he asked her to marry her, and she agreed.  Willow is ready to take the Business world by storm...or the Xtreme circuit...whichever calls to her the loudest.

The Burbs are happy now...but Ian and Willow are waiting for their own bundle of happiness until they're both settled and established in their careers.  But if they're not careful, Tucker and Dottie may decide to pre-empt them with a bundle of their own!


That's a rather broad answer

My MAXIS projects for TS2

I'm pretty sure that just about everyone who plays & decorates and/or builds any lots for themselves or for uploads has been decorating/building with some MAXIS stuff they liked but while doing so wound up thinking "I wish MAXIS had made _______ ".  A bunch of very talented people have made both objects to go with or compliment MAXIS "completer set" "MAXIS add-ons" as well as a few walls.  I've got just about everything I could find to go WITH MAXIS but believe it or not I've found a few areas that I wanted more of or to improve in the wall section.  It started off with me decorating & using a MAXIS wall that I've now made in more colors.......the original is white paint top 1/2 with wood accents at the top middle & bottom & the bottom 1/2 is painted beige, I've made a BUNCH of new colors of it (changed the bottom color & made the $1)......that one is seemingly becoming a never ending project as I keep coming up with more colors of it I'd like to have for my own game. So recoloring that wall in a rainbow of nice colors is project #1.  So then I went & started building again because I wanted a break from making walls, but then I started thinking "darn these are nice tile walls I just wish there was one where tile went all the way up the wall {there are for some walls but not all walls} so now that's MAXIS project #2.  There have already been floors made to go with the walls I like by someone else. (Can't remember how to spell their screen-name but it was something like robbynygirl but that may not be 100% right).  I liked the Los Pescados Del Mar wall & also liked the atomica walls for bathrooms......but I thought they'd look good TOGETHER & I was right! That was a quick project but project #3 none the less.  Then I was building again & while making the 2 story home & while making the hall/stairwell area I was using a paper I like from Seasons when I ended up with "I wish it didn't make that big thick woos strip when the wall is 2 stories tall".  So guess what project #4 is?  Yup It'll be to make wallpaper sets that will be more usefull when making those 2 story and/or vaulted cielings.  So now all I have to do is have my head clear enough to do the uploading process. ;)  I can do the image making portion even when I'm pretty tired and/or drugged (pain meds for chronic pain), the Home-Crafter & CleanPak parts take a few more brain cells, & uploading takes more like at least 1/2 of the available brain cells to be working all at once for the uploading to make sure it/they get uploaded correctly.......when I'm too tired or loopy from my meds I've messed up on the uploading process (MY fault NOT TSR's).  So I'll get thes all made & done as soon as I can. 

New Stuffs!

So today, my first creations were published. So, published today (Feb 15) were the following:


Pete Wentz

Patrick Stump

Mike Dirnt




I hope you guys enjoy them! And I'm always up for comments (good or bad, I want to know the truth!) so comment on one of my creations or post in my guestbook!


Being published in the next few days:


Katy Perry


Story Cubed


What am I working on now? Currently, I'm working on the rest of Green Day (Tre Cool is almost done, should be uploaded tomorrow, Billie Joe is being horrible, his face is too hard to make), the rest of Fall Out Boy (having trouble finding hair for both Joe and Andy). I'm also working on making The Beatles. Not doing any lots right now, but if inspiration strikes you never know, I could make one later tonight or tomorrow XD


Thanks for reading and downloading!



Kings Night Club

Recommended Items:

893749, 900411, 895492, 917802, 915522, 916679

I'm not sure why the upload section wouldn't allow me to post this with my lot. Reads ERROR. This blog post is just so I wont forget which recommended items NEED to be downloaded in order for the lot to be enjoyable. I'll try to upload it later.


Just to let you all know,

TSR has finally uploaded one of my sims 2 outfits! yay :) 

Its my "Audrey Kitching Outfit 1", the outfit she wore at one of her yard sales last year. 

expect more in the near future, and let me know if you have any requests. 


also, I really need to learn how to create my own meshes. If anyone would like to help me or give me some tips, I will be very great full. 


Love and Kisses, 

Nikki xo

New Story

I will start doing stories and posting them fast if i get feedbacks people says they can't wait for the next part. I would greatly love to keep making stories. On thesims3 you cant send feedback only recommendations and since i've only have 2 stories on there no one really reads them and i don't want them going to waste and me wasting my no i wouldn't say wasting time cause i love playing sims... i would say it does waste time from me doing my school work lol So school work does comes first, but i always make sure i have time to play sims for like 30 minutes or i'll keep posting stories if people will read them =] THANK YOU!! =] ENJOY my stories!!! ;)





Hello fellow TSR's :) the blog has started.... dum dum dum!

I don't really have any Sim blog information at the moment, I shall be making a few tut's since it's half term and I have nothing better to do.

Well, I don't really have anything to say really, a bit sucky.


10000th Gift - Laila Dress

My little gift for you guys! ;)

Laila Dress

10000th downloads!

Wooah... I´m so thrilled... Today (or yesterday) I reached 10000th downloads!! :D This is so huge.. I can´t thank you enough for downloading my stuff, thanking me, and supporting me in this! Thank you every one! :) PS. A gift will soon come up! So stay tuned!

Patterns - Help me help you!

You may have noticed some of my older patterns aren't working in your game any more. I was sort of holding on, hoping that maybe we'd get a magical server-side fix for patterns like we did for the clothing that didn't install. But no such luck!

So I'm going to go through my old patterns, and remake the ones that aren't working. Luckily, I keep all my source files backed up! Please please please, if you have any patterns of mine which are not working, or won't install, respond to this blog post and tell me which pattern(s) are problematic for you.

I'll keep this list updated daily with the patterns that have been fixed so you can go and redownload any that you're missing.

Known broken patterns

All reported patterns have been fixed - please leave a comment to let me know of any more!

Fixed patterns

Why we all love patches

First Microsoft updated my Vista, which mad my computer shutdown when I tried to play Sims. After I got that sorted out, EA patched Sims which either made the game quit to desktop or not open at all. In between and not something that have any influence on sims, but it is very annoying, I have tried to get rid of kiwee toolbar. Now I hopefully have got it all working again.

A Dark Night Chapter 2 is up! :)

Three months after the first part was posted I finally posted the second part, but don't worry the next part will be here much, much quicker :)


The Next Part will be called A Dark Night: The Experiment.

The Goth Legacy

I've just created a new story called The Goth Legacy. I've submitted it and I hope it will be in the storytelling section soon. I will still be continuing my other stories, so no worries there. I just have a bit of writers block for those stories and I thought I'd make a new story to entertain you guys (and myself!) while I'm busy workin on the other stories.

I've also been working on The Goth Legacy Part 2 for about an hour or so. I got so mad a few minutes ago. I was rearranging my founder's furniture when my game glitches up and shuts down completely.(I slapped my forehead when that happened, I guess it was just like a reflex or something haha) Anyone know why this happens, it happens alot especially in CAS. :( Anyway, theres a twist in part 2 that I think you guys might like. Anyone here a fan of the Grim Reaper?

Story Ideas

I have had so many story ideas floating through my head lately...I don't know what to do with them all! I'm still continuing to write my Someone Special series but have also started work on a short story that I don't know when I will actually put out. But then I got another story idea (which will be either a one or two part story) last night and felt the urge to create the characters and the house where it will be centred, today. At least one of these side stories will be out sometime between my chapters of Someone Special but not for a little while yet. Just thought I would advise you of this so you can keep an eye out when the time comes :-D

My TF2 objects for TS3

Check out the diskution on the TSR forums HERE.

UPCOMING MAKE-UP - 15.FEB - UM Shine Blast Lipgloss

After all this time i finally decided to create some make-up ... so here it is - It has three recolorable pallettes that will give you a great reflective combination and a totally kissable effect. It will be available tomorrow - 15.feb :)  Enjoy! UM


Happy Valentines Day!

I wish everyone a Very Happy Valentines Day.  I wish everyone much love today (and everyday)!  :-)


If I mark my objects as TSRAA wil I be able to see who is using it on TSR?

Suggestions on a evil spider dress! (TS3)

Hi guys! Happy Valentins day!

 Today I'm gonna ask you what you think about a dress I have made. I made it for a couple of months ago with GIMp and my mouse. I just fixed the seems for some weeks ago when I got PhotoShop and a drawing plate :)

So I need to hear what people think about it. So take a look:

Download preview

So what do you think? Tell me!

//Nors (choklad)

New Account & Happy Valentines

I've just moved to this new TSR account, because I got bored of my boring old name: xxMazzy. I wanted somehthing more creative, memorable and fun. I'm going to be uploading some sims and lots in the near future, as well as some spiffy accesories for your sims. I shall also be continuing with my David & Goliath collection, as well as my skintones and eye colours. I hope that you can enjoy my new account even more than my old one- I know I will! Anyway, I'm off. Custom content doesn't grow on trees you know! =] Also, I hope you all have a great Valentines Day, whether you're in a relationship or not!

Happy Valentine's day to ya all ! ♥

Hey everyone,

I wish you all a Happy Valentines day! Enjoy it and have fun!



Ok, so I haven't wrote in a while... here I am...

Firstly, I've got that poll on my profile page..the snow, if you like or not! Well I'm not sure how it's supposed to work, I kinda thought that it would be on there for so long and would then be over, and I could post a new I'm guessing now that it runs as long I want it and then I just change it for another, thank you for everyone who participated in it, the general concensus seems to be that most people like snow the time of this going to press 31.25% don't like snow and 78.13% do like snow...which I work out to be overall 109.38%!!! Not sure what happened there, though I admit I participated and I clicked both yes and no!! :-D

Secondly, I have been going through my comments on my screenshots today and replying to everyone, and ticking them off as read as I go along, BUT, I still have two showing as Unread :-o...not sure why! I have had one showing as unread for some time, but now have two! Could this be because someone deleted a comment but its still showing on my page as being unread even though it's no longer there? I'm baffled! (which doesn't really take a lot ;-) ) Also, I love getting comments on my screenshots ;-), but I have been a bit busy recently(again!!) so it's taken me a bit longer to reply to everyone and I'm really sorry about that..I do appreciate every comment :-).

Hopefully I'll be starting a new lot soon, but I really have no idea what to do quite yet, but I am leaning towards something modern so I can use the new stuff pack objects ;-)...

But I have been playing a bit and I'm still laughing at all the expressions my Sim comes out with...


Anyway, hope everyone is having a great weekend ;-) and you've all got stacks of Valentines cards :-).

Latest Headlines

just realized something... Hey Guys! Sometimes I wished our sims... Woot Problems Excuse me?? Work in progress Hmmmm... Mardi Gras Parade computer Trucos Para Los Sims 2 motherlode Modern Houses Cinema Set_Part 1 (Home Theater) Hillside Bedroom 16/2/10 Trouble with my patterns? The Burb Family Answer My MAXIS projects for TS2 New Stuffs! Kings Night Club Announcement... New Story 15/2/10 10000th Gift - Laila Dress 10000th downloads! Patterns - Help me help you! Why we all love patches A Dark Night Chapter 2 is up! :) The Goth Legacy Story Ideas My TF2 objects for TS3 UPCOMING MAKE-UP - 15.FEB - UM... Happy Valentines Day! TSRAA Suggestions on a evil spider... New Account & Happy Valentines Happy Valentine's day to ya all... Ok, so I haven't wrote in a...
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