Member Blogs

The Farmer Family

Monty Farmer brought his wife Jessica and their son Chad to Old Town to celebrate their daughter Lisa's wedding to Luther Smith.  Shortly thereafter, Monty relocated his family to Old Town permanently.

Monty, who was blessed with good looks and a keen eye for detail, found work in the fashion industry, becoming a famous designer before moving on to become a Fashion Columnist.  He still keeps his hand in, watching television each day to see what works and what doesn't, and commenting on it at night while sketching his own ideas on what goes together.

Jessica, from whom Lisa inherited her talent and interest, had been an entertainer before her children were born.  Upon moving to Old Town, with her children fully grown and able to take care of themselves, she returned to the industry, this time as a musician.  She is now a Rock Star and extremely successful, despite her maturity, able to bridge the gap between the people of her generation and those of her children's generation.

Chad, after graduating from college, thought briefly about following his mother and his sister's path, but though he enjoys going to Studio Town for impromptu sessions, he decided the stress wasn't for him.  Instead, he developed his other skills and went into the Paranormal professions, rising to become an Exorcist.

While in college Chad had found a friend in Blake, who had shared his interests in the entertainment industry.  However, while Chad had given up on the idea, Blake had tried to make a go of it.  They reconnected in Studio Town.  Blake, who had been in foster care his entire life, was having a hard time.  Chad invited him home, and Monty and Jessica--despite Blake's having attained his majority--legally adopted him and gave him their family name.  Blake, with Chad's help, also went into the Paranormal professions and became an Exorcist as well.

It came as a surprise to everyone when Blake and Luther Smith came face to face...because they were actually twin brothers, who had been adopted separately and had lost touch with each other.

Chad met one of Blake's friends from Studio Town, and young woman named Sydney.  The two fell in love and married.  Sydney moved into the Farmer home and, deciding that she'd never be as successful as Jessica, went back to college and got a degree in business administration.  She started her own company and now makes nearly as much as a CEO as her husband does.  She and Chad have one son, Gregory.

Blake met a young woman named Lorna while on a trip Downtown.  After a couple of casual dates, things turned serious, and in a short while he asked her to marry him.  Lorna, who had also grown up in foster care, knows only that her father was a major player who carried on with multiple women, and that she probably has brother and sisters somewhere out in the world (actually, she has three younger half-brothers in town, even if she doens't know it--the Millers).  Though she initially thought to work as a Personal Tour Guide, she decided to work with her husband instead, becoming an Exorcist.  She and Blake have a daughter, Robyn.

Incidentally, Monty's sister--his much younger sister, owing to his father remarrying after his first wife died--also lives in town.  Given that she is only a year or two older than his own children, however, and that he was already out of the house when she was born, he barely knows her.  More on her later.

3 years

Today I am 3 years on TSR. But I never uploaded something. But I am now starting with making more objects and upload them to TSR. I am working on the Simple modern Kitchen set right now. A few days ago I uploaded a sneakpreview (object) of this set. You can find it here:






First of all, I´d like to keep my stuff here at TSR, so please don´t upload my things with your simmies or lots to ohter sites then TSR! And deficiently not to the exchange.. So, you TSR people, you can upload my things with your simmies and lots to TSR! And don´t change, or re-upload my thingies and say it´s your stuffies, that will make me sad...  Follow these lines and I´ll be happy! :D





Wishing all Aussie TSR Members ...

A fun, safe, and relaxing Australia Day with those for whom you care the most.

I for one will be lounging around the pool with my family (wearing a big floppy hat and plenty of sunscreen if the bureau of meteorology is to be believed).

And for all you non-Aussies out there, just remember ...

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today ... it's already tomorrow in Australia." (Charles Schulz)


Frustration, thy name be Malware (and Adware and Spyware and Virus...)

For the past week I have been fighting a number of issues with my computer.  Like I reported a week ago, I spent a great deal of time trying to get rid of a computer virus.  Now, today, I'm doing it all over again.

I don't know what's happening or why these stupid things keep popping up on my computer.  I even have Internet Explorer windows popping up...and I'm not even running it!  I've been using Firefox ever since the virus problem last week, but IE has today started opening pop-ups on my screen.  I'm running a virus/adware/malware scan in the background right now, and it just picked something up, but it's really frustrating, you know?

I have to wonder...and it's about the only correlation that seems to match up...but all this happened when I signed up at TSR.  I don't want to blame the site or the downloads--especially since Firefox scanned each download for viruses--but maybe the worms and stuff are hiding in all the ads?

I suppose I could always subscribe just to get the ads to stop popping up.  Anything to avoid all these problems.

But what if it isn't the ads?  What if it's something else?

Hopefully I'll be getting a new computer soon, and a new worm and virus free computer with updated scanning software may be just what I need to prevent anything new from coming in.  After all, if the worms and viruses that hit my current computer did something to it, then the virus and malware scanners may be missing anything that comes in because the worms and viruses rewrote something, right?

Well, here's hoping it will clear up soon.

Spoiling things again!

If you're going to let your garden become completely overgrown, you won't need one of these, but don't throw it away!  lLt it rot and rust in a corner.  Eventually, it will take root and no-one will ever be able to shift it.

Yup, this old mower is my latest instalment for TSR's upcoming garden theme (still needs a bit of texture work, but you get the idea).  It's rather a shame (for TSR) that I got wind of this new theme, for I'm sure they were doing their very best to keep it secret (from me).  After all, they're probably thinking of an oncoming Spring, of beautiful lawns and pretty flowers...

But now I've found out about it, I'm just going to ruin it completely with a pile of junk!

Clothing, Session 2

Getting started doing a new clothing line for Females A and YA. still looking for whats demanded most by the downloader. do you think you guys have some requests? just add yours in the comment. maybe i can work on something.

Wedding Venue

Just thought I'd share a few pics of the venue we're looking to hold both the ceremony and reception for our wedding. It's not set in concrete but I think it looks like a nice venue by the river and it's close to where we are so us and the guests don't have to travel for ages to get there.

Sorry the pics are small but I couldn't get them any bigger without them going even more blurrier :-/













First Submission: Detective Mac Taylor

Well, after 9 years of playing Sims, I finally uploaded my first submission: Detective Mac Taylor from CSI:NY. I figured he would be a great addition with the Dynamic DNA Profiler career in Sims3.  He was a little tricky because his eyebrows are so arched, but I think he came out pretty well that if you saw him in game you'd say, "Hey! That's Mac Taylor!". Hope you all like it. Might try to do some other cast members.

Update of Stories.

I have started on College Dreams. I have the beginning of part five uploaded and now I just need to take some more screenshots. I've made it fit into the story of why they'll suddenly be in Sunset Valley instead of Downtown instead of just letting it hang.

Now, about Sarah Daae's Story. I had saved my saved games so I could just put them back in. But TS3 didn't like that, so that means I had to start over again. But I'm glad. The characters look better (except for Erik who is the only one that is exactly the same. Thank god I posted him on here) and I got a chance to add more into the story. I also got a chance to create a very important character.

I have downloaded the custom content I needed, so you shouldn't be able to tell a difference. Except with Sarah's mother, of course. But that doesn't matter. Sarah does not look different to be honest, but then again, nearly all of the kids in TS3 look exactly the same.

But now that I've explained it, and I will explain in the next chapter too, I hope that it means people will not question it and just accept it.

Thanks for reading.



My first set of yoga outfits, Unity, has been quite popular so I decided to create a second set. This set comprises four outfits: two with leotards and footless tights and two with Capri pants and tank tops. All outfits have bare feet.


All four outfits are available for adult and young adult females, use a standard Maxis mesh and are base game compatible. They are categorised under gym wear.

My life/Mitt liv/Mein Leben

At first I thought that I could tell you about me. My name is Vanesa, and I come from Sweden. My dad is Irish and my mother is German so-ag, both English, Swedish and German.
I started playing the sims when I was around eight years and appeared to direct the thing to be able to have a dollhouse of your computer. My favorite game of all time is obvious Sims 3rd I would like to have the help of a nice man out there with designing things look better on this page. For example like to do an avatar to my pilot. So they look fine when I upload them.

Först tänkte jag att jag kunde berätta lite om mig. Mitt namn är Vanesa, och jag kommer från sverige. Min pappa är irländare och min mamma är tysk så ag kan både engelska, svenska och tyska.
Jag började spela the sims när jag var runt åtta år och föll direkt för grejen med att kunna ha ett dockskåp i datorn. Mitt favoritspel genom tiderna är självklar The sims 3. Jag skulle gärna vilja ha hjälp av en snygg människa där ute med att designa saker och ting snyggare här på sidan. Skulle till exempel gärna vilja göra en visningsbild till mina lots. Så de ser finare ut när jag laddar upp dem.

Zuerst dachte ich, dass ich Ihnen über mich erzählen könnte. Mein Name ist Vanesa, und ich komme aus Schweden. Mein Vater ist irischer und meine Mutter ist Deutsche, so-ag, sowohl in Englisch, Schwedisch und Deutsch.
Fing ich an den Sims, als ich etwa acht Jahre und schien die Sache direkt an der Lage sein, ein Puppenhaus von Ihrem Computer haben. Meine Lieblings-Spiel aller Zeiten liegt auf der Hand Sims 3. Ich möchte die Hilfe eines netten Menschen da draußen mit der Gestaltung Dinge besser aussehen auf dieser Seite. Zum Beispiel wie einen Avatar zu tun, um mein Pilot. So dass sie gut aussehen, wenn ich sie hochladen.

I'm going to blog for my first time/ Jag ska blogga f�r f�rsta g�ngen/Ich werde Blog zum ersten Mal

I will be blogging in three languages

Ich werde zum ersten Mal Blog, und ich frage mich, ob es jemanden gibt, mich mit meinen Uploads helfen könnte. Möchte, dass ich meine Sachen jetzt mehr attraktiv sein. In allen Fällen das Auftreten von Aufladen.

Jag ska blogga för första gången och jag undrar om det är någon som skulle kunna hjälpa mig med mina uppladningar. Skulle vilja att jag fick mina saker att bli snyggare. I alla fall utseendet på uppladningarna.

I will blog for the first time and I wonder if there is anyone who could help me with my uppladningar. Would like that I got my things to be more attractive. In all cases, the appearance of uppladningarna.



The Miller Family

Neither Lionel nor Jason left the Silver home, so the next son who left would be Harrison.  He moved into the Talbot home, so now I extend outward from the Talbot household via one of their member's ex-husband into the Miller household.

Donald, Toby, and Jefferson Miller moved into Old Town to get away from their domineering father and their repulsive step-mother:  though they all had the same father, they all had different mothers, and the woman who was their current step-mother had no blood connection to any of them, so they felt no reluctance in parting ways with them.  Old Town offered a good chance to start all over.  Despite their different mothers, the three half-brothers got along well with each other, so they decided to pool their funds, share a house, and stick together.

Donald, the oldest, has their father's bright red hair but his mother's personality.  He also shares her love of learning and her intellect.  Combined with his father's drive for success, he made it through high school and graduated two years ahead of the rest of his age group, and breezed through college.  Now he works as a Theorist--not a well-paying job, but the one best suited to his skills and abilities.  Despite that, he is friendly and outgoing, and has no problem setting aside his studies for socializing.  Of course, all of his friends are Theorists like him, so they always have new things to talk about.

Toby has his mother's looks and personality.  Other than his father's eyes, there's nothing of the old man in him.  Certainly, he didn't inherit his paranormal abilities from the unimaginitive, unromantic old man.  As an Exorcist, he brings in the second highest salary in the household, more than older brother.  Still, he envies Donald for his shorter work hours and that his brother can do most of his work sitting and reading and writing while he exhausts his internal and mental strength driving out rogue spirits.

Jefferson has deeply tanned skin and blond hair...go figure.  His exotic looks comes from his mother (skin color) and his maternal grandfather (hair).  His talents, his mother told him, come from his maternal grandmother.  Skilled in performance music and blessed with a terrific voice, from his father he draws showmanship and charisma, making him a popular Rock Star.  Although a solo act, he has collaborated with many of the other Rock Stars in Old Town.

Chester was a party-hearty Townie when the Millers met him Downtown.  The problem was that he was a party-hearty Townie who worked daytime in politics, and his wild lifestyle was takin a toll on his career.  The Millers took him home one night after he passed out drunk.  Despite his love of partying, he knew he had to do something and asked if he could move out of the Downtown area and in with them.  Friendly and supportive, they agreed, and Chester moved in.  With their assistance, he sobered up, quit drinking, and managed to rise to become a Judge.  However, he became fed up with dealing with other people's civil and criminal problems and decided to change careers.  He hasn't yet decided what he wants to do now, though he feels the business path might be the best.

Eric Jones, who went prematurely white, visited his brother in Old Town after he graduated from college.  Looking for a place to stay--his brother's house was completely full--he met the Millers, who had just moved into a new house and had room to spare.  He moved in and began practicing his craft--cooking.  After studying and experimenting--and alternately astounding the Millers with terrific food and scaring them with strange exotic dishes--he entered the culinary field full time.  It didn't take long for him to become a Celebrity Chef whose particular strong point was creating and recreating strange exotic dishes...which he continues to torture his family with, even if the food does taste good.

Aaron Generic arrived in town to visit his three half-sisters and thought to move in with them, but rather than be outnumbered by them in any family discussions--which he remembered had happened often enough--he met with and moved in with the Millers instead.  Strong and athletic, Aaron started off as a mascot but quickly made his way to the top of the team.  An injury sidelined him...permanently.  Still, with his knowledge and skill, he was able to get a job as a coach.  He'll never play in any sports professionally, but he is able to do enough to stay in shape and still get paid.

Hector and his son Randy moved to Old Town after his divorce from his wife, Misty.  The divorce, because he had admitted to preferring men to women, was to set her free.  While in the Downtown area he met Chester.  Chester, who shared his preferences, fell in love with Hector and vice-versa.  In short order Hector and Randy moved in with the rest of the Miller family.  Happy, Hector has begun looking at Xtreme professions with an eye towards becoming a Grand Prix Driver.

Randy has no problem with his father loving another man.  He's too busy adjusting to having six new uncles where before he only had two whom he rarely saw.  With all the different interests and professions in the household, however, he's been doing amazingly well in school in all subjects, even those he was weakest at--PE and Science.

A long entry, but it's a big family with far-reaching connections throughout Old Town.  How far? Well, wait and see.


Garden Junk!

The Never-Ending Windows are going to be a tad delayed due to a Workshop problem that has stopped windows working correctly, but at least that gives more time for people to respond to the poll about whether to include diagonal versions.  Right now, it's an even contest and it looks highly likely that I'll make a separate set of the diagonals once Workshop is repaired.  Thanks for your input on this.

With windows on the back-burner, I have turned my attention to junk (again).  I've had lots of requests for my usual junk: tyres, supermarket trolleys, petrol pumps, rooftop junk and posters have all been levelled at me, and they will all be done in good time.  I've also received requests for NICE things (like round walls).  These will also be done but we won't talk about that NOW because this is Junk Time!

Here's a sneak preview of the Garden Junk set.  There's still much for me to do yet but some tyres and an old water pump are already complete.  All will work in both clean and grungy colours, so any of you who like to keep your game NICE (do seek therapy for that) won't be disappointed.  EDIT: supermarket trolley now complete too!

Meanwhile, a surprise fix in a new beta Workshop has meant that my long-delayed Broken Toilets set can now be prepped for publication!!!   I've made toilet paper litter for the floor, and Sims need to be able to walk over this without it impeding their way.  After trying a raft of options like ceiling objects and even a child's toy, it soon became clear that the only decorative object that could be walked on and which didn't mind being indoors or out (and could be placed on counter-tops too) were the 'clutter magazines'.  But these could not be used until now.  My nasty bit of litter is now made and finally in my game, which is great news for a burgeoning "Factory" bathroom set!

Before I release the set, I'm adding a couple of pretty little decorative items like this hand dryer.  Naturally, it doesn't DO anything; nothing I make does anything so you're likely very used to that by now.  The colour variation pictured is the grubby version (quite tame by my standards)!  A nice, shiny version is also included, though quite why you'd want a CLEAN version is beyond me!


A bunch of blah for my first post!


I love reading blogs, so i thought i'd post one myself!

I personally am a huge photography fan, even with my sims. I'm thinking of creating a story just with the pictures, and then you, the audience could use your imagination and create your own story with them. Anyone think that i should or would i be wasting my time?

In other news, i'm liking the feedback for my story, Save Me - The Rescue. Part five is basically done, but still in draft form, so i'm going to keep editing it before i submit it, around a week or so, and if any ones still interested. haha.

For now, i leave a personally edited picture of my pregnant sim, her name is Jenna! She just had her kids, twins, a boy named Sonny and a girl named Penelope!


Greetings, Simmers.


This is my first post (Durr). I probably won't be putting much up here except for some screenshots and the occasional story. I'm still getting used to the whole story thing, so they're not very good. Nevertheless, I will keep trying.

Aynway, about myself: I've been Simming since sometime in '07. I started right with the Sims 2 and never played the Sims 1. I love the Sims 3. World Adventures is really awesome and so much fun. My favourite place is Shang Simla.

I live in Canada. I love to write. English is my favourite class and I really like the colour green.

If there's anyone reading this, tell me what you think of World Adventures, or the Sims 3 in general.


Releasing Split Tutorial Home

For those who would like a close up view of the home I used in the Split-Level Entry tutorial, I have set Laiandra to be free to download from January 25th - February 22. Honestly? The BEST way to learn how to do it is to rip apart the home and see what fits where. ;) Color the basement floor something like a bright red, the main floor blue, and the higher floors other colors (a garish orange or brilliant purple come to mind...hehehe). This way you can see where things meet up, and match them with the tutorial.

Also, bear in mind when reading the tutorial these mathematical facts:
1 - A wall height is 16 clicks high.
2 - A stair height is 4 clicks. (So 4 sets of stairs = 1 wall height.)
3 - By raising the ground up 4 clicks we enable sunlight to enter the basement, AND ensure that the ground isn't TOO steep in the backyard when the build is through.
4 - When we use the two sets of stairs to go down, drop the landing another 4 clicks by using CFE to shorten the landing height, and add them to the 4 clicks we raised the ground UP first, we get 16...which is EXACTLY the height we need to attach a foundation to. 4 clicks (raised the land up in Step 1) + 8 clicks (2 sets of stairs down from the raised land) + 4 clicks (shortening the landing using CFE from the temporary basement wall) = 16 clicks ...or a full wall height. See? We are tricking the game so we can create the split-level.
5 - Because the landing is actually 12 clicks high (remember we had to trick the game using CFE), we still need 4 clicks to have an entire wall height. That's where the one set of stairs going up comes in, and it is the key to having a split-level entry. 12 clicks + 4 clicks = 16 clicks. NOW we have a true full wall height, and a playable floor in the basement as well as on the main.

Keep these other tips in mind -
1 - When you have created the wall in the basement to level the landing area, DO NOT level from the floor itself! Level from the TOP of the wall right over the landing area. This will drop the landing to the 12 clicks we need to attach the foundation.
2 - Anything you do on the bottom floors affects the top floors. If you "fix" something on the bottom you are going to have to fix it all the way up floor by make every move count.
3 - PLEASE read the steps very carefully. Say them out loud as you follow the instructions if you have to, and only do what I have typed least until you have finished and are ready to remove the excess walls to create your own building.
4 - To find the "Room Wall Tool", just go to where you would find the tool to build walls. Underneath THAT you will see another wall tool choice. Click on that. This tool actually creates ROOMS not just walls! This is FAR easier to use when messing with CFE for scaffolding like that needed to create the upper landing in the tutorial. Just choose the room building tool and make a 2 square by 2 square ROOM whose corner attaches to the pillar. The pillar WILL bump up, but it is supposed to.

I wish I could personally help anyone who has trouble with this tutorial, but I really do not have the time to take each person step by step through the process. Practice, tear apart the home I am setting free, play around with the tool a little, try some simpler tutorials to learn how to use CFE first if necessary. You CAN do this! You just need a little faith and a little practice! :D I'm pulling for you!

Love and hugs -

Slowly but Surely

Okay, it's been over a month since I've played my game...and wow...I'm having serious cravings!

I've a HUGE job change going on at the moment, and the stress and excitment it brings won't be over until at least March 1st...however, I've finally got some time to sit down and start uninstalling and reinstalling my game.

Hopefully, the directions I was given are just what I need and I can start submitting and creating again!

Bear with me!

Working Hard

Just thought I'd drop a line to let you know I'm still alive.

I keep learning more about meshing and I have to say I'm finding it interesting.

I am in the midst of working on a bedroom for you to enjoy, but unfortunately, I still mesh very slowly, so please be patient.

Hope you have a great time with your game!

New PC

Woohoo!  Soooo happy!  My new PC has been ordered and should be here by the end of next week!  Sims 3 here i come! :D

Have yourself a Chester Field III

Hi everyone!

I just got back from my best friends minisite. Haagje. Haagje is not very active here, but when she is (and we usually do it together), she just creates the perfect things this case, the perfect sim. Chester Field III It is all in the details. You can leave that to Haagje!

If you read my story Lobster Thermidor and Autumn Salad, you will know who I am talking about. Chester was the pater familias of the families I am still playing, and I have to say. Chester is an interesting guy to play with. Check him out, the adult Chester... here is the link:


REDOWNLOAD elder dresses, please!

Thanks technical support, problem with the damaged files was solved.

Please download elder dresses repeatedly!
To be published Jan 27, 2010 


A new member of our family will arrive somewhere on the 3rd week of August. How can we be so much blessed. Our 12 week old baby still in my tummy. Blessings as it is. Sorry if I was late in uploading lots. I'll make it up to you guys. Keep on Simming!

Mini-site updated again=)

This is my favourite one-banner doesn't have any bright colors, so it makes my site more beautiful. I hope that you like it too)~Christina

Great Design Work

I have enjoyed, coming to the TSR and getting some very good designs to fill my sims home and town. Just wanted to post a thank you to all that design and upload to the TSR for us to enjoy. Keep up the good work!

The Venii Family

Warren Silver married into the Gold family and took their name.  Two of his sisters-in-law married two of the handsome Adonii brothers.  Two of his brothers-in-law married into the Venii family.

The Venii family consists of 6 sisters, four of whom are graduated out of high school and/or college, and two of whom are still students. In truth, their real name isn't Venii at all, but it is the name they adopted to hide themselves from their parents, who still live.  Mother got her daughters out of the house as quickly as possible, to spare them the torment and torture of living with their abusive father.  Under no circumstances are they allowed to contact her--Father has no idea where they are, and is still looking for them--so they have resigned themselves to treating their parents as if they were already dead.

Deliai, the oldest sister, has taken on the role of "mother" to her two youngest sisters.  Though she doesn't have the beauty so sought after by the modern fashionistas, she possesses a classic beauty which shines through even without make-up.  In fact, she focuses on emphasizing minimal cosmetics in her writing as a Fashion Columnist.  The hours are bad for her, because she hardly sees her two youngest sisters, but the money she brings in is just as important, and with her other sisters around, she feels that she's not totally abandoning them.  Still, it's hard for her.

Florai, sister number two, shares her older sister's burden as breadwinner.  Fortunately, she has the beauty to be immediately noticed as well as the talent to reach out to audiences everywhere.  As a Rock Star, her hours are even worse than Delia's, but the money's nice.  Although she and her sisters had some concerns about becoming famous and recognizable, their father would never bother looking at their professions--and rock music is definitely not his thing.

Hollyi, the third girl, went the academic route instead.  However, she has proven herself successful in attracting a male audience for her lectures as a Theorist.  And as her father had no love of learning, she feels safe in her profession, because there would be no way he'd ever bother looking at science journals to find his daughters.

Unlike her other sisters, fourth sister Meredith went the tomboy route and focused on athletics.  Her scores in academic subjects were never very high, but they sufficed to get her diploma, and her athleticism and physical capability helped her rise to the rank of Coach.  Her team hasn't won any championships yet, but most of Old Town thinks it's only a matter of time.  And because her father can't stand sports, Meredith has no fear he'll ever look in the sports section of a newspaper and find her.

The two youngest sisters, Susanna and Violetta, miss their mother terribly, but not their father--they were too scared of him.  With their sisters watching out for them, they've come to terms with their separation from their mother, but they hope for the day when they can someday go home to her again.  Still, with all the friends they've made in Old Town, they're able to distract themselves readily enough.

Although Delia and Flora never had any intention of marrying, they wavered when they met Emil and Raoul Gold, who were visiting their mother Jacqueline.  After two wild, whirlwind courtships, Delia married Emil and Flora married Raoul.  The two brothers joined the six sisters, providing two father figures to Susanna and Violetta--better than fathers, really, since both men sincerely wanted to be their friends and part of the family.

Emil, who had been cruising through life without really picking a direction, is still trying to decide what kind of job he wants.  In the meantime, he's happy to take care of the house while everyone else goes out to work.  Raoul, on the other hand, was interested in Delia's profession--he'd first become interested because his brother Henri was also a Fashion Columnist--and was working with her to get into the fashion industry himself.

With the two Gold brothers to help them out--them and the skilled lawyers their families could afford--the Venii sisters are less fearful of being discovered by their father.  Still, they don't want to risk their mother's well-being, so they haven't called home.


New lot Approved

My 2nd lot, has been approved. It is a small outside dinner for sims 2. I got the idea to make this lot while watching Dr Quinn Medicine woman. In the show Grace has an entirely outdoors dinner and I just loved the idea. I hope that everyone enjoys it.

Got it to change Iris' old Cottage for free download

I've tried to change "Iris' old Cottage" to a free version. First it didn't look like I'd be successful. Whatever I did - and I did a lot: stripping every single wallpaper from the walls, remove every single floortile, even deleted my saved changes of wallpapers I've done with the CAS-tool - the lot included still a subscriber-only pattern. I spent more time trying to change than I spent on building the nice little lot. 

Finally I found out that the pattern was included with the roofwalls you cannot see anymore. Well, now I know that.

Now I try to build a new roof but I don't know if that will work - with all the objects beneath, especially the stairs ...

edit 01/23/10, 12:40 am: You won't believe it, I redid the roof, no subscriber-only pattern is pointed out - and now the system tells me, I'd lost something I'd had to do ... I did everything! Tried uploading it from a folder I'd put it in, tried uploading directly from "Export" (once the preview showed me a fat button: WA required, all by it's own - so I thought, maybe I have to get it directly from the launcher) - but everything failed. Allways when I go to edit  it doesn't show the number of Bathrooms. I take 1 1/2 and press "edit" and get the message of not having filled out the necessary boxes. In the preview the number of bathrooms show up. I'll tell you, this is really a never ending story with me and technics. But now I'll try nomore. Tomorrow is another day ...

edit 01/23/10 01:45 pm: Well, finally I was successful in uploading *though it was my fault only that it didn't work* Now I'm hoping I've done the right way ...

The screenshot beneath shows like it looks in the *free* version.


There's Nothing Like A Mothers Love Chapter 2

Okay so I have started writing chapter 2 of 'A Mothers Love' because I have nothing going on this weekend. I'll hopefully Have it up by monday...Unless something pops into my schedule xx

Never-ending windows?

You didn't think I'd make Never-ending Arches and completely forget about the bigger sibling: Never-ending Windows, did you?!

They're already made.  Six window designs!  The trouble is: each window design requires THREE meshes (a left, a right and the joining middle piece).  In Sims 2, the left/right was a single reversible mesh, but Sims 3 glass reflection is more advanced and reversing a window changes the direction of reflection too (which then shows an ugly join), therefore we now need separate left and right panes so you can keep all the glass facing the same way.

You don't need to be a maths guru to realise that 6 windows of 3 meshes each = 18 meshes!  However, these windows will not work on diagonals because a diagonal wall is wider, and so these would need to be separate set for diagonals too, balooning the set to a massive 36 meshes!!!

As a result, I've added a poll to my home page.  Do you want the diagonals too, or is that too much for your catalogue?  It's going to be a bit of a snappy poll because the set is ready for release, but I can't make up my mind about whether to throw in some diagonals.  Let me know what you think. 

The Drifter - Part 2 Published

Hey Simmer's, part 2 of my story has been published and to my surprise it is also featured on the front page. Thanks TSR for the speedy approving, publishing and for featuring this part. I hope you all enjoy it, happy reading! ;)

The Adonii Family

Warren Silver married into the Gold family, and some of his in-laws married into other families in town.  Here is one of the two they married into, the Adonii family.

The Adonii family consists of 6 good looking young men.  Well, 4 good looking men and 2 cute boys.  They moved into town after their parents died, with the older 4 taking charge of the younger 2.  They found a very expensive rental, but with a lot of diligent job searching and hard work, they earned enough to buy it and renovate to suit their needs.

Devon, the oldest, was the most depressed by their parents' deaths, due in part to his greater than average empathy.  However, he set his own emotions aside to care for his siblings.  Upon settling in town, he was fortunate enough to quickly find a job in the paranormal field.  He's grateful that his job as an Exorcist pays so much--1000 Simoleons a day--because it enabled the family to better settle in, an important issue for his youngest brothers who were having the hardest time of it all.

Kenny, the second brother, capitalized on the good looks the entire family shared and went into the fashion industry.  After making a lot of good money as a model--despite the occasional nude shots--he finally got his clothes back on and rose up to become a  Fashion Columnist for a national magazine.  He makes more than Devon, but the hours are less friendly--in fact, he only sees his family briefly in the morning, assuming he gets up in time.

Alexis, brother number three, used his good looks to make a lot of connections as he worked his way out of the mailroom of one company and into the CEO seat of his own.  Something of a playboy, he has no problem wining and dining men as well as women; he hasn't committed any indescretions with either gender, though he's had any number of propositions from both.

Jackson, the fourth brother, is more bashful and reticent than his brothers, in part because--despite how good looking he himself is--his brothers always outshone him in school.  As a result, he opted to excel in his studies, especially in science.  Now he works as a Theorist.  Despite the lower pay, he's happy with his life, secretly gloating that his brothers have to work longer hours for relatively less pay (his roughly 218 Simoleons per hour to Devon's 200 or Alexis' 136).

The two youngest brothers, Thomas and Chip, are both still at school.  Thomas' personality screams "average" but he's at least playful and outgoing, if not excessively so.  Chip, being the youngest, was also the most spoiled (as well as the most bulled), but because he was also so protected by his brothers, he got over his parents' death faster than Thomas did.  It shows in how many more friends Chip has been able to make than his older brother.

When they dropped in to visit their mother, Jacqueline, Lucille and Marie Gold happened to see the Adonii brothers while they were shopping downtown.  Immediately smitten, the two sisters went out of their way to meet the brothers and started flirting.  Alexis ignored them, Jackson was too shy, and Thomas and Chip could have cared less.  Devon and Kenny, however, were definiely interested.  In short order Devon married Lucille, the older sister, and Kenny married Marie.

Lucille, who had been a nurse, now wanted to do more and began pursuing her education to become a doctor.  Soon enough she became a medical researcher, and her quick smarts and deductive reasoning skills saved many a patient.  Marie, who had been studying modeling, took some time off to establish her credentials in town.  Though still unrepresented and unemployed, she intends to--with Kenny's contacts' help--take the fashion world by storm, rising to the top until she can become the be-all-end-all of fashion in the nation, if not the world.

A word on their name:  the Adonii came about because I wanted to make a family consisting of nothing but good-looking males, all related.  I named them Adonii to connect them to "Adonis."  Adonii sounds a little more exotic than Adonises, and a lot less presumptuous, don't you think?

Don't worry, I gave women fair treatment through the other family the Golds married into.  You'll meet them later.

Wallpaper distortion

Some people may notice some distortion with the wallpapers they download (not just mine but any). Here's the issue: Apartment Life expansion pack: This expansion pack altered the hight of walls by a fair amount and the game mearly stretches wallpaper files to fit the new dimension. The result is a circle made to be a circle on a 256x512 template or from any ealier EA release becomes an oval, a square is now a vertical rectangle.

This can be compensated for in the creation proccess: start with an oversized image and shrink it on the vertical by 70%.  This will look like a sqat oval or horizontal recatagle in your image editor. Be sure to still fill the entire 512 pixel hight. Once imported it will be stretched back into the proper shape.

Basicly for proper shaping in Apartment Life you should use a 256 x 732 pixel template then reduce the hight 30% to 256 x 512 & then import it with homecrafter.

Problem with doing this: Anyone useing that pattern who dose not have Apartment Life will see it as being squished.

Best solution: Comprimise: Granted no body will have a perfect circle /everyone will have some distortion but it won't be tragicly noticable to anyone. 85% is the perfect middle (256 x 603 pixel original shrunk down 15% to 256 x 512 & imported). Viola! Everybody's happy!


Another issue with wallpapers I've noticed is with the crown molding, Especialy if your designing a detailed crown. Any crown looks great in normal mode, but in screen shots, video or any viewing with where the cieling is applied, crowns get buried in the cieling. Basicly the cieling covers the top 24 pixel rows. Solution: Use a 24 pixel high header on your crown, any critical detailing should be below the 24th row. This, I believe, applies to games with or without Apartment Life expansion.

Have fun & play well,


Monitor type & color quality

There is a huge difference between monitor types and how they reproduce color. When I started with Sims 2 I was frequently upset because things were way to dark, almost black and compleatly lacked detail. I didn't realize the problem was a difference between monitors. I was using a CRT (cathode Ray Tube: large, bulky heavy, old type) and those very dark objects & clothing were generated by people using an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display: thin, light, new type). My earlier creations were made using the CRT monitor, Inevitably they appear comparatively light and washed out to people seeing them on an LCD monitor. Now (& for the last several months) I have been using an LCD monitor for making my creations, & they of course look very dark on my CRT. The differnce is quite noticable with my latest upload of empire damask wallpaper with laurel wreath wainscot in cherrywood.  To those still using CRT monitors: you can barely see the dentil work or the wood grain, sorry. The cherry wood parts are realy well textured and wonderfuly rich in detail.

There really is no easy solution. You can get an LCD monitor, but all the creations made on a CRT will look pale (And so will everything else, Even my black desktop background just isn't a true black). I really hated my new monitor when I got it. I did learn one trick to make colors look a bit richer & Deeper: Tilt the screen back, don't use it perpendicular to your line of sight. But still the color representation just isn't what it was with a CRT.

Anyway I just thought I'd put this info out for any of you who might be frustrated and don't know why people are creating things that are crazy dark or pale & washed out. I'm sure evey artist, as well as myself, are creating things with great color, texture,  & detail. It's just based on the monitor type they are using which may not be the same as the one you have. You can generaly tell by the preview image, what monitor type was used & how it will look in the game with your monitor, but not always.

Have fun & play well,


First object mesh

After few days I created a new object-my first chair mesh. I called it "Club chair" (good for modern kithchens and dinings)


My first object.

Today I have made my first object. It is a small house for 1 sim. TSR is checking it now so I hope that they will put it on good. I think it is a nice starters house. There is room for a garden and a telescope can be used. I really hope that anyone likes it.



Uh oh!

 For help you need to . . . Uh oh!

Problem with Hack Sliders - can anyone help me?

...and the problems just keep rolling in. LOL! If I didn't laugh about it, I'd only cry.

Whenever I put slider hacks for CAS into my Mods/Packages folder in the Sims 3 directory, afterwards, whenever I try and install some CC into it, it won't accept it and messes up. When I take the slider hack out, everything works perfectly fine.

I'm currently running just the base game, updated to version

If anyone is still running their game and using the ORIGINAL Delphy facial hack sliders, NOT the updated ones for version 1.8/WA 2.3, could you PLEASE PM me a copy of them, pretty please? Otherwise I'll have to keep uploading really dull, generic looking Sims from now on and I really don't want to do that. *sad face*

Any help AT ALL is very much appreciated-remember, I need the ORIGINAL Delphy facial hack sliders, NOT the updated ones. ^_^

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