Member Blogs

What's New!!!

I just finished the preview shots for my Nautical Boy's Bedroom set.  Jsf Designs (Judi) created a set of beautiful walls and floors for the set and they are the perfect finishing touch! Judi, thank-you so much for your generosity, I really appreciate it!

I plan to release the set on Jan. 10th, and I have added Judi's fantastic floors and walls to the set's collection folder.

Here are a few preview pics of the Sims 2 Nautical Boy's Bedroom set...


Vanity Fair News

I'm having a ball creating for Sims 3! It still takes me more time to create for Sims 3 then it does for Sims 2. Although when I create for Sims 3, I spend a lot of time testing and trying out new stuff, every new creation is a learning experience. After I create new content for the game, I can't wait to see what it looks like in game. I love to play around with all the different recolor options.

I’m beginning to think "outside the box" and to consider unique news ways to texture and recolor an object. I think Sims 3 is going to change the way I create!

Yesterday, I created a vintage mirror and dresser for the Vanity Fair collection. The dresser started out with only 1 re-colorable part (wood) and an overlay (the gold accent bits). In game I accidentally dragged the textures from the curtains and placed them on my dresser. I realized a floral texture looked pretty good on the dresser.

So, I decided to add a total of 3 re-colorable parts to the dresser with the overlay. So all of us wacky creative artist types can have more flexibility in decorating and we can experiment with textures and colors to create many unique styles in furnishings.

Here are a couple of pictures--mirror and dresser. Should I add the blue floral dresser to the in game catalog options? Let me know what you think...

Happy New Year!





Victory is mine. Its been a fast year of 2009. My first "dodgy" upload was 28 April 2009. I managed to turn that into 118 creations and over 100,000 downloads. I feel quite proud and dissappointed that I havent been able to creat as often as I like.

My soul goal the past few months was to Actually play the Sims2 game. I recently tried to create some posters and paintings, but I am completely clueless who to do them, dont worry I have successfully done it, but I wanted to make my own collection. Not just a recolour to another painting/poster - if you get what i mean.

So if anyone knows how to do this, I would greatly appreciate the help!! Thank you.

If you have noticed on my creations, in the info, I am now classifying whether the creation is a "Caitlin Creation" or a "Jessica Creation" just so we can make fun of which one is getting less downloads... hehe, Sister love!!

My sister (Jessica) has been Slack at creating as well, seems the new partner of hers is taking her on a lovely holiday, while my Fiance is spending our holiday time - painting our house... =(

Anyway, love all your support and keep downloading and i will try and keep up with the uploading!!



Free Download Schedule 2010

Here is the schedule for my free downloads this year:

The Evert Jan 22, 2010 - Feb 19, 2010
The Seaborne Feb 20, 2010 - Mar 20, 2010
The Jaspar Mar 21, 2010 - Apr 18, 2010
The Easton Apr 19, 2010 - May 17, 2010
The Gaia May 18, 2010 - Jun 15, 2010
The Deitra Jun 16, 2010 - Jul 14, 2010
The Mira Jul 15, 2010 - Aug 12, 2010
The Caylan Aug 13, 2010 - Sep 10, 2010
The Halifax Sep 11, 2010 - Oct 9, 2010
The Seabrook Oct 10, 2010 - Nov 7, 2010
The Halifax Hotel Nov 8, 2010 - Dec 6, 2010
Royceston Hall Dec 7, 2010 - Jan 4, 2011


I hope you enjoy them. :)

Free Download - Nielsen Island

My lot, Nielsen Island, will be free to download until January 21, 2010. :)


We have a lot of snow now, and I just love it! Everything is white. Went for a ride today, in the woods, and all the trees looked so beautiful whit all of the snow on them. Got a little in my neck too, not so loveley. ;)

change of plan lol

decided to finish the house and upload it properly now. lol. it is pending at the moment with the two sims i put on earlier. fingers crossed 2 time lucky and it will go through this time. it isn't much, but i am proud of it. hope everyone thinks on almost the same lines as me ... :s lol.




house has been put on hold for now, it got rejected because my pictures were not compatible, so will sort them out once i have done some adjustments to the whole house, had some new ideas. lol. uploading another two sims today hopefully they should go through and will be available for download soon, will keep everyone informed.

going to stick with uploading my sim characters for now but hopefully will start to upload and create houses in the near future.




ps may everyones new year be full and happy


Being an SA

As has become apparent, I no longer have the time and freedom I used to before "The Great Move". I've juggled, and I've tried various different solutions, but it's just not working right now. So I have asked TSR if I could step back down from FA for a bit. They have been so supportive and understanding...I can't even tell you! :) So I am just going to create when I can, and experiment with the new World Creation tool for a while as well. (I keep hoping someone will add an extra couple of hours to the day, but they just won't do it! :P ) Anyway, for those who are wondering why I am not an FA any longer, I certainly hope this puts you at ease. ;) I'm not going anywhere, just taking a little more time with a little less self-imposed pressure. Hehehe!

Wish me luck! (((Hugs!)))

Having trouble to find the newest stories?

Just like Illandrya in her blog, I have trouble finding the newest stories I am dying to read in the jungle called Storytelling this past week. I too have the fourth chapter of Lobster and Salad out today and it is in there somewhere! To make it easier: here's the link I really want to thank you for reading and commenting. The feedback is wonderful and keeps me wanting to write more stories!

Chapter 4: The Jade Princess

Hi Everyone

Just a quick note to let you know that Chapter 4 of The Jade Princess is out. You can find it here:

I'd love to hear what you think so please drop me a comment if you have the time.

many thanks

My New Story


I just wanted to share with you all a sneak peek of my new in-the-works story. It's called Someone Special as you can see by the cover below. The first part should be out probably nearing the end of next week. Anyway, I hope everyone will enjoy it!



I'm Back!

After all those problems I talked about in my last post, my game is finally up and running properly. I will be working on new creations ASAP. I've got loads of great stuff planned, so stay tuned!


I haven't been on this site since Christmas, due to computer problems. The patch screwed up my game and I had to uninstall, but after I reinstalled I couldn't start my game! I eventually had to manually uninstall the game but it's up and running now, so I'm happy. :)

About me and my creations.

Hello I am oepu. But you can call me Anna. I'm 26 years old, from Germany and married. I have studied computer science. I love mangas, period dramas (mostly BBC productions), dogs, guinea pigs and Sims.

My sims3 site is Most of my sims 3 items are on MTS as well. But I wanted to share my creations here too, because I want that many people can get my creations if they want them.

I prefer the maxis match style. It fits to the game, is simple, mostly colorfull and cartoony. If you don't like this style you won't like my creations. But if you like it I hope you like my creations too. I'm happy to get new suggestions for new creations in the maxis match style.

I will update sparely. I create when I have time and when I have an idea. I try to have a high quality standard. Please  let me know if something looks strange in your game. Tell me  if you notice some quality issues. I will try to correct them.

Just finished

I just finished doing a cardigan to the sims 3. I'm not that happy with it but I did it based of a picture of it on a swedish clothing website and decided to do it because it looked easy. EA still hasn't realesed a new patch so I won't be uploading it until I can try it in game and take pictures of it.

I will probably try and do something else later tonight, maybe some clothes for another age category than I usually do?

Installation issues with my Patterns

It has been brought to my attention that there may be an issue installing my last 8 patterns.  These patterns were created after the latest EA series of patches and I am trying to verify if the installation issues are because of the borked EA launcher and I along with everyone else must be patient, or if I've broken something my self at creation.


If you are having issues, please reply to this blog.  Let me know what pattern ( please do not say 'well all of them' because I do know that some people are not having any issues at all) you cannot get to show up and what version of Sims 3 that you are running.

For example,  Sea Shell Sea Shore will not install, running base game Sims 3 patched to version 1.86

or Dilitante Damask installs on my lap top that has the base bame and world adventures fully patched but will not work on my desktop, the only difference is that one is xp and the other is vista.


Thank you so much for having patience while I work through these issues.  Because of these problems, I will not be submitting any more patterns until EA releases a new patch for the launcher issues.  I do not want to add to the heart ache other simmers are having with their game at this time.  Do not fret though, once these problems are nailed down, I have plent of others waiting for me to convert/create and upload.  I am thankful that I don't create in batches and trickle my uploads.  I'd hate to have months of work being questionable.


Thanks again for any information you can supply if you are having issues any patterns.



Sad news about holes...

Double-treble-quadruple DRAT!

EA has changed something in the game.  Holes in the wall (or any type of frameless or invisible window) are NO LONGER POSSIBLE!  I say 'no longer' because I made a very early attempt at these windows (probably back in August) and they worked back then and I nearly used one of them in my spooky Halloween graveyard.  But now, they don't.  I've made a couple of 'frameless' windows this week (including a totally invisible window to double-check that I wasn't going insane or anything), as well as testing an older window that used to work just fine (pictured left).  The result is that the bottom and top strips of walls remain visible...

I'm gutted about this, and I know some of you will be too (this has been my most-requested Sims 3 conversion to date).  I will keep one of the windws in my game so I can check whether this is remedied by EA after subsequent patches (I know patches are not favourite topic-of-the-month at the moment.  Maybe one day EA will fix it, but right now, one of my favourite window styles is not going to make it into the game.

Yehaaaa!! is snowing!!! Roads are pretty impassable where I live, so I think it may be a snow day today!! So guess what I will be doing!? Yep, playing my sims :-D...I'm currently building another lot ;-) ...a farmhouse in France this time...

where the red tree is will be a walled garden with grape vines, with maybe a few fruit trees next to the kitchen area...haven't quite finished it yet, but hopefully I will today..there is a small cellar for all those beautiful bottles of nectar, and maybe I will pop in a nectar maker! Not sure yet.. :-)...

Hope everyone is having a peachy week, and if you have bad weather where you are, and you have to go out..Be Safe!

Eden Simla

Yes ! I have been abble to upload it, you'll see it tomorrow ;-)


My new niche, cottages!

As some of you may know I am rather versitile in my building styles. One day it might be a modern, next day it could be a Victorian of even a rustic shack. I have enjoyed building many styles of homes and getting that experience but never really satisfied in sticking to one style.

Since my first cottage type home (Thomas Kincaid Cottage) I have been able to use my landscaping ability as my canvas and to me cottages sit so well with lush greenery and plenty of flowers and streams. Landscaping the lot is one of my favorite things to do as I said before, it is like my canvas and I am painting a realistic picture.

It helps to be artistic. I remember in school getting all A grades in art. Also I have always had this fascination with houses and have had many dreams just about houses.

I plan to do many more cottages and some will be rather elaborate and fantasy/storybook type homes. I get my inspiration from the beautiful paintings of Thomas Kincade and would love to capture that essence in my cottages.

For all those who have cheered me on about the few cottages I have built I want to say thank you so much for believing in me and that it gives me great pride to know that I have finally found my niche and will continue to give you beautiful cottages with serene and peaceful settings that you can call home.

Working on another residential lot!

Honestly, I've grown addicted to this. Also there are so many talented artists who are inspiring me. I'm still learning though.

I have EXAMS

I'm so sorry but I can't submit my designs for 5 days because I have got 7 exams and I might be crazy.I'm very busy,I don't have any free time to spend.I hope you won't forget me.I'll come back in a little while.Don worry.

I wish you have a nice week but I don't have a nice week!!



Wicklow Windows

My latest project "Wicklow Windows". These windows are inspired by Windkeepers Waterfront windows.

Wicklow Windows

Wondering what custom content gets packaged with sims in Sims 3.

I have a few sims I want to share but I'm confused as to what custom content gets packaged with them. I use custom eyesbrows, skintones, eyes, and hair. I guess I'll have to uninstall my custom content and then install my sims to test. For some reason I thought that nothing gets packaged with sims in Sims 3 but when I recently installed a sim I noticed that it installed some custom make up with it. Oh well. Hopefully I'll figure this out soon!


January may not be the best month to wear sandal... but for Sims everything is possible :)


Fancy High Heel Sandals


Here I go!

I've only just recently been able to play Sims 3 properly as I now have a decent computer and wow! it looks so much better than on my old one. I've always loved building the lots and things, maybe more so than actually playing the game, so I'm going to build things to share.

I'm just about to start learning about making objects as I have lots of ideas floating around in my head and I would love to share them. Hopefully it won't take me long to learn so I better get started!

So angry (en col�re)

Can't upload anything, I can't download anything and sometimes I can play to my game , sometimes no .


Ea please do something quick, I love sims 3 and World adventure, but I become crazy now


I'm so happy!

I am here for just a few weeks and now i have around 900 downloads :)


Thank you very much!


Had to upload Krisstine (that's her name, btw) to sendspace because no matter how hard I try and no matter what basic clothes I put her in, I can't get her file size below 24MB. Here's the link:

For those of you who have forgotten what she looks like, here is a pic:

I'd actually completely changed her hair and her makeup and clothes and everything in game so I tried my best to remember the kind of makeup she had on in this picture. Oh well, you get the Sim at the end of the day. LOL!

Don't forget; you get the hair required from here:





My Site!

I'm pleased to announce I now have my very own site! There you will find full forums, and downloads for the sims 2 and 3. You can also upload, but you need to sign up for a site such as or, details on how to upload are on my site under FAQ. I hope you all enjoy my new site!

Here's the link:

The Jade Princess and the Time Warp

Hi everyone! Like fredbrenny, I too am having a little time warp issue with the location of the third chapter of The Jade Princess. You should be able to find it at this address:

This chapter is a little intense and I have crammed a lot in, so buckle up :)


Edit: I have submitted Chapter 4 so it will hopefully be available by the end of the week


I'm sitting by my computer with my cat next to me. I just bought my first thing with my earned Kudos. Now my profile page is pink and I'm loving it!

I have created a couple of things for The sims 3 but I didn't read about the problems with the new patch until I already had installed it on my computer so I don't know how my new creations look in the game and I can't take any preview pictures of them because they are not showing up in the game.

The things that hopefully will be uploaded soon are 2-3 bathing suits, paintings and a jeans skirt. Now we just have to wait for EA to undo what they did to our games.

I will probably try to make some hair now for the first time since that's the only thing showing up in my game right now.


Hope you all had a happy new year!

Lobster Thermidor and Autumn Salad

I hope everyone can find chapter 3 of the story. It came out today, but somehow it ended up somewhere behind all stories from last summer and fall which have the dates set to 2010. Quite confusing. I got so much and such great response on the story sofar that I thought I'd warn you the new chapter is there to read! Here's the link:



Strangetown story update

I have finished part 7 of the Strangetown Chronicles just before new year, but I can't upload it because something is wrong with my wizard manager. I had no problems with the previous story, so I have no idea what happened. So when the next part comes out only depends on when the support will be able to fix whatever is wrong. Other than that, I will only have time for playing in the end of January, because now I am having exams. Wish me luck!

Free time!

It's so nice, I have 3 whole weeks before school starts on the 25th! But I'm not used to having so much time free, I wonder what I will do with all that time? Play Sims of course! I's so nice not having to watch the clock all the time, just play for as long as I want to. 

A few days out!

Just wanna say I'm leaving on a two-week holidays. I hope to be back on January 15. Bye!

New Set Coming Soon

A set of ten pink lipsticks are coming soon to be followed by purple, then red.


Hey everyone I need help! Does anyone know a good site to find hair. I love the hair on this site but I'm wanting something new and different. Please help me out, thanks!


I have a lot of exams this week and next week.So I can't be here for a while..Bye for now :)



I won't be here for 2-3 Weeks

I won't be here for 2-3 Weeks.

Latest Headlines

What's New!!! 100,000 Downloads Free Download Schedule 2010 Free Download - Nielsen Island Snow change of plan lol update Being an SA Having trouble to find the... Chapter 4: The Jade Princess My New Story I'm Back! Update About me and my creations. Just finished Installation issues with my... Sad news about holes... Yehaaaa!! Eden Simla My new niche, cottages! Working on another residential lot! I have EXAMS Wicklow Windows Wondering what custom content... FREE ITEM FOR JANUARY Here I go! So angry (en col�re) I'm so happy! LOOK IN HERE FOR MY MODEL SIM!!! My Site! The Jade Princess and the Time Warp Updates Lobster Thermidor and Autumn Salad Strangetown story update Free time! A few days out! New Set Coming Soon Hair. Exams..exams.. I won't be here for 2-3 Weeks
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