Member Blogs

The Smith Family

With the oldest Silver boys done, now it's time for the stories of the last two.

When pacifist Michael Silver flat-out refused to enlist in the military, his father Grant disowned him and kicked him out.  Fortunately, through scholarships, financial aid, and part-time work, Michael was able to get through university.  While there, he roomed with a young man named Luther who had left his uncaring foster parents and was also at university on scholarship.  Together the two young men worked their ways through four years to their diplomas.  While at the university, Michael met a young woman named Natalie Rutherford, who was studying business administration and taking culinary classes--her dream was to own a chain of fine-dining restaurants across the country, if not around the world.

After graduation, Michael and Luther went their separate ways, but Michael also started dating Natalie.  Eventually he worked up the courage to follow Natalie home to Old Town and propose to her.  When she accepted, he moved in temporarily with her family.  The two moved out later when they had enough to put a downpayment on their own home.  Michael also changed his name from Silver to Smith.  Now he put his developing psychic abilities to good use and began working in the Paranormal field.  Natalie, in the meantime, began working on her own dream.  In short order, he had risen to become an Exorcist while she had not only attained her dream of owning a chain of restaurants but had also gone on to become a Celebrity Chef.

Around this time Luther reentered their lives.  He dropped into town on assignment for the newspaper he was working at--despite his science background, journalism had been the only field available--and the hours were taking their toll.  Michael invited Luther to move in and stay with them until he could get his life back into order.  Grateful for the opportunity, Luther quit his job and in a few weeks an opening at the nearby community college enabled him to reembrace his dreams of a laboratory job.  His old skills came back to him and he quickly rose to become a Theorist.

Michael, Natalie, and Luther often went out together on Natalie's rare nights off.  On one such occassion, Luther ran into--literally, since he was running to the restroom--a young woman named Lisa Farmer.  After apologizing profusely to her, he promptly asked her out.  She accepted, and in short order she became Mrs. Luther Smith, moving in to the Smith household.

Lisa had dreams of becoming a big Rock Star and with Luther's support (and Michael's financial backing) began pursuing a career in the music industry.  With a natural talent for performance, she quickly rose to become a Rock Star.  She even entertained dreams of going to Studio Town to be discovered, but being unable to control herself around celebrities, she gave it up.  Too soon she and Natalie realized that their late hours were taking tolls on their relationships with their husbands, and--both being a little tired of being out all night--decided to quit their evening jobs to look for something in the daylight hours.  Lisa, whose other interest was science, decided to work with her husband in the lab and through hard, diligent work became a Theorist herself.  Natalie, who had discovered she now possessed a sort of sixth sense--possibly due to her relationship with Michael--decided to study and develop it, and soon became an Exorcist like her husband.

With their relationships back on track, and intimacy soon following, it wasn't long before Natalie presented Michael with a son, Kevin.  Not long after Lisa presented Luther with a daughter, Gwendolyn.  The two children have been raised as brother and sister and, despite knowing the truth, regard each other as such.

It was shortly after Kevin and Gwendolyn began middle school that Michael's younger brother, Casper, resigned from the military for being in a relationship with a man and was subsequently disowned and kicked out by their father, Grant.  Michael invited Casper to move in.  He was a little reluctant to let Casper's boyfriend Ned Talbot also move in, but when he saw how much the two loved each other, he readily welcomed him into the family.

After a few weeks of doing nothing all day--to deal with the turmoil surrounding recent events--Casper and Ned decided the time had come to stop being freeloaders and start contributing to the household.  Using some of Lisa's old contacts, the two soon worked their way to the top of the music industry.  Now they are the Rock Star duo known as Casned.

Though Grant Silver initially moved his family into Old Town intending to revenge himself on his three sons who dared find happiness outside of the family legacy, he found he couldn't:  Warren was a Police Chief and was too well connected thanks to the Jacqueline Gold and the businesses she represented.  Casper, as a famous rock star, was too public a figure and beyond his reach.  And Michael...well, Michael scared him, despite his pacifist nature: Grant didn't understand paranormal powers, and what he didn't understand he either ignored or feared.  So all three disowned Silver sons were now beyond his reach.

After Grant left the Silver family, Gertrude made overtures to her outcast sons, and though they aren't necessarily friendly, they are at least reconciled now.  Neither Michael or Casper, however, have any intention of ever talking to their father again, however.

Hmm...maybe that's too much drama?  Nah!


Hi everybody! Well to anyone who liked my two stories' intros/previews I want to let you know that I hope to get in more chapters soon in my free time. School is being a pain right now but I'll try my best to continue sumbitting chapters!

Finally got TS3!!!

I got it for my birthday a few days ago.  And as I've posted this in the forums already... I can't play it!  Well, I can, but it's too dark. Everything is too dark. I've shut off shadows completely, made sure auto-roofing is off, updated my video card drivers, and searched for an answer all over the net. But unless I leave a space in the wall of any house I'm building or decorating, it's so dark inside that I can't see a thing. And it's just as dark in live/play mode. It's heartbreaking. All my houses have holes in them.

But stay tuned... soon as I get this figured out, I'll be posting some new stuff.  

So hot here...

I've been reading a lot about how cold it is over in Europe and I just thought I'd tell you that I am a little envious! It's been so hot here in Australia (Brisbane) and I'm so over it...I really wish we could have some cold weather. We have no air conditioning in our unit either, so there's no way to get cool except by standing under a fan or going somwhere that is air conditioned. Please send some cold weather here!

Sims 3!! :D

Ahhhh i am so excited!!  XD

My PC is rather old...about 4 years old now and it's finally on it's way out.  But it's a blessing really because the graphics card in it is ancient and it meant i couldn't play Sims 3 for more than 5 mins on the lowest settings before it crashed!  I couldn't change the graphics card as it wasn't possible (just the way the PC was designed) but i should have a brand new PC by the end of next week with a super dooper graphics i shall finally be on the Sims 3 bandwagon!  WOOHOO!  I can't wait!! :D

Deleted World Adventures for good now.

Or at least until EA buck their ideas up and stop making it run at a snail's pace with custom content installed and seemingly randomly deciding what it will and won't allow to install when I'm trying to add CC to the game. It's been doing my nut in for ages but just taken as one of those annoyances I'd have to put up with.

That is, until I decided that I would start making CC of my own again (clothing, of course) and obviously, to post your stuff up on TSR, you need to have a preview image of it from in game so it can be authenticated. Yea, well, that's pretty difficult to do when your stuff won't install into the damn game in the first place. Sick of putting loads of effort into a piece of clothing and then all my effort coming to nothing when it won't go in game.

Thus, I am sacrificing the luxury of having the World Adventures EP installed, at least until EA fully fix the stupid thing, so I can make clothes and get the full range of CC I download in game without a worry.

Sorry, really annoyed me, so had to rant a little. LOL! Feel better now.

It's poll time!

Hi everyone!

Yes, it's time for me to retire my old poll and bring out a shiny new one. This poll is all about stories.

I love creating stories and TSR provides us all with a place to share our stories with the rest of the community. If you are an avid reader of stories her on TSR, or even if you've never visited the storytelling section, please feel free pop by and leave your thoughts. I'd love to hear from you.


PS - Thank you to everyone who voted on my old poll, it has been very helpful to me when I have been creating lots to share with the TSR community.

Grounds of Grunge

I've already uploaded a set of grunge-stained wallpapers for those of you who own World Adventures and have no patience for creating your own (and to those of you who don't, I'm really sorry - but there is nothing in the base game that will support this type of paper yet).  The set will be a freebie and I made it because I know people who have zero patience with the Create A Style tool (and I happen to live with one of them!) and these will just add themselves to your game, premade, as a complete set of stained brick papers.  Hope you have fun with them!

But what is the point of nasty walls when they're surrounded by an English country garden?!  Quite.  So I have been busy compiling two sets of grungetastic terrain paints!  The first set will be the Cement Garden set - full of industrial-strength grit and grunge, and the second set will be the Derelict Garden for dead grass, overgrown cobble and cracked dry earth.  A few old favourites (of mine - you might have hated them) have stepped over from my Sims 2 collections (stained cement, littered rubble, black asphalt and some grass with mud patches) but the majority of the paints are brand new...

And in making them, I belatedly discovered the entire point of the square brush!  See my paving slabs with the weed in between?  Incredibly simple to do: plonk down a yard full of base-game weed, then take the smallest square brush, move the slider right to the end of 'hard edge' and dab cement slabs down.  The square brush on 'hard edge' setting still doesn't reach quite to the very edge of the tile, and this makes it easily possible to leave unpainted (ie weed gaps) between the slabs.  How cool is that?! 

But you probably already knew all this.  In fact, your first-ever Sims 3 house probably used this very technique.  Indeed, you probably did it all the way through Sims 2 as well, and so did your 3-year-old nephew, pet cat etc etc.  All I can say to that is that I was probably busy making cranes or something...

Problem Solved...I think! LOL

So I think I've managed to find the problem with my latest house. So hopefully it will be submitted today and published in a few days! Let's hope this works now! lol



I'm so sad because the moderators rejected my first part of story"Fire & Lipstick".I think if they won't accept my story,I'll never post other again,because I worked hard.I haven't a crew.I done this job alone.And now I'm mad.

2nd part of 'His Father's Son' submitted

Hi everybody. Just telling you that today I submitted the second part of my story 'His Father's Son". I hope it will be published soon.

My first day.



This will be my first day as a starting creator. I am going to add items to my mini-site but first I need windows because these stupid programs does not work on a mac. Yes only with bootcamp. I once tried to make a object and I found out that is was very hard to do. I really love hair and items and I do not like make-up. You will see what I produce and you can download it if you like. It is not much but I can live with that. BTW I am Dutch so my English is very bad :P.



Creations update - Goosebumps family plus patterns :)

Hi all,

Just to let you know, I have released 2 patterns which are availlable to download now. Skull and crossbones for your Pirate loving Sims and Ghosts for your spooky Sims :) 

I am finally releasing the Goosebump Sims family which I originally created for Halloween. They remind me of characters that Tim Burton would probably come up with, so I am pleased with the results of these Sims. I tested them in the game and they look really creepy. If you like that kind of thing, they are currently pending in submissions and are due for release tommorow - Jan 21st.

Mortimer is the father, Gertrude is the mother and Winifred is the daughter. They are all quite spooky looking. The father took a bit of tweaking, as I wasn't happy with his look, hence the delay. I am quite pleased with the final look now, so check back tommorow to download them all.

More creations are to come this week, so remember to book mark me :)



The Talbot Family

I started with the Silver family, branched off to the Verde family (since Gertrude's new husband comes from there), and then did the Gold family (because oldest son Warren married into it).  Since Lionel and Jason--the second and third sons--still live with Gertrude, I'll talk about fourth son Harrison, who moved out recently.

Harrison Silver had been in a relationship with his older brother Lionel.  However, when he found out that Lionel was not only cheating on him with a woman but actually intended to marry her and move her into the Silver household (Grant had already moved in with his mistress/new wife), the betrayal was too much.  He took a walk around town to cool off.

During his solitary trek he met a newcomer to town, Stanford Talbot.  He had just moved because his younger brother had told him how friendly and accepting the town was.  Harrison and Stanford talked for a bit, really hitting it off.  Harrison, though he was still angry with his brother, went home to think things through.

When Lionel's new wife, Michelle, moved in, Harrison accepted her...after all, it wasn't her fault his brother was a fickle fool, right?  Besides, now that he had made a new friend--and a friend, besides, who seemed interested in developing it further--he could handle the situation.  Eventually, Stanford invited Harrison to move in with him, and Harrison left the Silver household, taking the name of Talbot for his own.

Harrison remained a Theorist, and his limited income was vital in supporting the two of them because Stanford was working to establish himself in the Paranormal field.  Even after he rose to become an Exorcist, the two had to practice careful budgeting--1870 Simoleons a day don't go very far.  Around this time, Harrison learned that Stanford's younger brother was Ned Smith, and that he was actually the boyfriend of Harrison's own youngest brother Casper, who had been asked to leave the military.

Crystal Talbot, one of Stanford's sisters, moved into town with her son Calvin.  Recently widowed, she was struggling to make ends meet.  Determined to make it on her own, though, she fought hard and became a Fashion Columnist, all on her own merits.  Realizing that Calvin needed a father figure, however, she accepted Stanford's invitation to move in with him and Harrison.  Although reluctant, Crystal decided it was for the best:  Stanford and Harrison could take care of Calvin while she worked evenings, and Harrison was a much better cook than she was anyway.

On the way to work one day, she met Nicholas, a traveler who had stopped over for a little while.  They hit it off, and Nicholas decided to settle in town.  Originally from circus stock, he reconnected with his heritage and found work at the nearby permanent circus grounds.  When their schedules permitted, he and Crystal dated.  Eventually they married and Nicholas moved into the Talbot home.  Shortly after rising to become a Lion Tamer, he and Crystal had a son, Cody.

Although Calvin liked having three fathers, it felt a little weird to have only one mother.  However, shortly before Cody's appearance, Stanford's other younger sister Misty came looking for a place to stay.  Recently divorced from her husband (whom she learned preferred men to women) she had custody of one of their sons, Mickey.  They moved in, and now Calvin had two mothers, three fathers, and counting Mickey and Cody, two brothers as well.

Misty, freed from the burden of raising a child by herself, was able to go back to school and earn a business administration degree.  Now as the CEO of her own company, she contributes to the family income, boosting it considerably.  Now, instead of just Stanford and Harrison's paltry 1870 Simoleons a day, their income was 4645 Simoleons a day.  Now they could afford to really expand their home and enjoy the "wants" instead of just meeting the "needs."

Incidentally, Crystal's husband's death and Misty's ex-husband will be returned to in other families...just to let you know.

What to do...

I have to remember to "Enable comments" each time I post a blog.  I keep forgetting.

Okay, so I did get one comment, and I appreciate it.  It's a good one, suggesting that instead of posting stories about my families here in the blog I should do it elsewhere.  I'd need to take screenshots and all, but...

The problem with that, though, is that it looks like all the stories already posted are for Sims 2 and Sims 3.  Would anyone want the admittedly inferior screenshots from Sims 1 attached to a story there?  Not that I'm even sure I can post a Sims 1 story there anyway.  I mean, I'd be willing to try, I guess, but in the meantime, I think I'll stick to the blogs for now.

I guess...


These days I am creating content for the game based on what I find lacking whilst playing the game myself. I noticed recently that there really aren't any outfits included with the game suitable for yoga practice, which should ideally be performed with bare feet. So to remedy this, I have created six comfy, bare-footed outfits specifically for this purpose; three with leotards and footless tights and three with capri pants.


All outfits are available for adult and young adult females and are categorised as athletic wear (although some outfits could also be used as everyday wear if re-categorised). All the outfits use a standard Maxis mesh and are base game compatible.

Issue with New House...

So my house is finished and exported, but when I go to submit it on here, it says there is some sort of TSRAA No error...and I don't understand why it wont let me submit it...if anyone who reads this knows what's going on with my house, please send me a message and let me know.

Thanks :-)

Paintings and pictures

i downloaded one of Illandrya's beautiful houses. It was full of goodies! Beautiful paintings, gems, artifacts from around the world! It is still there, but ...

As soon as I went into life mode, the paintings disappeared. I have been talking with Illandrya and promissed her I would post a picture of the paintings showing up in the lot, but after Fred and Barb moved in they disppeared. The question now is.... is there a way we can have it ALL? Unfortunately, I cannot get the photographs back... I'm pretty, pretty sure I have seen them first time I placed the lot. but now just the paintings show. They disappear again when I move my sims back in...hmmmmmm

Here are some pictures:


         I love that house. Barb and Fred grew old, and I am going to change things around a little bit :-)

Simple Ponytail Problems

Hi everyone,

I've seen that there are a lot of reports on my Simple Ponytail about it looking weird and having patches in the game. As you can see in the preview picture, I don't have any trouble with it in my game. With that said, that means that I'm relying on you guys that are actually having the problem to tell me what's wrong. I've contacted several of you all that left comments saying that it wasn't showing up properly asking if you could provide some details about your game setup and PC configuration, and asking if you could provide a picture of how it looks in your game - and I am now just waiting for replies. Until I have some information on what is actually wrong, I'm afraid that I do not know what I should be looking to fix!

If you are reading this and have had problems with this hair in your game, please PM me so I can work with you to try to get this fixed!


Well atlast i can share some thoughts here,these days i am just addicted to sims n this lovely site makes me hooked, I am really happy for those who downloaded my stuff n for all your sweet comments, thanks one n all



*Updated* I just submitted the paintings for approval! 

Hi Everybody!

It was a while ago I showed you Nova, and mow I submitted it! ;) It should be up about some days. And I also made a couple of paintings but I still don´t know if I´m going to submitted them... 


What do you think about them? :D  Should I upload them??

Have a nice day - Daniel! :)

New story published

Hi everybody. Just want to tell you that the first part of my new story is out. It's called 'His Father's Son' and is hidden somewhere between the other stories. If you are interested, you can go directly to my mini site. Even though it says at the Story pod 'no stories', just press on the 'more stories' botton. Bye.

So, guess what?

At 1:00PM GMT tomorrow, whilst I'm at school, two packages shall be arriving at my house. And guess what those packages will contain?

The Sims 3 and The Sims 3: World Adevntures.

Which means in a couple of days, my stories should be up and running again.



Hello Again, i was asked on my old account to make a tutorial on how i make clothes. I have made one and i am uploading it to this account. So please look at it and hope it helps. On my old account the maximum number of downloads i got on one item was 12000downloads. so lets see if we can beat that. so please download. and if one of my items on this account reaches over that i will upload something special.

Thanks, Blake :)

The Gold Family

Gertrude Silver has six sons...her firstborn, Warren, was disowned after he left the military.  So here's the story of his new family.  It's tied to both the Silver and the Verde families.  Jacques Verde arrived in town after his sister told him about it.  She's the matriarch of the Gold family, Jacqueline.

Jacqueline Gold is Jacques Verde's younger twin sister.  She married a wealthy business man and gave him six children:  Giselle, Emil, Raoul, Lucille, Marie, and Henri.  When her husband died, he left behind millions, but because it was all tied up with his various companies, Jacqueline couldn't touch any of it.  As a result, she was basically penniless.  She had enough set aside to enable her to move, and with a satisfactory--if not comfortable--allowance from the companies, she was able to establish herself in a new town:  Old Town.

Since she, like her brother, possessed certain psychic abilities, she worked on developing them and was soon able to secure a position as an Exorcist.  With the sizeable steady income and the home renovations that it enabled, she was able to honestly tell her brother that Old Town was a good place to live, resulting in her brother following her soon thereafter.

Giselle and Henri, who stayed with their mother after their father's death, moved to Old Town with her.  There Giselle ran into Warren Silver, who had only recently left the military for a civilian lifestyle away from his father's domineering ways.  Literally ran into, since she crashed into him on her bicycle.  After a brief courtship, Warren married her and moved in with her family, taking her name to further differentiate himself from his family.

Giselle, who was a talented actress and singer, went into the entertainment business, waiting tables until her dreams came true:  she became a Broadway Star in short order.  The hours are long, but the pay is worth it.  Warren, despite his determination not to don another uniform, found himself enrolling at the police academy.  Through hard work and with his wife's support, he became Chief of Police.  Together they have one daughter, Elaine.

Henri, whether for lack of interest or effort, found no reason to leave and lives with his mother, his sister, and her family.  His hours are somewhat at odds with the rest of the household, so he hardly sees them--he works as a Fashion Columnist and barely has an hour to see his mother and niece in the afternoon when they return from work and school, and hardly ever wakes early enough to see them before the leave in the morning.  Neither Warren nor Giselle, nor even Jacqueline, knows whether Henri has any interest in women or men except to just be friends.  But since his pay is more than Jacqueline's, she has no problem with him staying by her side.  He is, after all, her baby boy.

All of Jacqueline's other children also live in town, but they have married into other families; both boys married into the same family, and both girls did likewise.  Emil and Raoul married the two oldest sisters of the Venii family, while Lucille and Marie married the oldest brothers of the Adonii family.  None of them have children (and won't, since there's no space in those households), so Elaine Gold's only cousins are in the Silver and Verde families.

The Golds also have two cats, strays that they adopted.  Spork and Fluffly are reasonably happy in their new homes.  I'm waiting to see if they'll have a kitten or not; if they don't, then maybe I'll give Henri a significant other--male or female remains to be seen.

New Band Shirts

Hello thanks for downloading and keep leaving thanks. Lets not pretend i know the arsenal shirt isn't my best work, and i will be making a new one some time. If you find anything wrong with the Manchester United Shirt Please Say And I'l Tey To Make It Better. Atm i'm uploading A Real Madrid Shirt .

But I have Created A Greenday Shirt And Fall Out Boy Shirt. And They Should Be on TSr In 2 Days.

Please Keep Downloading And Please Leave Thanks And Tell Me What You Think.

thank, Blake :)



Stories of Mara Grimmer #2

Hey everyone,


In the next time I will complete the second part of my new story. I was very busy last time and hope that you will like my new part of the story.


Nice day, Guslucky!


PS : Do you like my decorated room? Thanks for feedback :)




I'm new, mi Nickname is Eyrie. I luv the Sims 1, 2 and 3! I like this.

The Sims 3 in my first game, the characters are roommates, you can see photos of him. He was learning, so I took a little getting used to everything, as there are some differences between each version of the Sims.

The Sims I created first, he married twice (!), the first time was very rare, so not serious. Now, the only lives a Sims house, is divorced and raising triplets are all girls. Hahaha!

This is one of the babies, but you're older, they are learning to walk.

At first did not distinguish babys. Because they were all completely equal! Haha!


In my last move, NOW I created a new family: Father and son and roommate, the "Son" and "roommate", now they are "together" (!!!)



Good Bye!

Apology for my Absence

Hello All,

You may have noticed that I have not been creating much recently. This is for several reasons. Firstly, I have several important exams at the moment, so I am busy studying for them at the moment. They will be over in a few weeks though. Secondly, I have been working on a new World with the Create-A-World tool, and as I'm sure you can guess that takes a lot of time. It should be worth it when complete though! That however, is a long way off! :D


Poll! :D


 guys, this quiz is for fun only. thanks!!! :-D

 Here it is:

 How would you describe yourself:
 A. Fancy

 B. Cool

 C. OK


 Would you subsribe to another person?
 A. Maybe

 B. Yeah

 C. NO WAY!!


 Would you hack another person's acount?

 A. Maybe.

 B. Lets get out the hackin!

 C. Nawh. I'm not that kind of person.


 Mostly A:

 You don't know what to do in life. You mostly stick to yourself and let other people pick what's right.

 Mostly B:

 You are always picking, you want to be the head person in life. A people would totally follow you and ask you for directions.

 Mostly C:

 You don't want to be A nor B. You are calm and do want things to turn out OK. You would just stick with yourself.

The Verde Family

Allthough Jean-Claude is the newest member of the Silver family, he is now married to the matriarch, Gertrude, so I'll talk about his family now.

The Verde family moved into town, led by their patriarch, Jacques Verde.  They came because Jacques' younger twin sister told him it was a lovely spot with friendly, tolerant people.  So, Jacques packed up his family and moved them from wherever they were (Canada or France, I'm thinking, or maybe New Orleans).  Still, the move was hard because it basically wiped out their available funds--moving six people into an unbuilt, unfurnished house isn't cheap, after all.  Despite that, they settled in and, after taking a few odd jobs just to get buy, finally settled into their chosen professions.

Jacques, who always possessed a touch of psychic ability, settled into the paranormal profession and soon rose up to the Exorcist level.  His wife, Adele, chose politics instead and is now a Senator.  She also happens to be friends with Gertrude Silver, and while she has some misgivings about her youngest son marrying a woman old enough to be his mother, she trusts Gertrude and has faith in her son's judgment.

Eldest son Francois, after a bit of floundering, settled down to business and excelled at it.  Now he's a CEO.  His wife, Antoinette, prefers working as little as possible, so she eventually settled into the science profession, and now as a Theorist only has to work 4 hours a day away from home.  They have one daughter, Cecile.  Second son Pierre, also after a bit of floundering, went into music and now works the hardest of the entire family, from 5 in the afternoon to 2 in the morning, as a Rock Star.  Fortunately, his wife Adrienne works similar hours (5 to 12) as a Fashion Columnist, so they at least leave for work together and can spend the day together free from the rest of the family, including their daughter Sabine.  Basically they see Sabine for maybe an hour in the afternoon when she comes home from school and before they leave for work.  If they're rested enough to wake up in the morning, they might get to see Sabine at breakfast.  Basically, the rest of the family raise Sabine.  Given that Pierre and Adrienne make the most, though, no one's complaining.

The Verdes, like the Silvers, are one of the larger families in Old Town in that they have a large number of blood relations spread throughout the neighborhood.  The Silvers seem to be the largest, but if you combine the Verdes with Jacques' sister--who happens to be connected with the Silvers through her daughter's marriage--the Verdes become the largest.  Of course, with Jacques' sister's granddaughter also being a Silver granddaughter, perhaps the three families are one?  That granddaughter, at least, has the largest number of blood connections to three different families.

Confusing?  You have no idea!



A Crazy Day

Okay, I've just spent roughly 12 hours trying to get a virus or a malware/spyware/adware thing removed from my computer.  I don't know what caused it or where I picked it up--heck, it might even have been from this site.  I hope not, though.  I really want new things for my Sims because--let's face it--after a while things start running together.  When I take my Sims downtown, I have to double-check to figure out which Sim is actually walking across the screen because, unfortunately, he or she happens to be wearing the same outfit as at least one or two other Sims.  At least this way I can get some variety going.  Same thing for the kids.  Although their faces and skin-tones may be different, some of their outfits are exactly alike because--among other things--I don't really like having the kids in dresses or suits from the early twentieth century.  They deserve to be in play clothes, free to run around, not worry about getting their clothes dirty (sorry, I was watching The Sound of Music while I waited for my virus scans to end).

Anyway, wherever the virus/whatever came from, it seems to be gone for now.  But I'm going to have to be a lot more careful now.  What a pain.  It could be worse, though:  it could have completely crashed my system, so I'll consider myself lucky for now.

Chapter 5: The Jade Princess

Hi Everyone

Just a quick note to let you know that Chapter 5 of The Jade Princess is out. You can find it here:

This is the last chapter in this particular story, but Veronika will re-appear in the future with further adventures.

I'd love to hear what you think so please drop me a comment if you have the time.


Sarah Daae's Story

I have planned chapters four and five and trust me--you are going to love them! A new character is introduced (someone from The Phantom of the Opera), who changes Sarah's life.

I am also going to be bringing more "POTO" into it. How could you expect me not to, what with having Christine and Erik? But that will be in way later chapters.

I will stop here, because I don't want to reveal too much!

See ya!


WA Favorite Expansion Pack Ever

I have really enjoyed playing the World Adventures expansion.  This is my favorite expansion pack ever (even with the minor bugs I have from the latest patch......knew it was causing problems but couldn't stand it unless I patched my game).  I have played Sims 1 & 2 before and bought every expansion back for both of them.  I have enjoyed playing adventure and role playing games (Grim Fandango, Siberia 1 & 2, The Longest Journey, Morrowind, Oblivion, KOTOR 1 & 2) for many years.  This expansion adds both the adventure and role playing aspects to the Sims 3, which I really am enjoying.  And it doesn't scare me like many of the role playing games do.  :)

Tom Harper completed all the China adventures and was adventuring in France when I installed the latest patch.  France had no custom content so it worked fine but Tom's home base was in Riverview, and he can't go home.  So I created a new adventurer named after me with traits that I would like to have, but don't.  She's brave (I'm a big coward), athletic (I'm lazy), adventuresome (maybe I am that a very little bit), a genius (I'm not one of those either), and a photographer (I can take some okay pictures but don't get the camera out very often).  She does sing very badly though, but not quite as bad as I do.

I was playing the other night and Kathy (aforementioned adventurer) was exploring a tomb.  I saved my game and went to the kitchen to get a baked potato buttered up and ready to eat.  I brought my baked potato backed to the computer and adventurer Kathy decided she was hungry.  Out of everything available to her to eat in her inventory, she chose a potato.  :)  A few minutes later one of my dogs, Ruby, came into my office and laid down behind me to nap.  Adventurer Kathy was excavating a rubble pile and the 2nd thing she found was a ruby.  Pretty funny coincidences for me.  :lol:

My China vacation house is completed and has been 1st tested by Tom, now being tested by Kathy.  Hopefully I'll get it ready to upload to TSR soon.





Yes Margo, I did it again. So I was actually upset with myself and I deleted my last post and I am going to try this again. I even put a sticky note on the bottom of my computer screen to remind myself. I am still getting used to blogging, but so far I like it. Anywho the post that I deleted was about a story idea that I had. I am trying a story about people who are the last humans on earth, I have a million ideas on where I am going to go with it. I also have some other ideas but I am not sure if any of them are going to hash out. Anywho thanks for reading.


Shino KCR table and Oceanview

Please read!!  For those who downloaded my lot 'Oceanview' I wish to apologise for stating that the shinoKCR table was NOT included. It IS included but not in the lot. I must have accidently used the pattern from the table for items in the home and due to this the table itself has also been uploaded. You will find it in your dining table section. I have only just discovered this issue and will test what happens to the patterns in the home when the table is deleted. I will keep you updated with my results.   Thankyou for your patience!  Midnight

New Paintings - Black and White 007 to 012

Here are some more new paintings to follow the 1st 6 Black and White Paintings that are currently pending and hopefully will be approved soon.  :-)


Black and White 007 to 012 Paintings

Someone Special - Part 2 (Out Now)

As the story section is still muddled, I thought I would post the link to Part 2 of my story, Someone Special, if you were interested in checking it out. The link is  :-) Hope you enjoy!


Petit Collection

So, i have submitted the first 4 of my petit collection, the level after trailer life.



1, lots 1,200 - 1,800 simmelons

2, Sheapest bathroom items and a bit better kitchen items. NO washing machine or trach machine, micro or coffe maker.

3, The furnishers are the ones that are from sheapest to expensive, the 2-3 place in order.

4, No pool, playground or expensive lighting in the garden. One car and 2-3 bikes are allowed.

5, The final amont of simmelons furnished, are at most 40,000, over and its the next level.

6, Bedrooms, bed, endtable or coffetable if you prefer to use that, dresser and mirror. A toybox in the childrens room.


This is what i follow when i build the houses in this collection. I hope you and your simmers will enjoy the houses.



Latest Headlines

The Smith Family Stories Finally got TS3!!! So hot here... Sims 3!! :D Deleted World Adventures for... It's poll time! Grounds of Grunge Problem Solved...I think! LOL Sad. 2nd part of 'His Father's Son'... My first day. Creations update - Goosebumps... The Talbot Family What to do... Unity Issue with New House... Paintings and pictures Simple Ponytail Problems Intro Nova New story published So, guess what? Tutorial The Gold Family New Band Shirts Stories of Mara Grimmer #2 Welcome! Apology for my Absence Poll! :D The Verde Family A Crazy Day Chapter 5: The Jade Princess Sarah Daae's Story WA Favorite Expansion Pack Ever Blogging Shino KCR table and Oceanview New Paintings - Black and White... Someone Special - Part 2 (Out Now) Petit Collection
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