Member Blogs

Petit Collection

So, i have submitted the first 4 of my petit collection, the level after trailer life.



1, lots 1,200 - 1,800 simmelons

2, Sheapest bathroom items and a bit better kitchen items. NO washing machine or trach machine, micro or coffe maker.

3, The furnishers are the ones that are from sheapest to expensive, the 2-3 place in order.

4, No pool, playground or expensive lighting in the garden. One car and 2-3 bikes are allowed.

5, The final amont of simmelons furnished, are at most 40,000, over and its the next level.

6, Bedrooms, bed, endtable or coffetable if you prefer to use that, dresser and mirror. A toybox in the childrens room.


This is what i follow when i build the houses in this collection. I hope you and your simmers will enjoy the houses.



The Silver Family - Follow-up

Well, as I said before, Gertrude Silver was seeing a younger man.  Now, this young man, whose original name was Jean-Claude Verde, is her new husband.  He's the same age as her fifth son, Michael Smith, which would make her a cradle robber...or a cougar, if that's the right term.  And in order to emphasize his youth and the fact that he's her boytoy, I plan on changing his current regular outfit--white tank, light green shorts, no shoes--to something either more youthful or more revealing.  In fact, I gave him a particularly revealing set of PJs that I downloaded from TSR:  the green thong. (Actually, dark blue would be better to match his hair and stand out better, but I couldn't find any.)  She, in the meantime, dresses in the light green powersuit/dress from the game and changes into the white nightgown, also from the game.

Hmph.  If I could manage it somehow, I'd probably have made him her kept boy.  I mean I could, but I try not to make too many Sims be stay-at-homes, especially if they're new and especially if there's someone in the family present at all times.  So since Lionel and his wife Michelle are "prime-timers" who are at home and usually awake from before the rest of the family leaves for work to after they start coming back, I'd just as soon have Jean-Claude bringing in a salary.  So, he's in the Business career line.

And really, although the house is more or less set as it is--I don't foresee any major structural changes nor furniture purchases, I don't think--I'd prefer to build up their bank account as much as possible.  Between the five adults (not counting J-C), they bring in 4330 Simoleons a day (I keep them all at level 9 to prevent job-switching), so an additional 950 Simoleons per day would be helpful.  I have some families bringing in almost 7000 Simoleons a day, know?

Whats happen' in my Sims 2 game? *2nd P*

1 / 17 / 2010  11:27 AM


  Whats happening in my game?!

Brandi's little boy, sleeping peacfully, while Brandi.......Gets baby bumps and sleeps! Its going to be a long day with her...But, dont you like her new hairstyle?

Brani's oldest is having fu nwith his red headed girl friend, looking at the clouds pass by. They are so cute together!

Whats the Caliente family doing?!

As you know, im making a story about Don and Dina (The one with the blonde hair??). Its real story, not a legacy! What else am I up to? Mmmm.......Well, I'll edit if Brandi has her baby (If I play their family again today). So, check back later :)


Whats going on in my game? Im back! Its 8:40 PM!

Ugh, I dont what happened, but it not letting me open pictures! Well, the youngest grew up, new hair dos for both, and fresh new clothes. Brandi had a baby boy and named it Simon :)

Fist Blog Post

  1 / 17 / 2010

   Eeeeeeeeeek! Well its my first blog post here, and Im pretty excited. My name on Sims 2 .com is Annette33, and I am the writer of B L I S S. If you read my blog on Sims 2 .com, then you would know what horrible day I've had yesterday. Let me tell you....So, I decided to get the next chapter done on B l i s s, so I went to my Sims 2 game and it was loading...And you know. But then I saw the screen looked ay smaller....Really smaller...Then I went to the nighborhoods....None were there except the ones you get from the packs! I freaked out and reloaded my game....Still nothing. I went to PleasentView....All my CC down the drain. All my famililes, down the drain.....Looks like I wont be getting B l i s s finished this week :( . But anyway....So I downloaded Macey and william's hair back...I still cant find all my pose boxes (I had alot!!) and of course, im on the hunt for CC. But, if you would like to read my blog posts, you can start reading! Going to make another, telling you what is happening on my game!


♥♥♥Notebook23 (Annette 32)♥♥♥

Sunshadow fix for older objects

I've fixed the sunshadows of the Hampton series as well the Ashley stool. If you login to TSR the next time you should get a notification where you can download the updated files. :)

About how to do unnecessary things

While waiting for the glitch about uploading a lot to be solved I thought how much time I needed to fiddle out the sources of my integrated CC. And then I had the idea to start an excel-chart. Oh, that was a really good idea. For the future I will update my datas while downloading an item. It will save me a lot of time and at the same time I'll have a nice survey of my downloads - at least of those I'm considering to be indispensable for (my) building.

I've the creator's name, the item's name, the ID, TSR AA and the link to the single item in this list - and that's really comfortable.

I love TSR says simsjeanie, also known as nitpicker-jeanie ...


edit Jan 18th: Well, sometimes nitpickers were shown to better trust in others ... After having done all that work I discoveres two things:

1rst there is a section under "Downloads" called "Download History" where you can see what you've downloaded - I think I will neverever delete something out of that amazing folder.

2nd It is not only unnecessary to add the IDs of CC by your own - it even won't let you edit your uploaded house to get it propper to the "Pending"-area. You get the error message: <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0cm; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:612.0pt 792.0pt; margin:70.85pt 70.85pt 2.0cm 70.85pt; mso-header-margin:36.0pt; mso-footer-margin:36.0pt; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} -->

"Zend_Db_Statement_Exception SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '945045-942677' for key 'PRIMARY'" (the numbers were the IDs I added by hand)

The system does show the used CC by its own.

So you may call me now your blockheaded simsjeanie ...

My last two lots: an oops and an apology

My apologies to anyone who has downloaded my last two lots (Summer Retreat and CedarCreek Vineyard) and found empty photo frames :(. 

I tested the house in the neighbourhood in which it was created and it worked perfectly. But silly me didn't think to test it in a clean neighbourhood. Tonight I have and I discovered the ooops - unlike paintings, photos do not seem to survive being packaged as part of a lot. If your sim views them, you still get the pop-up showing the title and such, but there is no image.

It is a real pity, because I had set up some fantastic pics.


PS - if anyone knows a way around this issue, I'd love to hear it!



I am so happy tonight, a few minutes ago I actually got up and danced around my office. I got one apartment building approved. I have no idea when it will be available for download but for now just being approved is good enough for me. 

Trying to upload a house

Yes, I did it!The last two days I was fiddling around with Iris' Cottage - and I have to say: I've never thought that would be such hard work! When I bulld houses for my sims I build them and have a lot of fun. Then they move in and while playing I reorganize and change things. But now I had to save and have my poor Penelope move in and move in and once more. The badest things are the in-game-screenshots. O-o-o ... I don't know if it's my mouse or just my lack of knowledge - I zoom and turn and when I think: ok, now the c-key the screen begins to dance and I'm everwhere but there where I intended to be. I allways enjoyed the nice screenshots I can see here at TSR but I never imagined how delicate the game behaves.

And in the end I failed to upload. Now I have an upload in my upload-bucket that I can't edit and save. I'm dithering if that will tell me to get my hands from things that I should better leave to people who know what they are doing.

But now I'm straight going to nappypoohland. Tomorrow there will be another day.

My first post - the Silver Family

Never done this before, so bear with me.

One of my many Sim familes, the Silver family, has a story right out of a soap opera.  First, Grant and Gertrude are both Senators.  Grant, who felt that his sons (all six of them) should enlist, disowned his fifth son because Michael refused.  Michael changed his name to Smith and became an Exorcist.  The oldest son, Warren, was also disowned after he quit the military and went into law enforcement, becoming a Police Chief.  He married into the Gold family, which extends into several of the other families in Old Town.  The youngest son, Casper, was disowned after he was caught fraternizing with another man and was forced to resign from the military.  Casper moved in with Michael and his family, and his boyfriend soon followed.  Now Casper and his partner are Rock Stars.

Of the other three sons, Lionel and Harrison, the second and fourth, carried on their own secret relationship under their father's nose.  Meanwhile, third son Jason used the military as a cover and instead became a Smuggler.  His wife, Wanda, gave him two girls, Kendra and Irene.  Harrison later became a Theorist, albeit with his father's approval.  At the time, though, Grant was carrying on an affair with a National News Anchor, Gayle Steele, and soon left the family to be with her.  Shortly thereafter, Harrison caught Lionel fooling around with a woman named Michelle.  Hurt and upset, he moved out, finding solace with Stanford Talbot, whose younger brother Ned happened to be Harrison's youngest brother Casper's boyfriend.  Now Harrison lives with Stanford and his family.

With Grant gone and her family fractured by broken dreams, Gertrude decided there was no reason to force Lionel and Jason to remain in the military if they didn't want to.   Jason ostensibly remained, to maintain his cover for his true profession.  Lionel, however, left the military to pursue his own dream, that of becoming a Rock Star.  His new wife, Michelle, has established herself as a Celebrity Chef, and Wanda--tired of her criminal lifestyle with Jason--switched to the sciences and plans to be a Theorist someday.

With their father out of the picture, Michael, Casper, and Warren are willing to reconcile with their family.  However, none of the six sons has any intention of forgiving their father.  They have no problem with his new wife, however, since they know that she might someday be the mother of their half-brother or half-sister.  Recently, Gertrude has begun seeing a young man--younger than her two oldest sons--who belongs to another local family.  Whether they get married or not remains to be seen.

So, a soap opera, yes?  Believe me, all the rest of my families have their own convoluted stories!

What a day!

Well today I discovered my internet connection had gone down after all the work of writing Cornelia's Wish III.  So the entire story didn't get saved.  Just one of those days I guess.  Time to start all over again.  Sheesh!

Love is Red

I have a new serie for Valentine's Day. LOVE is RED. First part is Red Line Dining Set.

More Coming Soon!

I just started creating objects for The Sims Resource. And I love it. Everybody likes my first creation. But I am making more. I submitted my second creation just 1 day ago. Tomorrow (Sunday) it will be online (I hope :P).

I am also making my first set. a kitchen set. Inspired by my hairdresser. I saw some cabinets and I thought. What if I make them into a kitchen. We I got home. I started directly with meshing. I want to submit it by the end of the week.

Maybe I will submit some new creations today. More IKEA :P.

Thanks everyone for the good comments I got on my first creation!

Sorry if I made some mistakes in this blog. I'm Dutch. And I'm still studying my English.

Hint: Ik wil een Apple maken :P


'practically edible'

Busy in the Kitchen

I have almost completed my next set The Aveline Kitchen so far there are 19 new meshes and a couple more to go....

Fire & Lipstick.

Hei guys.I upload the first part from "Fire & Lipstick" story.Please read it and comment. :)

Love ya!

Mini site updated

I created new mini-site design (now in more bright colours-green, blue, grey and white). What do you think about it?:)

Sims are educating me ...

So, done! When I look back I was the greatest anti-pc-person of the world! "Oh no, I can't do that! Oh no, it's much to difficult! Oh no, I'll leave that to the younger ones!" It was hard work for my husband to snatch my old typewriter from me and have me sitting instead in front of a pc. "You can't do anything wrong with it - it's absolutely foolproof", he told me. Oh - did he know me for years? I managed to get comments on my screen he'd never seen before. "How did you do that?", he gasped more than one time.

But after a while I could proudly present my pc-written things and was able to start the pc, write, save and switch off. I was rather glad with that pc-think you can imagine, but I thought that was enough for me. Later I learned a lot about layout an such things. That was another theme.

Then my daughters came and brought sims to me. "Mum, you have to play. You will love it!" I didn't want to - but they were right. I enjoyed it, I loved, I got addicted to my sims. And so I learned a lot. Credit to EA that I learned things about how to edit registries and other stuff like that, because my sims broke my pc more than once, they didn't want to deinstall correctly, refused to install, caused several crashes and I had to try everything - because I wanted to play. When sims 2 came up, they crashed the heart of my pc and he needed a heart-transplantation ... oh!

And today - only because I wanted to post in the "Showroom" - I learned how to use photobucket. For years my children tell me: "Go to Photobucket and we all can watch your pictures whereever we are!" I didn't manage that photo-thing. But today, after hours of trial and error - for sure the best method to learn! - I managed not only to get photos in there but also to create a slideshow. I'm proud on me! *claponmyshoulder*

So thanks to my sims and the wonderful TRS - I've learned again something I've never had learned without the sims ...

PS: Perhaps I even learn to talk English in a way others will understand what I want to say ...


New story & new poll!

Hey Simmers, part 1 of my new story has been published. It's called The Drifter and I hope you enjoy it. Thank you to those of you who have already read, rated & commented on it! Of course I will thank you personally as well.                                      My new poll is in regards to the Twilight Saga. Everybody is able to vote on this one, so go on and collect some kudo's for the day. Below are the results from my last poll. Also I created my second Sims 3 lot back in December, called The Sea View. If you haven't checked it out then please do so. It's perfect for a sim family!

Happy Simming & happy Friday! ;)

 Old Poll Results: Question: After you have downloaded an item or items do you 'Thank the artist'?

Yes      35.71%
No        1.43%
Always!      47.14%
Often      22.86%
Rarely        2.86%
Never             0%
Opps, sometimes I forget      12.86%
Where do I 'Thank the artist'?                0%

Poll Results

Thank you to everyone who participated in my recent poll. It was interesting to see which of my stories were favoured more than the others though a majority of voters couldn't choose! :-) I'm glad to see that either way, my stories have been enjoyed and that's all I could ask for. The results are as follows:


A Message from an Angel 10.17% (6)
Learning to Love 8.47% (5)
A Lifetime of Memories 1.69% (1)
A Night to Remember 8.47% (5)
My Own...  33.9% (20)
Don't make me choose! 37.29%(22)

Long time no post...

Hi soo sorry you guys ive been really out of here.

I promise i will try and upload something soon. College is taking a lot of my time, im having exams right now but as soon as i can i will start to work on some sims for you :D.

I thinking about gossip girl cast (Blake, Leighton, ,Penn, Chase, Taylor, Ed and Jessica) i really like the show so, but dont know yet. Maybe Megan Fox and Shia Labeouf just saw transformers for the first time, I know I know... How had i not seen that? I meen Megan Fox? Right? lol I may do a new version of Rachel Bilson just saw her on How i Met Your Mother, I really like her. Im all over the place lol. I got ideas we will see how it works...

Let me know if you liked any of the ideas i talked about...

Thank you so much for all of your lovely comments and feedback on my sims and work :)

New House

Hey everyone, it's been a really long time since I've built and submitted any new Lots or Sims so that's what I'm doing now. I'm building a new house for everyone to enjoy. Before I started this one, I was working on another house but something went wrong and I had to delete it :( and that really sucked because it took me weeks to build and decorate it and so this new house should be submitted within the next few days. I hope anyways.... lol. I'm also going go make a few more new Sims for you all to enjoy as well. I do own both TS3 and WA, and pretty much everything in TS3 Store so I'll most likely be using those items in my house. I hope you all enjoy my creations and happy Simming! <3



Don't forget to post any comments or suggestions on my creations. I love getting feedback and finding new ways to improve my work. :)


Collections feature in The Sims 3, please

Everytime I play the sims 3 or build anything in the sims 3, do you know what I miss from the sims 2? The collections feature. If I wanted a modern home I could just go to the "modern" collections folder and select stuff from there. Now I have to look through every single one of all items to find a modern one.

This annoys me. ALOT. I hope that EA some day makes a new patch or something where that feature is included. It couldn't be that hard to fix, is it?

Enabling Comments

Yes, I really have no idea what I am doing. No I am not making fun of myself it is true. Did I mention that besides just having learned how to use bodyshop I also have never kept a blog before. So I did not know that in order for someone to reply to one of my blogs I first had to "Enable comments". Thank you Margo for telling me that, if you had not I would have gone on forever in the dark. 

Sims Life

"Love means never having to say you're sorry" in a Sims Life


 [email protected]

 Thanks for all the lovely comments. This Link isn't mine but it's somebody's who I think you should visit:


xxxxxxxxxxx (Lots of them)



Hi you guys can find me on Twitter: and on TS3 site and at Youtube!! Me and my cuz, Bridget made one. It is (The link) It is under my Bridget's name and I have a few videos from myself and my friend Bridget. One of my favorites is "She Wolf". Subscribe and watch! Thanks.



Polls and Utube

Hopefully I'm going to make a youtube account and make u all a fine video. also i will TRY to make a poll. thank u all 4 waiting! :)

Back to sims 3

I had to unload WA because I couldn't create beautiful people without CC. So I am back to creating people and enjoying it the only bad thing is coming up with new names. I am stil striving to become a Featured Artist. Thank you to everyone who downloads my Simmy's and leave wonderful comments

Addicted to old houses

I love the Sims since I met them the very first time, three sims-ages ago in the age of The Sims One.

But for me the most awesome thing is to help young Sims to get in their first home andI don't mind at all to act as their real-estate agent, eyes and ears allways wide open to catch nice opportunities.

Old houses are small, mostly without a floorplan, because they grew with their inhabitants. The grandson built a dormer in the attic, because he thought, his children shouldn't share the bedroom with him and his wife. Two generations later, Simmies thought it to be nice not to have to walk to the little cabin at the end of the garden, through dark stormy and rainy nights, and had just glued an appendix to their house where you could sit down and relax without leaving the house. And their children were exalted, when they sat down on their very first watercloset.

Some homes were cared for through the centuries, they got central heating and warmwater-pipes. Some houses were spoiled, they were robbed of their lovely wooden windows and door, because they needed more care than plastic and weren't "modern" enough. Or so their owners thought ...

And then we have those houses that stayed. Often rather lonely, because three generations ago young people wanted to move to town and the old ones were to tired to do the old beauties up. Then they died and no one wanted to move in these old houses, far away from the jobs from the world. And the houses were mourning. Don't lough! I'm not only sure - I know it: houses have a soul!

And here am I: I find them! I release them from loneliness! I drive around, get off my car and look through the trees and the shrubbery. And upto now I allways found the right people for these very special houses. My clients are often tired of modern life, high dotated doctors, lawers, politicians that know: when they continue, they won't live much longer.

I bring them to the houses let them get familiar with them ... With the car it's no great act anymore to meet friends or get to the office. But more often than you think, the new inhabitants slow down. They discover the happiness of gardening on a sunny afternoon, fishing in the moonlight and cooking their own meals instead of lunching at the Diner next to their office. And very often they discover their creative potential, too. They begin writing books or painting - and they are successful!

You tell me, I'm living in another world? Me? But no! Im living in Riverview I'm still successful in finding hidden treasures.

Few days ago I located a small former farmhouse - Rose Cottage. Have two pictures in my display window. Have a look! And contact me ... But don't hesitate to long, Penelope, my dear friend is almost determined to move in ...

Someone Special - Part 1 (Out now)

Hi all,

As everyone is probably aware, the story section is a little muddled. My new story, Someone Special, is out now and if you need the link, it's here -



My next project

I know i promissed that my houses in my next project would cost between 15 - 20000 simmelons, but, that was kind of hard to do. First of all, there are no space with only 1800 simmelons lots, so i have to use the ones for 2400 simmelons to. So, the new price tag runs from 30- 40000 simmelons. They are suposed to be averege houses for thoose who has passed the trailer life. But still, there are no out of the ordenary items in the lots, shaep tv, stereo, computer and bathrooms. Even the kitchen is some shaep. But there are some more space, rooms and even second floor at some of them. The collors are nicer, cuse they look clean.

I dont know how long this will take, cuse i know i will be building other houses in between, or i get bored. So there are stil some modern, dollhouse and so on, on the way ^^ As said before, some of them will be subscribers only, cuse i want to be able to use all the awsome items i have downloaded from other artist in here.

Now when i am in here writing, i want to take a moment to thank all the people who has downloaded my lots, i am so happy that there are some that like what i do. Proude of being bookmarked as an artist, cuse i dont see my self as one and i did not expect that to happen. I only build houses, i am not making any items from scrach, like windows, flowers and so on. So, thanks for that, and the lovely comments i get. It makes me want to keep on building. Perhaps thats why i always commenting and thanking for every little item i download, cuse i know how much proud and how happy the person will be for it.

Well, nothing more to say for now ^^ Have a good day and thanks for reading my blog :D

Upcoming lot

I just submitted a lot. It's kind of a cottage, kind of not. I don't really know because I don't know the definition of a cottage... It's for The Sims 3.




Tell me what you think about it!

Simple Ponytail

Hi everyone! I've started work on my second Sims 3 hair mesh, and I really like the way it's coming out so far!  It's just a simple ponytail with bangs, nothing too extravagent this time. I do have it in game and working, but it has a few glitches and some mesh oddities that I need to fix. I'll come back and show some pictures of it actually in game once I get it somewhat decent looking!

Still Waiting

I uploaded my first submission over the weekend and I am still waiting to hear anything. THE WAITING IS KILLING ME. I know I am new to this but does it usually take this long?

Starting To Create for III

The Sims 3, sounds challenging, ive been retired from creating objects and clothings for a quite time now, but this III just make me want to go back and build more stuffs, this new contents and tricks are hard, but thanks to the community and the TSR Program. i can go back and start creating some stuffs on my way.

Latis Livingroom

Next, after the Latis Bathroom and diningroom, comes my Latis Livingroom.

This also still is a work in progress, so the picture you see here is not the finished room...


As you can see I'm still going on about the snow..... it is one of the things affecting my everyday life at the moment...I'm totally snowed in again...luckily, it's a small town and all the shop keepers live locally, so by and large every shop is open...


  as you can see the main roads through the town are pretty I'm stuck at home again today :-( ...well, I shall be on here, and playing sims, building again I should think...hopefully I will be able to get to work tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great day...and Stay Safe!

New Lot: CedarCreek Vineyard

I am just loving World Adventures (well, when it's working) and am having a lot of fun making nectar. Which got me to thinking . . . we can now create a fully-functioning vineyard for our sims to live in! So over the past week I have been painstakingly designing, creating and decorating a lot for your sims to live in that includes a cosy country home, nectary, and vineyard. It's almost finished, I just need to make a few tweaks, but I thought I would share some screenshots of it with you.

The screenies can be found in my gallery and I'm hoping to upload the lot on the weekend.

If you have any suggestions for something you think might improve the lot, I'd love to hear about it.



Single story single bedroom. This modern home is perfect for your bachelor/ette. Will be available 15/1 Check it out in my Upcoming pod.  For some reason Shino&KCR's dining table is showing as part of the upload ... it is NOT included. All comments welcome!

Latest Headlines

Petit Collection The Silver Family - Follow-up Whats happen' in my Sims 2 game?... Fist Blog Post Sunshadow fix for older objects About how to do unnecessary things My last two lots: an oops and an... Approved Trying to upload a house My first post - the Silver Family What a day! Love is Red More Coming Soon! Practically Busy in the Kitchen Fire & Lipstick. Mini site updated Sims are educating me ... New story & new poll! Poll Results Long time no post... New House Collections feature in The Sims... Enabling Comments Sims Life LINKS!!!!! Hi Polls and Utube Back to sims 3 Addicted to old houses Someone Special - Part 1 (Out now) My next project Upcoming lot Simple Ponytail Still Waiting Starting To Create for III Latis Livingroom As you can see I'm still going... New Lot: CedarCreek Vineyard Oceanview
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    By Artist Name
    Published November 15, 2022 •
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